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  • SystemC的函式库总整理


    标签: SystemC

    上传时间: 2015-06-13


  • bayeserr - Computes the Bayesian risk for optimal classifier. % bayescln - Classifier based on Baye

    bayeserr - Computes the Bayesian risk for optimal classifier. % bayescln - Classifier based on Bayes decision rule for Gaussians. % bayesnd - Discrim. function, dichotomy, max aposteriori probability. % bhattach - Bhattacharya s upper limit of mean class. error. % pbayescln - Plots discriminat function of Bayes classifier.

    标签: Classifier classifier bayeserr Computes

    上传时间: 2015-06-14


  • The JICQ is the bureau area which JAVA writes according to "Customer s Machine/Server"(C/S) mode mes

    The JICQ is the bureau area which JAVA writes according to "Customer s Machine/Server"(C/S) mode message solid hour correspond by letter tool system, the system adopted the SQL Server2000 of Microsoft company as a backstage database, the system passes a JDBC interview database. The system is divided into the server procedure and customer s procedure two parts, server and customer adoption "Transmission Control Protocol"(TCP), connect a word (Socket) conjunction through a set, the adoption "User Datagram Protocol "(UDP) of the customer s, pass a data report a set to connect a word (DatagramSocket) establishment a conjunction. The system has customer registration, customer to register, increase good friend, delete good friend and send out and receive news etc. function.

    标签: according Customer Machine Server

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • 这是一个字母或数制之间的转化程序

    这是一个字母或数制之间的转化程序,5为主模块,调用模块1和模块7 模块1又调用模块2、3、4和6四个模块,其中:   模块2实现小写字母向大写字母的转换 模块3实现大写字母向小写字母的转换 模块4实现二进制数向十六进制数的转换 模块6实现十六进制数向二进制数的转换 模块7实现十六进制数向十进制数的转换 按“q”键退出。 使用时,需将7个文件分别汇编,连接的方法为: 5+1+2+3+4+6+7 生成可执行文件“5” 即可运行。

    标签: 字母 数制 转化 程序

    上传时间: 2015-06-14


  • annie is an ANN, ie, Artificial Neural Network library developed in C++. It can be used to implement

    annie is an ANN, ie, Artificial Neural Network library developed in C++. It can be used to implement various kinds of neural networks like Multi-Layer Perceptron, Radial basis function networks, Hopfield networks etc.

    标签: Artificial developed implement Network

    上传时间: 2014-08-17


  • 本动画先显示一些提示信息

    本动画先显示一些提示信息,然后按任意键进入,只见一个方框向中 间由大变小,并留下痕迹,然后出现一个心,按空格重复出现心,按其他 键将重复,按Q键退出程序,。

    标签: 动画

    上传时间: 2015-06-18


  • 这是一个学生成绩管理系统

    这是一个学生成绩管理系统,其中“I”表示插入,“L”表示浏览,“Q”表示查询, “E”表示退出,“D”表示删除,“M”表示修改,"c"表示统计各分数段人数,"p"表示打印.

    标签: 管理系统

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • 设计要求:编写程序实现利用定时器演奏乐曲。本程序通过调用通用GENSOUND程序发出各种声音演奏乐曲。选择p播放音乐“太湖船”


    标签: GENSOUND 程序 编写 定时器

    上传时间: 2015-06-22


  • Rotating shafts experience a an elliptical motion called whirl. It is important to decompose this mo

    Rotating shafts experience a an elliptical motion called whirl. It is important to decompose this motion into a forward and backward whil orbits. The current function makes use of two sensors to generate a bi-directional spectrogram. The method can be extended to any time-frequency distribution % % compute the forward/backward Campbell/specgtrogram % % INPUT: % y (n x 2) each column is measured from a different sensor % /////// % __ % |s1| y(:,1) % |__| % __ % / \ ________|/ % | | | s2 |/ y(:,2) % \____/ --------|/ % % Fs Sampling frequnecy % % OUTPUT: % B spectrogram/Campbel diagram % x x-axis coordinate vector (time or Speed) % y y-axis coordinate vector (frequency [Hz])

    标签: experience elliptical decompose important

    上传时间: 2015-06-23


  • 人民币大写金额转换程序(修正版v0.0.3) =================================== 1.使用方法: ------------- 将Cash_RMB.dcu

    人民币大写金额转换程序(修正版v0.0.3) =================================== 1.使用方法: ------------- 将Cash_RMB.dcu放入Delphi安装目录下的Lib中,在uses中加入Cash_RMB, 即可引用CashRMB方法. function CashRMB(CashAmount: Double): String 如: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) begin QRLabel1.Caption := CashRMB(Table1.FieldByName( 金额 ).AsFloat) end 结果将传回人民币金额大写字符串. 如果 CashAmount = 0 或数值溢出(超出万亿位),结果返回空串. 2.说明: -------- A.本转换程序最大程度只支持到万亿元(位)的金额数值转换操作.如果你的 转换数值超出此极限,你可以在调用前先行判断数据的合法性,如果没有作预 先判断,转换过程中将引发本单元中自带的错误处理例程. b.该转换结果符合标准金额大写书写格式,零角零分等字样不存在于最终的 转换结果中. c.本转换程序自带数据溢出等数据非法及转换错误等处理例程. d.本程序适用于32位的Delphi版本.

    标签: Cash_RMB dcu 转换 程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-31
