QuartusII中利用免费IP核的设计 作者:雷达室 以设计双端口RAM为例说明。 Step1:打开QuartusII,选择File—New Project Wizard,创建新工程,出现图示对话框,点击Next;
上传时间: 2013-10-18
Nios II软件构建工具入门 The Nios® II Software Build Tools (SBT) allows you to construct a wide variety of complex embedded software systems using a command-line interface. From this interface, you can execute Software Built Tools command utilities, and use scripts other tools) to combine the command utilities in many useful ways. This chapter introduces you to project creation with the SBT at the command line This chapter includes the following sections: ■ “Advantages of Command-Line Software Development” ■ “Outline of the Nios II SBT Command-Line Interface” ■ “Getting Started in the SBT Command Line” ■ “Software Build Tools Scripting Basics” on page 3–8
上传时间: 2013-11-15
This document was developed under the Standard Hardware and Reliability Program (SHARP) TechnologyIndependent Representation of Electronic Products (TIREP) project. It is intended for use by VHSIC HardwareDescription Language (VHDL) design engineers and is offered as guidance for the development of VHDL modelswhich are compliant with the VHDL Data Item Description (DID DI-EGDS-80811) and which can be providedto manufacturing engineering personnel for the development of production data and the subsequent productionof hardware. Most VHDL modeling performed to date has been concentrated at either the component level orat the conceptual system level. The assembly and sub-assembly levels have been largely disregarded. Under theSHARP TIREP project, an attempt has been made to help close this gap. The TIREP models are based upon lowcomplexity Standard Electronic Modules (SEM) of the format A configuration. Although these modules are quitesimple, it is felt that the lessons learned offer guidance which can readily be applied to a wide range of assemblytypes and complexities.
上传时间: 2013-11-20
工作环境设置及软件安装这章介绍工作环境的设置及软件安装方面知识。为什么要进行工作环境设置呢?因为现在的PCB 工程师要设计的文件很多。文件多了如果不进行管理就会很混乱,导致以后的维护十分困难。所以要从刚开始学习的时候养成一个好的操作习惯,这是很有必要的。2.1 建立自己的工作目录在电脑的桌面上打开我的电脑,在我的电脑中打开D盘。在D 盘中建立三个文件夹。分别为“D:\EDA”“D:\EDA_LIB”“D:\EDA_PROJECT 三个文件夹”。如下图所示:图2-1-1 “建立工作目录”建立好三个文件夹后,在这三个文件夹中分别另建立一个新文夹,并命名为Protel99se。三个文件夹的作用分别是:EDA文件夹是用来存放安装文件;EDA—LIB 文件夹是用来存放元件库。EDA—PROJECT 文件夹是用来存放设计数据。2.2 对Protel 99se 进行安装设置好工作目录后,就可以对软件进行安装。图2-1-2就是Protel 99se的安装程序。其中“Protel99SP6”是升级补丁,“Protel99 汉化”是汉化文件。(1)双击Setup 安装图标对软件进行安装。
上传时间: 2013-10-31
Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei ZhangThesis submitted to the Faculty of theVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei Zhang(ABSTRACT)This work presents the modeling and analysis of EMI and thermal performancefor switch power supply by using the CAD tools. The methodology and design guidelinesare developed.By using a boost PFC circuit as an example, an equivalent circuit model is builtfor EMI noise prediction and analysis. The parasitic elements of circuit layout andcomponents are extracted analytically or by using CAD tools. Based on the model, circuitlayout and magnetic component design are modified to minimize circuit EMI. EMI filtercan be designed at an early stage without prototype implementation.In the second part, thermal analyses are conducted for the circuit by using thesoftware Flotherm, which includes the mechanism of conduction, convection andradiation. Thermal models are built for the components. Thermal performance of thecircuit and the temperature profile of components are predicted. Improved thermalmanagement and winding arrangement are investigated to reduce temperature.In the third part, several circuit layouts and inductor design examples are checkedfrom both the EMI and thermal point of view. Insightful information is obtained.
上传时间: 2013-11-16
ADAM-5510KW中FPID/PID功能块之实现及应用一、 ADAM-5510KW实现PID控制的方法1、ADAM-5510KW可以使用Multiprog软件提供的FPID和PID功能块来实现PID控制。2、ADAM-5510KW对可以使用的PID控制回路并无限制,实际上,取决于Scan Rate,ScanRate越低,则允许的PID回路越多。3、在实际应用中,流量、液位、压力、温度等等对象都可以进行控制。对于流量、液位、压力等等参数可以用传感器或变送器转换为电压/电流信号接入模拟量输入模块ADAM-5017进行采集;对于温度可以用热电偶模块ADAM-5018或热电阻模块ADAM-5013进行采集;输出的执行机构例如调节阀、风扇等等可由模拟量输出模块ADAM-5024进行控制。二、 ADAM-5510KW中如何调用FPID/PID功能块1、FPID功能块在ProconOS.fwl库中,先将库添加进Project中。
上传时间: 2013-10-12
Ebase实时数据库系统(Ebase Real-time Database Management System,简称EBase实时数据库)是上海谷益科技有限公司推出的具有自主知识产权的实时数据库管理系统及套件产品。 实时数据库系统理论在新领域的扩展,在电力、钢铁、化工、造纸领域有着广阔的应用前景,可以为企业提供高速、实时数据服务,能够对快速变化的数据进行长期保存,是工厂控制层与生产管理系统之间连接桥梁,同时也是先进控制,在线优化、故障诊断的数据平台
上传时间: 2013-10-08
已通过CE认证。(为什么要选择经过CE认证的编程器?) 程速度无与伦比,逼近芯片理论极限。 基本配置48脚流行驱动电路。所选购的适配器都是通用的(插在DIP48锁紧座上),即支持同封装所有类型器件,48脚及以下DIP器件无需适配器直接支持。通用适配器保证快速新器件支持。I/O电平由DAC控制,直接支持低达1.5V的低压器件。 更先进的波形驱动电路极大抑制工作噪声,配合IC厂家认证的算法,无论是低电压器件、二手器件还是低品质器件均能保证极高的编程良品率。编程结果可选择高低双电压校验,保证结果持久稳固。 支持FLASH、EPROM、EEPROM、MCU、PLD等器件。支持新器件仅需升级软件(免费)。可测试SRAM、标准TTL/COMS电路,并能自动判断型号。 自动检测芯片错插和管脚接触不良,避免损坏器件。 完善的过流保护功能,避免损坏编程器。 逻辑测试功能。可测试和自动识别标准TTL/CMOS逻辑电路和用户自定义测试向量的非标准逻辑电路。 丰富的软件功能简化操作,提高效率,避免出错,对用户关怀备至。工程(Project)将用户关于对象器件的各种操作、设置,包括器件型号设定、烧写文件的调入、配置位的设定、批处理命令等保存在工程文件中,每次运行时一步进入写片操作。器件型号选择和文件载入均有历史(History)记录,方便再次选择。批处理(Auto)命令允许用户将擦除、查空、编程、校验、加密等常用命令序列随心所欲地组织成一步完成的单一命令。量产模式下一旦芯片正确插入CPU即自动启动批处理命令,无须人工按键。自动序列号功能按用户要求自动生成并写入序列号。借助于开放的API用户可以在线动态修改数据BUFFER,使每片芯片内容均不同。器件型号选错,软件按照实际读出的ID提示相近的候选型号。自动识别文件格式, 自动提示文件地址溢出。 软件支持WINDOWS98/ME/NT/2000/XP操作系统(中英文)。 器件型号 编程(秒) 校验(秒) P+V (s) Type 28F320W18 9 4.5 13.5 32Mb FLASH 28F640W30 18 9 27 64Mb FLASH AM29DL640E 38.3 10.6 48.9 64Mb FLASH MB84VD21182DA 9.6 2.9 12.5 16Mb FLASH MB84VD23280FA 38.3 10.6 48.9 64Mb FLASH LRS1381 13.3 4.6 19.9 32Mb FLASH M36W432TG 11.8 4.6 16.4 32Mb FLASH MBM29DL323TE 17.5 5.5 23.3 32Mb FLASH AT89C55WD 2.1 1 3.1 20KB MCU P89C51RD2B 4.6 0.9 5.5 64KB MCU
上传时间: 2013-11-21
Giga Crime Fighting Mecha Gelato-Bots: The Supreme Icecream-Tron Revolution 8,000,000. A top-down adventure game with three themes; mecha, anime and icecream. This project hopes to evolve with action/rpg/multiplayer elements like classic console games.
标签: Icecream-Tron Gelato-Bots Revolution 000
上传时间: 2013-12-18
software management\Software Develop Guide
标签: managementSoftware software Develop Guide
上传时间: 2014-01-24