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  • This algorithm was developed by professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT and can be found presented in seve

    This algorithm was developed by professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT and can be found presented in several languages. What I provide to you here is a C++ derivative of the original C implementation of professor Rivets. The library code itself is platform-independant and has been tested in Redhat Linux. I ve included the sample code and makefile that I used for the Linux test. The demo, however, was written with Visual C++ 6 on a Windows 2000 platform.

    标签: L. professor algorithm developed

    上传时间: 2014-12-21


  • this ppt is about wide band net and ip net .it comes from a professor of njupt.

    this ppt is about wide band net and ip net .it comes from a professor of njupt.

    标签: net professor about comes

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • Rice University的Robin C. Sickles professor开发的专门用于paneldata model test and estimation 的program

    Rice University的Robin C. Sickles professor开发的专门用于paneldata model test and estimation 的program

    标签: C. University estimation professor

    上传时间: 2016-12-24


  • Maya Calendar During his last sabbatical, professor M. A. Ya made a surprising discovery about the

    Maya Calendar During his last sabbatical, professor M. A. Ya made a surprising discovery about the old Maya calendar. From an old knotted message, professor discovered that the Maya civilization used a 365 day long year, called Haab, which had 19 months. Each of the first 18 months was 20 days long, and the names of the months were pop, no, zip, zotz, tzec, xul, yoxkin, mol, chen, yax, zac, ceh, mac, kankin, muan, pax, koyab, cumhu. Instead of having names, the days of the months were denoted by numbers starting from 0 to 19. The last month of Haab was called uayet and had 5 days denoted by numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. The Maya believed that this month was unlucky, the court of justice was not in session, the trade stopped, people did not even sweep the floor.

    标签: A. M. sabbatical surprising

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • Power electronic control in electrical system. professor TJE Miller

    Power electronic control in electrical system. professor TJE Miller

    标签: electronic electrical professor control

    上传时间: 2017-08-13


  • This book is an essential for digital design,written by professor walkerely.It has been a reference

    This book is an essential for digital design,written by professor walkerely.It has been a reference for many generations of developers

    标签: essential professor walkerely reference

    上传时间: 2017-08-15


  • MOTOROLA 8位增强型单片机M68HC11原理与应用

    本书分三部分介绍在美国广泛应用的、高功能的M68HC11系列单片机(8位机 ,Motorola公司)。内容包括M68HC11的结构与其基本原理、开发工具EVB(性能评估板)以及开发和应用技术。本书在介绍单片机硬、软件的基础上,进一步介绍了在美国实验室内,如何应用PC机及EVB来进行开发工作。通过本书的介绍,读者可了解这种单片机的原理并学会开发和应用方法。本书可作为大专院校单片机及其实验的教材(本科、短训班)。亦可供开发、应用单片机的各专业(计算机、机电、化工、纺织、冶金、自控、航空、航海……)有关技术人员参考。 第一部分 M68HC11 结构与原理Motorola单片机 1 Motorla单片机 1.1 概述 1.1.1 Motorola 单片机发展概况(3) 1.1.2 Motorola 单片机结构特点(4) 1.2 M68HC11系列单片机(5) 1.2.1 M68HC11产品系列(5) 1.2.2 MC68HC11E9特性(6) 1.2.3 MC68HC11E9单片机引脚说明(8) 1.3 Motorola 32位单片机(14) 1.3.1中央处理器(CPU32)(15) 1.3.2 定时处理器(TPU)(16) 1.3.3 串行队列模块(QSM)(16) 1.3.4 系统集成模块 (SIM)(16) 1.3.5 RAM(17) 2 系统配置与工作方式 2.1 系统配置(19) 2.1.1 配置寄存器CONFIG(19) 2.1.2 CONFIG寄存器的编程与擦除(20) 2?2 工作方式选择(21) 2.3 M68HC11的工作方式(23) 2.3.1 普通单片工作方式(23) 2.3.2 普通扩展工作方式(23) 2.3.3 特殊自举方式(27) 2.3.4 特殊测试方式(28) 3 中央处理器(CPU)与片上存储器 3.1 CPU寄存器(31) 3?1?1 累加器A、B和双累加器D(32) 3.1.2 变址寄存器X、Y(32) 3.1.3 栈指针SP(32) 3.1.4 程序计数器PC(33) 3.1.5 条件码寄存器CCR(33) 3.2 片上存储器(34) 3.2.1 存储器分布(34) 3.2.2 RAM和INIT寄存器(35) 3.2.3 ROM(37) 3.2.4 EEPROM(37) 3.3 M68HC11 CPU的低功耗方式(39) 3.3.1 WAIT方式(39) 3.3.2 STOP方式(40) 4 复位和中断 4.1 复位(41) 4.1.1 M68HC11的系统初始化条件(41) 4.1.2 复位形式(43) 4.2 中断(48) 4.2.1 条件码寄存器CCR中的中断屏蔽位(48) 4.2.2 中断优先级与中断矢量(49) 4.2.3 非屏蔽中断(52) 4.2.4 实时中断(53) 4.2.5 中断处理过程(56) 5 M68HC11指令系统 5.1 M68HC11寻址方式(59) 5.1.1 立即寻址(IMM)(59) 5.1.2 扩展寻址(EXT)(60) 5.1.3 直接寻址(DIR)(60) 5.1.4 变址寻址(INDX、INDY)(61) 5.1.5 固有寻址(INH)(62) 5.1.6 相对寻址(REL)(62) 5.1.7 前置字节(63) 5.2 M68HC11指令系统(63) 5.2.1 累加器和存储器指令(63) 5.2.2 栈和变址寄存器指令(68) 5.2.3 条件码寄存器指令(69) 5.2.4 程序控制指令(70) 6 输入与输出 6.1 概述(73) 6.2 并行I/O口(74) 6.2.1 并行I/O寄存器(74) 6.2.2 应答I/O子系统(76) 6?3 串行通信接口SCI(82) 6.3.1 基本特性(83) 6.3.2 数据格式(83) 6.3.3 SCI硬件结构(84) 6.3.4 SCI寄存器(86) 6.4 串行外围接口SPI(92) 6.4.1 SPI特性(92) 6.4.2 SPI引脚信号(92) 6.4.3 SPI结构(93) 6.4.4 SPI寄存器(95) 6.4.5 SPI系统与外部设备进行串行数据传输(99) 7 定时器系统与脉冲累加器 7.1 概述(105) 7.2 循环计数器(107) 7.2.1 时钟分频器(107) 7.2.2 计算机正常工作监视功能(110) 7.2.3 定时器标志的清除(110) 7.3 输入捕捉功能(111) 7.3.1 概述(111) 7.3.2 定时器输入捕捉锁存器(TIC1、TIC2、TIC3) 7.3.3 输入信号沿检测逻辑(113) 7.3.4 输入捕捉中断(113) 7.4 输出比较功能(114) 7.4.1 概述(114) 7.4.2 输出比较功能使用的寄存器(116) 7.4.3 输出比较示例(118) 7.5 脉冲累加器(119) 7.5.1 概述(119) 7.5.2 脉冲累加器控制和状态寄存器(121) 8 A/D转换系统 8.1 电荷重新分布技术与逐次逼近算法(125) 8.1.1 基本电路(125) 8.1.2 A/D转换逐次逼近算法原理(130) 8.2 M68HC11中A/D转换的实现方法(131) 8.2.1 逐次逼近A/D转换器(131) 8.2.2 控制寄存器(132) 8.2.3 系统控制逻辑(135)? 9 单片机的内部操作 9.1 用立即>    图书前言   美国Motorola公司从80年代中期开始推出的M68HC11系列单片机是当今功能最强、性能/价格比最好的八位单片微计算机之一。在美国,它已被广泛地应用于教学和各种工业控制系统中。?   该单片机有丰富的I/O功能,完善的系统保护功能和软件控制的节电工作方式 。它的指令系统与早期Motorola单片机MC6801等兼容,同时增加了91条新指令。其中包含16位乘法、除法运算指令等。   为便于用户开发和应用M68HC11单片机,Motorola公司提供了多种开发工具。M68HC11 EVB (Evaluation Board)性能评估板就是一种M68HC11系列单片机的廉价开发工具。它既可用来 调试用户程序,又可在仿真方式下运行。为方便用户,M68HC11 EVB可与IBM?PC连接 ,借助于交叉汇编、通信程序等软件,在IBM?PC上调试程序。?   本书分三部分(共15章)介绍了M68HC11的结构和基本原理、开发工具-EVB及开发应用实例等。第一部分(1~9章),介绍M68HC11的结构和基本原理。包括概述,系统配置与工作方式、CPU和存储器、复位和中断、指令系统、I/O、定时器系统和脉冲累加器、A/D转换系统、单片机的内部操作等。第二部分(10~11章),介绍M68HC11 EVB的原理和技术特性以及EVB的应用。第三部分(12~15章),介绍M68HC11的开发与应用技术。包括基本的编程练习、应用程序设计、接口实验、接口设计及应用等。   读者通过学习本书,不仅可了解M68HC11的硬件、软件,而且可了解使用EVB开发和应用M68HC11单片机的方法。在本书的第三部分专门提供了一部分实验和应用程序。?   本书系作者张宁作为高级访问学者,应邀在美国马萨诸塞州洛厄尔大学(University of Massachusetts Lowell)工作期间完成的。全书由张宁执笔。在编著过程中,美国洛厄尔大学的R·代克曼教授?(professor Robert J. Dirkman)多次与张宁一起讨论、研究,并提供部分资料及实验数据。参加编写和审校等工作的还有王云霞、孙晓芳、刘安鲁、张籍、来安德、张杨等同志。?   为将M68HC11系列单片机尽快介绍给我国,美国Motorola公司的Terrence M.S.Heng先生曾大力支持本书的编著和出版。在此表示衷心感谢。    

    标签: MOTOROLA M68 68 11

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • The data files included are .MAT or *.dat (ASCII)files. The m-files and the data may be distributed

    The data files included are .MAT or *.dat (ASCII)files. The m-files and the data may be distributed, provided that the source is acknowledged in any publication and the data are not sold. Since this software is being distributed free of charge, the authors are not offering any technical support. Students who have any questions or difficulties using this software, or require the additional functions from the Signal Processing Toolbox should contact their professor.

    标签: files data distributed The

    上传时间: 2014-12-06


  • First of all we would like to thank God Almighty for giving us the strength and confidence in pursi

    First of all we would like to thank God Almighty for giving us the strength and confidence in pursing the ambitions. We would like to thank our Examiner professor Axel Jantsch for allowing us to do this under his guidance and encouragement. At the same time we would like to mention our sincere thanks to Mr. Said Zainali, Manager of FRAME ACCESS AB for giving all the required equipment and the technical support which helped us to finish this thesis. We would like to mention our gratitude to our fellow VACS team members who helped us a lot during difficult times.

    标签: confidence Almighty strength giving

    上传时间: 2013-12-01


  • This a very simple baseband simulator for SC-FDMA system. This simulator is part of the upcoming boo

    This a very simple baseband simulator for SC-FDMA system. This simulator is part of the upcoming book “Single Carrier FDMA: A New Air Interface for Long Term Evolution” (Wiley, Nov. 2008) which I co-authored with professor David J. Goodman at Polytechnic University. The purpose of this simulator is to give some concrete idea of how SC-FDMA system works. It does lack many realistic and sophisticated features such as channel coding, time-varying fading channel model, soft decision decoding, etc. Regardless, I am hoping that it will help you understand SC-FDMA which is a fairly new development in 3GPP LTE.

    标签: simulator This baseband upcoming

    上传时间: 2016-08-26
