MATLAB潮流和最佳潮流计算程序 MATPOWER - Matlab routines for solving power flow problems.
标签: MATPOWER routines problems solving
上传时间: 2014-01-18
Swarm intelligence is an innovative computational way to solving hard problems. This discipline is inspired by the behavior of social insects such as fish schools and bird flocks and colonies of ants, termites, bees and wasps. In general, this is done by mimicking the behavior of the biological creatures within their swarms and colonies.
标签: computational intelligence innovative discipline
上传时间: 2014-01-14
The main features of the considered identification problem are that there is no an a priori separation of the variables into inputs and outputs and the approximation criterion, called misfit, does not depend on the model representation. The misfit is defined as the minimum of the l2-norm between the given time series and a time series that is consistent with the approximate model. The misfit is equal to zero if and only if the model is exact and the smaller the misfit is (by definition) the more accurate the model is. The considered model class consists of all linear time-invariant systems of bounded complexity and the complexity is specified by the number of inputs and the smallest number of lags in a difference equation representation. We present a Matlab function for approximate identification based on misfit minimization. Although the problem formulation is representation independent, we use input/state/output representations of the system in order
标签: identification considered features separati
上传时间: 2016-09-20
Program by matlab. For instance, solve math problem and matrix analize.
标签: instance Program analize problem
上传时间: 2014-12-08
用Kruskal算法构造最小生成树解决指派问题(assignment problem) 一家公司经理准备安排 名员工去完成 项任务,每人一项。由于各员工的特点不同,不同的员工去完成同一项任务时所获得的回报是不同的。如何分配工作方案可以使总回报最大?
标签: assignment Kruskal problem 算法
上传时间: 2016-09-24
it use the genetic algorithm to deal with the TSP problem
标签: algorithm the genetic problem
上传时间: 2016-10-14
% PURPOSE : Demonstrate the differences between the following filters on the same problem: % % 1) Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) % 2) Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) % 3) Particle Filter (PF) % 4) PF with EKF proposal (PFEKF) % 5) PF with UKF proposal (PFUKF)
标签: the Demonstrate differences following
上传时间: 2016-10-20
A program for solving equations using Newton s Method.Just need to modify the data in the main function. If there is any bugs, please contact
标签: equations the program solving
上传时间: 2016-11-03
CCE is a multi-instance learning method solving multi-instance problems through adapting multi-instance representation to single-instance algorithms, which is quite different from existing multi-instance learning algorithms which attempt to adapt single-instance algorithms to multi-instance representation
标签: multi-instance multi-insta adapting learning
上传时间: 2014-01-14
These instances, whenmapped to an N-dimensional space, represent a core set that can be used to construct an approximation to theminimumenclosing ball. Solving the SVMlearning problem on these core sets can produce a good approximation solution in very fast speed. For example, the core-vector machine [81] thus produced can learn an SVM for millions of data in seconds.
标签: N-dimensional whenmapped instances represent
上传时间: 2016-11-23