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  • These instances, whenmapped to an N-dimensional space, represent a core set that can be used to con

    These instances, whenmapped to an N-dimensional space, represent a core set that can be used to construct an approximation to theminimumenclosing ball. Solving the SVMlearning problem on these core sets can produce a good approximation solution in very fast speed. For example, the core-vector machine [81] thus produced can learn an SVM for millions of data in seconds.

    标签: N-dimensional whenmapped instances represent

    上传时间: 2016-11-23


  • 多项式拟合的MATLAB工具。只要具有以下几个函数 POLYFITN - A general N-dimensional polynomial fitting tool POLYVALN - An

    多项式拟合的MATLAB工具。只要具有以下几个函数 POLYFITN - A general N-dimensional polynomial fitting tool POLYVALN - An evaluation tool for polynomials produced by polyfitn POLYN2SYMPOLY - A conversion tool to generate a sympoly from the results of polyfitn POLYN2SYM - A conversion tool to generate a symbolic toolbox object from the results of polyfitn

    标签: N-dimensional polynomial POLYFITN POLYVALN

    上传时间: 2014-11-30


  • To identify distinguishable clusters of data in an N-dimensional pixel

    To identify distinguishable clusters of data in an N-dimensional pixel value image. Given: Samples of multi-spectral satellite images

    标签: distinguishable N-dimensional identify clusters

    上传时间: 2017-08-08


  • Abtract - We propose a new family of fi lter banks, named NDFB, that can achieve the direction

    Abtract - We propose a new family of fi lter banks, named NDFB, that can achieve the directional decomposition of arbitrary N-dimensional (N ≥ 2) signals with a simple and effi cient tree-structured construction.

    标签: direction Abtract propose achieve

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(164)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(164)资源包含以下内容:1. 嵌入式ARC平台参考资料.2. c8051f020 ds1620 温度传感器 调通了 keil下开发.3. 让蜂鸣器唱歌的程序,利用从音乐中提取出的文件资料,控制发音长短来实现.4. 基于凌阳单片机spmc75f2413的步进电机3轴联动空间圆弧插补源程序.5. Oreilly出版的权威的dojo教材.6. 基于嵌入式操作系统的网络监控系统.7. 基于arm的嵌入式开发程序设计.8. 一片关于ARM9处理器的bootloader的分析与设计论文.9. 用verilog写的对OCMJ2X8液晶模块控制代码.10. 状态机的应用。在嵌入式系统中状态机使用非常频繁.11. AD89C51单片机控制液晶显示器LCD1602显示时间。.12. T-Kernel 嵌入式系统源码.13. 这是一个重要的CPLD文件 具有很高的参考价值.14. 利用ARM2103编写的实时时钟程序.15. minigui编程手册.16. 用TEA5767 自己动手制作的收音机。效果很好.17. ARM嵌入式系统的通用bootloader的设计与实现.18. AVR驱动7219程序.19. cypress的开发框架.20. RFID读卡终端C程序设计基于51单片机实现.21. ARM与嵌入式系统基础教程 ARM与嵌入式系统基础教程.22. GUI代码,用与实现相关GUI的功能,如有需要即可自由下载!.23. 一个基于周立功EASYARM2000平台的一个小程序 定时器来实现蜂鸣器的开关 各0.5s.24. TCP/IP协议栈原代码(C语言)很好的理解TCP/IP的技术材料.25. c51+proteus 18B20 温度传感器实验.26. i2c 总线详细介绍及相关编程说明.27. c51+proteus仿真+7seg Max7221动态显示.28. E: oolLAB Proteus实例播放音乐 说明:8051单片机播放音乐.29. linux是最好的嵌入式设计操作系统,资源开源,并且可以支持很多种嵌入式IC.30. CAN51开发板功能 1、 USB或DC+5V供电; 2、 89c52+sja1000+tja1050(tja1040)(p82c250);89c52+mcp2515+tja1050(t.31. RT73在嵌入式领域最稳定的驱动 官网已经取消下载.32. 这是用prolog语言开发的系统.33. 嵌入式C使用的汇总.34. 现在Arm系统是非常成熟和广泛的嵌入式系统.本文是Arm嵌入式开发系统的介绍.35. 《LinuxuClinux+MiniGUI+嵌入式系统开发原理、工具及过程》.36. These instances, whenmapped to an N-dimensional space, represent a core set that can be used to con.37. 一个用IO口来模拟串口通讯的软件.38. 一个对93C46进行编程的软件.39. 红外解码 LCD显示程序,用处广泛 此程序仅用于学习交流使用,.40. 图解电子器件 学习嵌入式系统的朋友.

    标签: 红外探测器

    上传时间: 2013-04-15


  • sukumar N.写的报告Enriched Natural Neighbor Interpolants for Two-Dimensional Crack Modeling

    sukumar N.写的报告Enriched Natural Neighbor Interpolants for Two-Dimensional Crack Modeling

    标签: N. Two-Dimensional Interpolants Enriched

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • spoj CCOST . Usage of a 2 dimensional fenwick tree.Querying (log(n)^2) a 2 dimensional matrix for su

    spoj CCOST . Usage of a 2 dimensional fenwick tree.Querying (log(n)^2) a 2 dimensional matrix for sub sum and updating a cell in O(logn)

    标签: dimensional Querying fenwick matrix

    上传时间: 2017-03-02


  • This is a package to calculate Discrete Fourier/Cosine/Sine Transforms of 1-dimensional sequences of

    This is a package to calculate Discrete Fourier/Cosine/Sine Transforms of 1-dimensional sequences of length 2^N. This package contains C and Fortran FFT codes.

    标签: dimensional Transforms calculate sequences

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • This is a simple one dimensional Fast Fourier Transform (and Inverse FFT) test program. FFT(and Inve

    This is a simple one dimensional Fast Fourier Transform (and Inverse FFT) test program. FFT(and Inverse FFT) is implemeted as a function. 2^n-point FFT is possible.

    标签: dimensional FFT Transform and

    上传时间: 2017-07-23


  • N系列射频同轴连接器


    标签: 射频 同轴连接器

    上传时间: 2013-06-29
