Enhanced version of the Serial Peripheral Interface available on Motorola s MC68HC11 family of CPUs.Enhancements include a wider supported operating frequency range, 4deep read and write fifos, and programmable transfer count dependent interrupt generation. As with the SPI found in MC68HC11 proCessors the core features programmable clock phase [CPHA] and clock polarity [CPOL]. The core features an 8bit wishbone interface. Very simple, very small.
标签: Peripheral Interface available Enhanced
上传时间: 2014-12-06
The purpose of this project is to explore the issues and implementation of a multiple instruction stream, single data stream processor. We are running two instruction streams on two CPUs which share an address space. The proCessors share a second level cache, and maintain coherence at the L1 cache with a write-invalidate policy. The L2 cache is two-way set associative, with a block size of 8 words, and a total capacity of 512 words.
标签: implementation instruction multiple purpose
上传时间: 2017-04-18
CFE contains the following important features: * Easy to port to new SB1250/BCM1480 designs * Initializes CPUs, caches, memory controllers, and peripherals * Built-in device drivers for SB1250 SOC peripherals * Several console choices, including serial ports, ROM emulators, JTAG, etc. * Environment storage in NV EEPROM, flash, etc. * Supports big or little endian operation * Supports 32-bit and 64-bit proCessors * Support for network bootstrap. Network protocols supported include IP,ARP,ICMP,UDP,DHCP,TFTP. * Support for disk bootstrap. * Provides an external API for boot loaders and startup programs * Simple user interface. UI is easy to remove for embedded apps.
标签: following important contains features
上传时间: 2014-11-23
MicroproCessors are getting smaller, cheaper and faster. Every day, it is easier to embed more functionality into a smaller space. Embedded proCessors have become pervasive, and as time goes on, more and more functions that were once implemented with analog circuitry or with electromechanical assemblies are being realized with microcontrollers, ADCs and DACs. Many of these assemblies that are being supplanted by the microprocessor are controlling dynamic processes, which is a good thing, because the microprocessor coupled with the right software is often the superior device.
上传时间: 2016-07-20
标签: proCessors Optimised Radar
上传时间: 2018-05-08
ccs6.1.2软件的安装使用方法,以及在simlulink库中c2000处理器支持的embedded coder support package for Texas instrument c2000 proCessors
上传时间: 2019-07-20
The design and manufacturing of wireless radio frequency (RF) transceivers has developed rapidly in recent ten yeas due to rapid development of RF integrated circuits and the evolution of high-speed digital signal proCessors (DSP). Such high speed signal proCessors, in conjunction with the development of high resolution analog to digital converters and digital to analog converters, has made it possible for RF designers to digitize higher intermediate frequencies, thus reducing the RF section and enhancing the overall performance of the RF section.
标签: Transceivers Wireless Digital
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Engineers are professional inventors, researchers, and developers. Education imbues each engineer with discipline-specific knowledge. Combining the different disciplines allows engineers to solve more complex problems.
标签: Energy-Efficient Communication proCessors
上传时间: 2020-05-27
eMMC存储介质目前越来越广泛的应用在嵌入式系统中,AM335x的用户也越来越多的使用EMMC作为系统的主要存储介质。目前 AM335x的几款官方demo板中,只有BeagleBone Black上加入了对eMMC芯片的支持,很多用户也是参考 BeagleBone Black进行自己AM335x系统的eMMC设计。笔者最近分别通过 TI Uniflash和SD卡完成了BeagleBone Black上 eMMC芯片的烧写验证工作,软件基于 AM335x Linux SDKO6总结出来供大家参考。1,使用TI UniFlash工具通过USB RNDIS尧写1.1 TI Uniflash简介Uniflash是TI开发的存储器烧写工具,可以支持 AM335x系统的NAND Flash NOR Flash,SPI Flash eMMC烧写。可以参考 wiki上的guide:btto://proCessors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Sitara Uniflash Quick Start Guide,在Windows宿主机上下载并安装 Uniflash,并按照其中 3.3节所述在Windows宿主机上安装USB RNDIS驱动。1.2 eMMC烧写原理本文介绍的验证方法是使用 Uniflash工具通过USB对BeagleBone Black上的eMMC进行烧写,原理是通过Romcode,SPL和u-boot三个阶段,将一个专门用于 eMMC烧写的Linux操作系统在BeagleBone Black板上运行起来,并自动运行脚本进行烧写。
标签: BeagleBone Black eMMC
上传时间: 2022-06-26
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(31)资源包含以下内容:1. 有关protel PCB设计的有关注意事项和经验.2. boot flash的空闲部分作为文件系统(vxworks tffs).3. 3com 3c905网卡驱动硬件部分源码.4. 该源程序已在实验板上调试通过.5. 在嵌入式操作系统uclinux下应用的数据库sqlite.6. 这是一个节目选择菜单源码,根据接受红外遥控键盘来选择节目,并发送给PLAYER..7. 文章描述了TMS320C6000 digital signal proCessors (DSPs)的CPU结构、管道技术、指令系统..8. 本人搜集的许多C51及KeilC使用方面的文章.9. CfCard开发的人好像不是很多.10. 四路MPEG1视频采集卡.11. 新一代的数字温度芯片 精度高 速度快 适合温度的采集系统的开发.12. 是基于MSP430F449的温度报警的c程序.13. 基于MSPF449的三相电压表功率的开发程序.14. 是MSP430X44X的各部分的子程序模块.15. PC燒錄BIOS的源程序.16. 使用GPIB卡控制数控电源(Agilent66X)测试电流的一个小程序.17. 嵌入式系统中的软件设计技术──C语言程序设计.18. 数字万用表电路图集收集了各类数字万用表的的电路图,结构说明!.19. tcp/ip的嵌入式开发 基于pic微控制器.20. modem 原程序。用于无线模块的开发应用GPRS应用.21. 单片微型计算机原理及接口技术 电子书 pdf 格式.22. 液晶内核C-CodeT6963C控制器的源代码.23. 这是韩国原版X-Hyper250B开发板的原代码。在LINUX下编译.24. 开发板hybus255的bootloader,原版的.25. YAFFS A NAND-flash filesystem的介绍文件.26. 本文介绍MGLS-l2864液晶显示模块的功能、原理及开发步骤。MGLS-12864液晶显示模块内置有HD61202液晶显示控制驱动器.27. 嵌入式系统 Boot Loader 技术内幕.28. 该程序为LINUX下的串口通讯程序,采用华恒公司的嵌入式开发套件,包含了makefile文件.29. 该程序为UClinux下面的USB接口通讯程序,采用C语言编写,包含了makefile文件,使用的开发环境为华恒公司的嵌入式开发套件.30. 非常流行的T9693芯片驱动的240128象素LCD驱动程序.31. 一个基于ucos-ii和lwip的简单telent服务器.32. 著名的《tcplean》的配套光盘.33. CYPREES的EZ-USB2131Q芯片开发板的使用说明.34. fat16.35. CPU卡在税控行业应用驱动,符合7816要求.36. MP3系统中USB接口设计.37. fat文件系统的工作原理相关内容,是学习fat文件系统的必备资料.38. ic设计的相关文章,来自台湾交大,ic设计的精品文章.39. 在TMS320VC5402上实现的嵌入式TCPIP协议栈.40. 最简单的20键PS/2键值读取程序.
标签: 模具设计
上传时间: 2013-04-15