上传时间: 2016-02-13
WCDMA Release-7系统的CRC译码
上传时间: 2013-12-04
This the source release kit for the following system configuration(s): - AMD Alchemy(TM) DBAu1200(TM) and AMD Alchemy(TM) Pb1200(TM) development boards (AMD Alchemy(TM) Au1200(TM) processor) - Windows CE 5.0 - RMI Au1200 Core BSP v1.51 - RMI Au1200 Media BSP v1.51
标签: configuration the following Alchemy
上传时间: 2014-02-21
Summary: Newton-Raphson method for all real roots of the polynomial. MATLAB Release: R11 Description: This M-file calculates all the real roots of the given polynomial. It calls syn_division, a synthetic division function, and derivate, differentiation function.
标签: Newton-Raphson polynomial Summary Descrip
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Summary: Simple face and eye detection MATLAB Release: R13 Description: You can use this codes for face detection based on color segmentation and eye region detection.
标签: Description detection Summary Release
上传时间: 2014-01-03
PCI设计指南The Xilinx LogiCORE PCI interface is a fully verified, pre-implemented PCI Bus interface. This interface is available in 32-bit and 64- bit versions, with support for multiple Xilinx FPGA device families. It is designed to support both Verilog-HDL and VHDL. The design examples in this book are provided in Verilog.
标签: interface PCI pre-implemented LogiCORE
上传时间: 2016-04-03
The program is written with Vc language,working for logon the net by dialing ,the is a release version.
标签: the language program dialing
上传时间: 2016-04-13
这是江苏企业通讯协议(联通版本)的一个Release,因为公司业务已经转换到java版本所以,我决定发布EMSP 2.0 C++ 版本的协议部分,因为当时比较仓促,设计的不是很好,但是我想对于刚刚涉及网络开发的人,特别是刚刚涉及短信息业务开发的人应该有所帮助,我所发布的部分只是协议处理部分的内容,不包括网络的处理,网络处理部分很简单,如果使用BCB或者VC的话您可以使用,VCL或者MFC中封装好的Socket组件来使用就可以了,或者您使用Socket API来处理。对于linux和Unix用户,我想您应该知道如何使用Socket了吧:) 本人曾在VC7 ,BCB6,kylix,G++上生成系统,但是不保证您在上述平台上可以正确生成系统。VC6因为对Standard C++支持不足,无法编译本代码。
上传时间: 2016-04-23
uC/IP Release Notes These release notes for uC/IP are divided into the following sections
标签: following sections Release release
上传时间: 2014-01-16
一个精美的FLASH按钮辕马 需要CCT支持请先删除编译后的debug/release目录以减少压缩包大小
上传时间: 2014-11-01