This is a paper describing Pulse Compression technique implemented in the Weather Radar system. This paper presents data examples from the radars and contrasts the use of pulse compression waveforms with more traditional non-modulated pulsed waveforms.
标签: This Compression implemented describing
上传时间: 2017-08-25
PIC to PIC communication using i2c bus. Multi-master implemented on pic24.
标签: communication Multi-master implemented PIC
上传时间: 2017-09-03
A sparse variant of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm implemented by levmar has been applied to bundle adjustment, a computer vision/photogrammetry problem that typically involves several thousand variables
标签: Levenberg-Marquardt implemented algorithm applied
上传时间: 2013-12-23
This is the source code of a digital clock implemented using Atmel 8 bit AVR Controller(ATMega16). To fully understand it look at the hardware implementation shown in attached photo(pdf).
标签: implemented Controller digital ATMega
上传时间: 2014-08-18
Resolution of heat equation using Crank Nicholson method. Implemented in matlab language.
标签: Implemented Resolution Nicholson equation
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Stereovision reconstruction using Triangulation and "Mire" Calibration. Implemented in Matlab language
标签: reconstruction Triangulation Stereovision Calibration
上传时间: 2014-01-14
In higher power applications to utilize the full line power and reduce line currentharmonics
标签: Pre-Regulator Interleaved Design Review
上传时间: 2013-06-04
在无线通信系统全面进入3G并开始迈向 4G的过程中,使用数字预失真技术(Digital Pre-distortion,以下简称DPD)对发射机的功放进行线性化是一门关键技术。功率放大器是通信系统中影响系统性能和覆盖范围的关键部件,非线性是功放的固有特性。非线性会引起频谱增长(spectral re-growth),从而造成邻道干扰,使带外杂散达不到协议标准规定的要求。非线性也会造成带内失真,带来系统误码率增大的问题。
上传时间: 2013-10-19
收文单位:左列各单位 发文字号: MT-8-2-0037
上传时间: 2013-12-17
两节锂电充电IC-ASC8512 ASC8512 为开关型两节锂聚合物电池充电管理芯片,非常适合于便携式设备的充电管理应用。ASC8512 集内置功率MOSFET、高精度电压和电流调节器、预充、充电状态指示和充电截止等功能于一体,采用TSSOP-14、SSOP-14两种封装形式。ASC8512对电池充电分为三个阶段:预充(Pre-charge)、恒流(CC/Constant Current)、恒压(CV/Constant Voltage)过程,恒流充电电流通过外部电阻决定,最大充电电流为2A.ASC8512 集成电流限制、短路保护,确保充电芯片安全工作。ASC8512 集成NTC 热敏电阻接口,可以采集、处理电池的温度信息,保证充电电池的安全工作温度。 两节锂电池充电IC ASC8512特点: 1.充2节锂离子和锂聚合物电池 2.开关频率达400K 3.充电电流最大可做2A 4.输入电压9V到18V 5.电池状态检测 6.恒压充电电压值可通过外接电阻微调 7.千分之五的充电电压控制精度 5.防反向保护电路可防止电池电流倒灌 6.NTC 热敏接口监测电池温度 7.LED充电状态指示 8.工作环境温度范围:-20℃~70℃ 9.TSSOP-14 应用领域:应用 ●手持设备,包括医疗手持设备 ●Portable-DVD,PDA,移动蜂窝电话及智能手机 ●上网本、平板电脑、MID ●自充电电池组
上传时间: 2013-11-06