Android智能手机平台.pdf Android-smart-phone-platform.rar
标签: Android-smart-phone-platform Android
上传时间: 2017-07-19
a semaphore (light changer - red, yellow and green) application using VHDL platform
标签: application semaphore platform changer
上传时间: 2014-01-18
In this paper, it is designed a platform for least deviation linear interpolation with two axis linear guides, and it realizes the linear interpolator by PIC microprocessor with MPLAB C language in PIC microprocessor.
标签: interpolation deviation designed platform
上传时间: 2017-07-24
This example uses a timer to generate interrupt at a specific period. The timer event handler increments the event count and prints in stdout.
标签: timer interrupt generate specific
上传时间: 2014-06-25
QReader - is a small but very functional e-book reader for Symbian platform (S60-2, S60-3, UIQ2, UIQ3). It support TXT, DOC, PRC, FB2 formats.
标签: functional UIQ platform QReader
上传时间: 2013-12-20
nslookup - *nix simple nslookup clone for the Win32 platform (Console Application) /// Does A DNS lookup by Host Name or IP. Host Name lookups can return /// multiple IP Ranges.
标签: nslookup Application platform Console
上传时间: 2014-01-09
This Symbian C++ code example demonstrates how to easily use the onboard camera with zoom and autofocus, utilising an accompanying CameraWrapper made by Forum Nokia. The Camera Wrapper supports all Nokia s S60 devices based on S60 3rd Edition and newer, providing a unified interface for various Symbian and S60 camera APIs some of which have previously been Feature Pack specific or only available via an SDK plug-in. The example application supports the use of both the keypad and touch UI. The application can be self-signed, but it also provides an option to use the dedicated camera key (Symbian signing required). The example application replaces the separate examples published for S60 3rd Edition, FP1 (S60 Platform: Camera Example with AutoFocus Support v2.2) and FP2 (S60 Camera Example AutoFocus 3rd Ed FP2).
标签: demonstrates Symbian example onboard
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Very hard to design reusable Software Design must be specific to problem on hand Design must be general enough to address future problems and requirements Almost impossible to do it right the first time Experienced designers don’t reinvent the wheel They use good solutions again and again Find & use recurring patterns of classes &
标签: Design must Software reusable
上传时间: 2014-07-08
Very hard to design reusable Software Design must be specific to problem on hand Design must be general enough to address future problems and requirements Almost impossible to do it right the first time Experienced designers don’t reinvent the wheel They use good solutions again and again Find & use recurring patterns of classes &
标签: Design must Software reusable
上传时间: 2017-08-05
Very hard to design reusable Software Design must be specific to problem on hand Design must be general enough to address future problems and requirements Almost impossible to do it right the first time Experienced designers don’t reinvent the wheel They use good solutions again and again Find & use recurring patterns of classes &
标签: Design must Software reusable
上传时间: 2017-08-05