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  • Abstract-In this paper, simple autonomous chaotic circuits coupled by resistors are investigated. B

    Abstract-In this paper, simple autonomous chaotic circuits coupled by resistors are investigated. By carrying out computer calculations and circuit experiments, irregular self-switching phenomenon of three spatial patterns characterized by the phase states of quasi-synchronization of chaos can be observed from only four simple chaotic circuits. This is the same phenomenon as chaotic wandering of spatial patterns observed very often from systems with a large number of degrees of freedom. Namely, one of spatial-temporal chaos observed from systems of large size can be also generated in the proposed system consisting of only four chaotic circuits. A six subcircuits case and a coupled chaotic circuits networks are also studied, and such systems are confirmed to produce more complicated spatio-temporal phenomena.

    标签: investigated Abstract-In autonomous resistors

    上传时间: 2014-06-09


  • Show work of ODE45 function. As the example use lorenz equation. Example show ensemble Puankare and

    Show work of ODE45 function. As the example use lorenz equation. Example show ensemble Puankare and phase picture

    标签: Puankare function equation ensemble

    上传时间: 2014-10-13



    Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile Application Part (MAP) Specification (3GPP TS 09.02 version 7.9.0 Release 1998)

    标签: ETSI MAP

    上传时间: 2015-12-31


  • 基于频率插值的4.0kbps 语音编码器的性能和设计(英文)

    The 4.0 kbit/s speech codec described in this paper is based on a Frequency Domain Interpolative (FDI) coding technique, which belongs to the class of prototype waveform Interpolation (PWI) coding techniques. The codec also has an integrated voice activity detector (VAD) and a noise reduction capability. The input signal is subjected to LPC analysis and the prediction residual is separated into a slowly evolving waveform (SEW) and a rapidly evolving waveform (REW) components. The SEW magnitude component is quantized using a hierarchical predictive vector quantization approach. The REW magnitude is quantized using a gain and a sub-band based shape. SEW and REW phases are derived at the decoder using a phase model, based on a transmitted measure of voice periodicity. The spectral (LSP) parameters are quantized using a combination of scalar and vector quantizers. The 4.0 kbits/s coder has an algorithmic delay of 60 ms and an estimated floating point complexity of 21.5 MIPS. The performance of this coder has been evaluated using in-house MOS tests under various conditions such as background noise. channel errors, self-tandem. and DTX mode of operation, and has been shown to be statistically equivalent to ITU-T (3.729 8 kbps codec across all conditions tested.

    标签: frequency-domain interpolation performance Design kbit_s speech coder based and of

    上传时间: 2018-04-08


  • DHT11温湿度检测


    标签: DHT 11 温湿度检测

    上传时间: 2018-04-27


  • 三相整流器LCL滤波器设计

    Design and Control of an LCL-filter-based three-phase active rectifier  早期的文章

    标签: LCL-filter-based three-phase rectifier control Design active and an of

    上传时间: 2018-05-19


  • GSM 03.40

    Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS) Point-to-Point (PP) (3GPP TS 03.40 version 7.5.0 Release 1998)

    标签: GSM

    上传时间: 2019-06-14


  • GSM 03.48

    Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Security mechanisms for SIM application toolkit; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 03.48 version 8.8.0 Release 1999)

    标签: GSM

    上传时间: 2019-06-14


  • AD810

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD810 is a composite and HDTV compatible, current feedback, video operational amplifier, ideal for use in systems such as multimedia, digital tape recorders and video cameras. The 0.1 dB flatness specification at bandwidth of 30 MHz (G = +2) and the differential gain and phase of 0.02% and 0.04° (NTSC) make the AD810 ideal for any broadcast quality video system. All these specifications are under load conditions of 150 Ω (one 75 Ω back terminated cable). The AD810 is ideal for power sensitive applications such as video cameras, offering a low power supply current of 8.0 mA max. The disable feature reduces the power supply current to only 2.1 mA, while the amplifier is not in use, to conserve power. Furthermore the AD810 is specified over a power supply range of ±5 V to ±15 V.

    标签: 810 AD

    上传时间: 2020-04-19


  • AD8001AR

    transimpedance linearization circuitry. This allows it to drive video loads with excellent differential gain and phase perfor mance on only 50 mW of power. The AD8001 is a current feedback amplifier and features gain flatness of 0.1 dB to 100 MHz while offering differential gain and phase error of 0.01% and 0.025°. This makes the AD8001 ideal for professional video electronics such as cameras and video switchers. Additionally, the AD8001’s low distortion and fast settling make it ideal for buffer high-speed A-to-D converters. The AD8001 offers low power of 5.5 mA max (VS = ±5 V) and can run on a single +12 V power supply, while being capable of delivering over 70 mA of load current. These features make this amplifier ideal for portable and battery-powered applications where size and power are critical. The outstanding bandwidth of 800 MHz along with 1200 V/µs of slew rate make the AD8001 useful in many general purpose high-speed applications where dual power supplies of up to ±6 V and single supplies from 6 V to 12 V are needed. The AD8001 is available in the industrial temperature range of –40°C to +85°C.

    标签: 8001 AD AR

    上传时间: 2020-04-21
