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  • Phase Unwrapping 2D

    Two 2D phase unwrapping approaches are included:  1. Phase quality guided path following method.  2. Goldstein's branch cut method. The algorithms are described in:  D. C. Ghiglia and M. D. Pritt, Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping:  Theory, Algorithms and Software. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1998.

    标签: Unwrapping Phase 2D

    上传时间: 2016-04-30


  • DRM023_3-Phase AC Designer Reference Manual

    This reference design describes the design of a 3-phase AC induction vector control drive with position encoder coupled to the motor shaft. It is based on Motorola’s DSP56F805 dedicated motor control device. AC induction motors, which contain a cage, are very popular in variable speed drives. They are simple, rugged, inexpensive and available at all power ratings. Progress in the field of power electronics and microelectronics enables the application of induction motors for high-performance drives, where traditionally only DC motors were applied. Thanks to sophisticated control methods, AC induction drives offer the same control capabilities as high performance four-quadrant DC drives.

    标签: Reference Designer Manual Phase DRM 023 AC

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • 基于FPGA的OQPSK调制解调器设计与实现.rar

    偏移正交相移键控(OQPSK:Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying)调制技术是一种恒包络调制技术,具有频谱利用率高、频谱特性好等特点,广泛应用于卫星通信和移动通信领域。 论文以某型侦收设备中OQPSK解调器的全数字化为研究背景,设计并实现了基于FPGA的全数字OQPSK调制解调器,其中调制器主要用于仿真未知信号,作为测试信号源。论文研究了全数字OQPSK调制解调的基本算法,包括成形滤波器、NCO模型、载波恢复、定时恢复等;完成了整个调制解调算法的MATLAB仿真。在此基础上,采用VHDL硬件描述语言在Xilinx公司ISE7.1开发环境下设计并实现了各个算法模块,并在硬件平台上加以实现。通过实际现场测试,实现了对所侦收信号的正确解调。论文还实现了解调器的百兆以太网接口,使得系统可以方便地将解调数据发送给计算机进行后续处理。

    标签: OQPSK FPGA 调制

    上传时间: 2013-06-30


  • 基于FPGA的OQPSK调制解调器

    偏移正交相移键控(OQPSK:Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying)调制技术是一种恒包络调制技术,具有频谱利用率高、频谱特性好等特点,广泛应用于卫星通信和移动通信领域。 论文以某型侦收设备中OQPSK解调器的全数字化为研究背景,设计并实现了基于FPGA的全数字OQPSK调制解调器,其中调制器主要用于仿真未知信号,作为测试信号源。论文研究了全数字OQPSK调制解调的基本算法,包括成形滤波器、NCO模型、载波恢复、定时恢复等;完成了整个调制解调算法的MATLAB仿真。在此基础上,采用VHDL硬件描述语言在Xilinx公司ISE7.1开发环境下设计并实现了各个算法模块,并在硬件平台上加以实现。通过实际现场测试,实现了对所侦收信号的正确解调。论文还实现了解调器的百兆以太网接口,使得系统可以方便地将解调数据发送给计算机进行后续处理。

    标签: OQPSK FPGA 调制解调器

    上传时间: 2013-05-19


  • 干涉型光纤水听器信号解调方法研究

    光纤水听器自问世以来,在巨大的军事价值和民用价值推动下得到了迅速发展,已逐渐从实验室研究阶段走向工程应用。同时随着光纤水听器的不断发展,对水声信号的检测技术以及数字处理能力也提出了新的要求。论文在此背景下开展了一系列研究工作,并提出了利用FPGA(Field ProgrammableGate Array,现场可编程门阵列)实现光纤3×3耦合器解调算法的新思路。 目前干涉型光纤水听器的解调一般采用PGC(Phase Generated Carrier,相位生成载波技术)技术和基于3×3光纤耦合器干涉的解调技术。PGC技术在解调过程中引入了载波信号,它对采样率,激光器等的要求都较高,因此我们把目光投向3×3耦合器解调技术,文中对其解调原理进行了阐述,对采样率的确定进行了讨论,并对3×3耦合器三路输出不对称的情况进行了分析,最后在本文的结论部分提出了基于3×3耦合器解调的改良方案。 目前,光纤信号数字化解调的硬件实现采用DSP(Digital Signal Process,可编程数字信号处理器)信号处理机,与之相比,FPGA解调具有速度快、资源占用少、易于扩展等优势。本文对FPGA与DSP、ASIC(application-specificintegrated circuit,专用集成电路)实现方案进行了对比,分析了适合利用FPGA实现的算法所应具备的特征;介绍了3×3耦合器解调算法中各个模块的设计情况;分析了系统的工作情况,硬件的构造及芯片的选择,最后验证了利用FPGA可以实现3×3耦合器解调算法。

    标签: 干涉型 光纤水听器 信号解调 方法研究

    上传时间: 2013-07-03


  • LM621无刷电机换向器

    General Description The LM621 is a bipolar IC designed for commutation of brushless DC motors. The part is compatible with both three- and four-phase motors. It can directly drive the power switching devices used to drive the motor. The LM621 provides an adjustable dead-time circuit to eliminate ``shootthrough'' current spiking in the power switching circuitry. Operation is from a 5V supply, but output swings of up to 40V are accommodated. The part is packaged in an 18-pin, dual-in-line package.

    标签: 621 LM 无刷电机

    上传时间: 2013-07-24


  • 基于DSP的三相无刷直流电机调速系统的研究

    ·【英文题名】 Research of Speed Regulate System of Three Phase BLDCM Based on DSP 【作者中文名】 刘桂芬; 【导师】 孟庆春; 【学位授予单位】 辽宁工程技术大学; 【学科专业名称】 控制理论与控制工程 【学位年度】 2007 【论文级别】 硕士 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁工程技术大学 【网络出版投稿时间】 2006-01-02 【

    标签: DSP 三相 无刷直流电机 调速系统

    上传时间: 2013-06-19


  • Stabilize Your Transimpedance Amplifier

      Abstract: Transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs) are widely used to translate the current output of sensors like photodiode-to-voltagesignals, since several circuits and instruments can only accept voltage input. An operational amplifier with a feedback resistor fromoutput to the inverting input is the most straightforward implementation of such a TIA. However, even this simple TIA circuit requirescareful trade-offs among noise gain, offset voltage, bandwidth, and stability. Clearly stability in a TIA is essential for good, reliableperformance. This application note explains the empirical calculations for assessing stability and then shows how to fine-tune theselection of the feedback phase-compensation capacitor.

    标签: Transimpedance Stabilize Amplifier Your

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • 谐振器论文精选.rar

    Control systems are becoming increasingly dependent on digital processing and so require sensors able to provide direct digital inputs. Sensors based on time measurement, having outputs based on a frequency or phase, have an advantage over conventional analogue sensors in that their outputs can be measured directly in digital systems by pulse counting.

    标签: 谐振器 论文

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • LTC1062的低通滤波器应用

    Highlights the LTC1062 as a lowpass filter in a phase lock loop. Describes how the loop's bandwidth can be increased and the VCO output jitter reduced when the LTC1062 is the loop filter. Compares it with a passive RC loop filter. Also discussed is the use of LTC1062 as simple bandpass and bandstop filter.

    标签: 1062 LTC 低通滤波器

    上传时间: 2013-10-24
