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panal manager

  • 内存管理程序

    内存管理程序,功能与FASTMM相似,PLEASE NOTE: There are two ways to install BigBrain. You may use the memory manager code natively compiled into your EXE or you can use an included external DLL which will allow you to share memory across multiple DLLs with one central place for memory management. Using the DLL allows your application to share strings, and serves the same purpose as the ShareMem unit included with Delphi. BigBrainShareMem.dll should be 100% compatible with the DelphiMM.dll and could even simply be renamed to DelphiMM.dll to simplify deployment.

    标签: 内存管理 程序

    上传时间: 2014-12-02


  • The code on this diskette has been organized by chapter. Each subdirectory containing listing has a

    The code on this diskette has been organized by chapter. Each subdirectory containing listing has a readme.txt describing program usage and any relevent file formats. The readme will also describe how to compile the target programs under IBM OS/2 (TM) using the using C Set++ compiler (TM). All programs on this diskette have been compiled and tested in this environment. The majority of programs on this diskette should port to other environments with only minor adjustments. The exception to this are those programs which utilize presentation manager for graphical display of program data. In particular, the grid1 programs in \chapt4\backprop\ and \chapt3\ fall into this latter category.

    标签: subdirectory containing has organized

    上传时间: 2016-10-28


  • DDR SDRAM控制器的VHDL源代码

    DDR SDRAM控制器的VHDL源代码,含详细设计文档。 The DDR, DCM, and SelectI/O™ features in the Virtex™ -II architecture make it the perfect choice for implementing a controller of a Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM. The Digital Clock Manager (DCM) provides the required Delay Locked Loop (DLL), Digital Phase Shift (DPS), and Digital Frequency Synthesis (DFS) functions. This application note describes a controller design for a 16-bit DDR SDRAM. The application note and reference design are enhanced versions of XAPP200 targeted to the Virtex-II series of FPGAs. At a clock rate of 133 MHz, 16-bit data changes at both clock edges. The reference design is fully synthesizable and achieves 133 MHz performance with automatic place and route tools.

    标签: SDRAM VHDL DDR 控制器

    上传时间: 2014-11-01


  • linux下同一个进程中多个定时器实现。简单描述下定时器模块的实现

    linux下同一个进程中多个定时器实现。简单描述下定时器模块的实现,有一个manager单例类保存所有CTimer对象,开启一线程运行延迟函数,每次延迟间隔到,扫描保存CTimer的容器,对每个CTimer对象执行减少时间操作,减少到0则执行回调函数。对一次性CTimer,超时则从容器中删除,循环型的将间隔时间重置,不从容器中移除。 CTimer的start执行将对象插入到manager容器中操作;stop执行将对象从manager容器中删除的操作;reset执行先删除,重置间隔,然后再放到容器中,reset不改变CTimer的定时器类型属性。 代码来源于CppExplore,感谢博客主的共享。

    标签: linux 定时器 进程 模块

    上传时间: 2017-01-03


  • /* * 五子棋.java * * Created on 2006年10月24日, 上午8:12 * * To change this template, choose Tools

    /* * 五子棋.java * * Created on 2006年10月24日, 上午8:12 * * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * * @author 05040045 */

    标签: template Created change choose

    上传时间: 2014-09-08


  • 关于多态方面练习的编程


    标签: 方面 编程

    上传时间: 2014-01-23


  • multisim10的授权许可文件的破解补丁

    multisim10的授权许可文件的破解补丁,只需要运行这个程序,产生三个文件,然后在NI LISCENSE MANAGER 中的选项中安装许可文件时,把三个都选上即可

    标签: multisim 10 授权 破解

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • 用户元件库的建立 如果要在名为design_component的库中建立一个叫nfet的component

    用户元件库的建立 如果要在名为design_component的库中建立一个叫nfet的component,使它有ivpcell view并且有CDF参数,具体的操作方法如下: a) 建立一个名叫nfet的component。在Library Manager中一般都会有一个叫sample的库,在该库的下面可以找到nfet元件,可以看到它有ivpcell view. 把它copy到一个新库中。 b) 这些新的库是没有CDF参数的,而在analogLib库中的nmos4元件有这些参数。要把相应的参数copy到刚才新建的库中。在CIW窗口中,Tools菜单下选择CDF…Copy,弹出一个窗口。如下

    标签: design_component component nfet 用户

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • Managing Humans is a selection of the best essays from Michael Lopps web site, Rands In Repose. Draw

    Managing Humans is a selection of the best essays from Michael Lopps web site, Rands In Repose. Drawing on Lopp s management experiences at Apple, Netscape, Symantec, and Borland, this book is full of stories based on companies in the Silicon Valley where people have been known to yell at each other. It is a place full of dysfunctional bright people who are in an incredible hurry to find the next big thing so they can strike it rich and then do it all over again. Among these people are managers, a strange breed of people who through a mystical organizational ritual have been given power over your future and your bank account. Whether you re an aspiring manager, a current manager, or just wondering what the heck a manager does all day, there is a story in this book that will speak to you. You will learn: * What to do when people start yelling at each other * How to perform a diving save when the best engineer insists on resigning * How to say "No" to the person who signs your paycheck

    标签: selection Managing Michael Humans

    上传时间: 2014-11-28


  • This manual describes SAMSUNG s S3C2410A 16/32-bit RISC microprocessor. This product is designed to

    This manual describes SAMSUNG s S3C2410A 16/32-bit RISC microprocessor. This product is designed to provide hand-held devices and general applications with cost-effective, low-power, and high-performance micro-controller solution in small die size. To reduce total system cost, the S3C2410A includes the following components separate 16KB Instruction and 16KB Data Cache, MMU to handle virtual memory management, LCD Controller (STN & TFT), NAND Flash Boot Loader, System Manager (chip select logic and SDRAM Controller), 3-ch UART, 4-ch DMA, 4-ch Timers with PWM, I/O Ports, RTC, 8-ch 10-bit ADC and Touch Screen Interface, IIC-BUS Interface, IIS-BUS Interface, USB Host, USB Device, SD Host & Multi-Media Card Interface, 2-ch SPI and PLL for clock generation.

    标签: This microprocessor describes S3C2410A

    上传时间: 2013-11-30
