个人所得税计算器 v个人所得税计算器
标签: 计算器
上传时间: 2014-01-23
上传时间: 2013-12-20
上传时间: 2016-10-31
Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGHT. 3. Output pins: OUT [15:0]. 4. Input signals generated from test pattern are latched in one cycle and are synchronized at clock rising edge. 5. The SHIFT signal describes the shift number. The shift range is 0 to 15. 6. When the signal RIGHT is high, it shifts input data to right. On the other hand, it shifts input data to left. 7. When the signal SIGN is high, the input data is a signed number and it shifts with sign extension. However, the input data is an unsigned number if the signal SIGN is low. 8. You can only use following gates in Table I and need to include the delay information (Tplh, Tphl) in your design.
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGHT. 3. Output pins: OUT [15:0]. 4. Input signals generated from test pattern are latched in one cycle and are synchronized at clock rising edge. 5. The SHIFT signal describes the shift number. The shift range is 0 to 15. 6. When the signal RIGHT is high, it shifts input data to right. On the other hand, it shifts input data to left. 7. When the signal SIGN is high, the input data is a signed number and it shifts with sign extension. However, the input data is an unsigned number if the signal SIGN is low. 8. You can only use following gates in Table I and need to include the delay information (Tplh, Tphl) in your design.
上传时间: 2014-01-20
本文主要讨论了如何在嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OSII下移植实现LwIP这套TCP/IP协议栈,使μC/OS II成为支持网络的RTOS。
上传时间: 2016-11-11
标签: ff_const_mul ff_mul 分 代码
上传时间: 2016-11-13
牛顿迭代法 若高阶非线性方程组: u ( x , y) = 0 v ( x , y) = 0 可以用迭代公式
上传时间: 2014-02-10
ram_dp_ar_aw.v 应该蛮有用的
标签: ram_dp_ar_aw
上传时间: 2013-12-03
: 通过 L V D S ( 低压差分信号) 传输方案与单个 L C o S ( 硅基液晶) 分时分色显示, 设计主电路 与头盔结构分离的单 L C o S 硅片彩色头盔显示系统。
上传时间: 2013-12-03