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  • 选择文件 X 纯手工生成的PE可执行文件

    选择文件 X 纯手工生成的PE可执行文件

    标签: 可执行文件

    上传时间: 2017-03-12


  • c++从入门到精通.pdf电子书 第二版

    我们编写的程序由两个主要方面组成 1 算法的集合就是将指令组织成程序来解决某个特定的问题 2 数据的集合算法在这些数据上操作以提供问题的解决方案 纵观短暂的计算机发展史这两个主要方面算法和数据一直保持不变发展演化的 是它们之间的关系就是所谓的程序设计方法programming paradigm 在过程化程序设计方法procedural programming 中一个问题可直接由一组算法来建 立模型例如公共图书馆的资料借阅/登记check out/check in 系统是由一系列过程表现 出来的其中两个主要的过程是资料的借阅和登记这些数据被独立存储起来我们既可以 在某个全局位置上访问这些数据或者把数据传递给过程以便它能够访问这些数据Fortran C 和 Pascal 是三种著名的过程语言C++也支持过程化程序设计单独的过程如check_in() check_out() over_due() fine()等等都被称为函数第三篇将集中讨论C++对过程化程序 设计方法的支持尤其将重点讨论函数函数模板和通用算法 在20 世纪70 年代程序设计的焦点从过程化程序设计方法转移到了抽象数据类型 abstract data type 简写为ADT 的程序设计上现在通常称之为基于对象(object based 的程序设计在基于对象的程序设计方法中我们通过一组数据抽象来建立问题的模型在 C++中我们把这些抽象称为类class 例如在这种方法下图书馆资料借阅登记系统就 由类的对象实例比如书借阅者还书时间罚款等之间的相互作用表现出来以此表 示出图书馆的抽象概念与每个类相关的算法被称为该类的公有接口public interface 数 据以私有形式被存储在每个对象中对数据的访问应与一般的程序代码隔离开来CLU Ada 和Modula-2 是三种支持抽象数据类型的程序设计语言第四篇将说明和讨论C++对抽象数据 类型程序设计方法的支持 面向对象的程序设计方法通过继承inheritance 机制和动态绑定dynamic binding 机 制扩展了抽象数据类型继承机制是对现有实现代码的重用动态绑定是指对现有的公有接 口的重用以前独立的类型现在有了类型/子类型的特定关系一本书一盒录像带一段录 音甚至孩子的宠物尽管它们有各自的借阅/登记方式但都可以成为图书馆的收藏资料 共享的公有接口和私有的数据都放在一个抽象类图书馆资料LibraryMaterial 中每个特 殊的图书馆资料类都从LibraryMaterial 抽象类继承共享的行为它们只需要提供与自身行为相 关的算法和数据Simula Smalltalk 和Java 是三种支持面向对象程序设计方法的著名语言 第五篇将集中讨论C++对面向对象程序设计方法的支持 C++是一种支持多种程序设计方法的语言虽然我们主要把它当作面向对象的语言但 实际上它也提供对过程化的和基于对象的程序设计方法的支持这样做的好处是对每个问题 都能够提供最合适的解决方案事实上没有一种程序设计方法能够

    标签: c++从入门到精通.pdf电子书 第二版

    上传时间: 2019-01-30


  • Essential+C++


    标签: Essential+C++

    上传时间: 2019-06-10


  • Radio+Protocols+for+LTE+and+LTE-A

    It was only a few years ago that “ubiquitous connectivity” was recognized as the future of wireless communication systems. In the era of ubiquitous connectivity, it was expected that the broadband mobile Internet experience would be pervasive, and seamless connectivity on a global scale would be no surprise at all. The quality of service would be guaranteed no matter when/where/what the users wanted with the connectivity. Connectivity would even be extended to object-to-object communication, where no human intervention was required. All objects would become capable of autonomous communication.

    标签: Protocols Radio LTE-A LTE for and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Electrostatic Discharge Protection

    Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is one of the most prevalent threats to the reliability of electronic components. It is an event in which a finite amount of charge is trans- ferred from one object (i.e., human body) to another (i.e., microchip). This process can result in a very high current passing through the microchip within a very short period of time, and, hence, more than 35% of chip damages can be attributed to an ESD-related event. As such, designing on-chip ESD structures to protect integrated circuits against the ESD stresses is a high priority in the semiconductor industry.

    标签: Electrostatic Protection Discharge

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • Chipless_Radio_Frequency_Identification

    Introduction to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): RFID is a wireless modulation and demodulation technique for automatic identification of objects, tracking goods, smart logistics, and access con- trol. RFID is a contactless, usually short‐distance transmission and reception technique for unique ID data transfer from a tagged object to an interrogator (reader). The generic configuration of an RFID system comprises (i) an ID data‐carrying tag, (ii) a reader, (iii) a middleware, and (iv) an enterprise application.

    标签: Chipless_Radio_Frequency_Identifi cation

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • RFID+as+an+Infrastructure

    RFID (radio-frequency identification) is the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio-frequencyelectromagnetic fields to transfer datafrom a tag attached to an object, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking [38]. The basic technologies for RFID have been around for a long time. Its root can be traced back to an espionage device designed in 1945 by Leon Theremin of the Soviet Union,whichretransmittedincidentradiowaves modulatedwith audioinformation. After decades of development, RFID systems have gain more and more attention from both the research community and the industry.

    标签: Infrastructure RFID as an

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • RFID+Security

    Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a type of automatic identification systems which has gained popularity in recent years for being fast and reliable in keeping track of the individual objects. In RFID systems, contactless object identification is achieved using radio signals without the need for physical contact as the case with other existing identification technologies such as barcodes. Therefore, a huge number of items can be identified in a short amount of time with high reliability and low cost which makes the RFID technology very attractive for a wide range of applications such as supply chain management, e-health, monitoring humans, pets, animals, and many other objects, toll control, and electrical tagging. Furthermore, RFID technology eliminates the human error and reduces the total cost of the products.

    标签: Security RFID

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Delphi 6 入门与提高

    本书从基本概念出发,全面讲解了Delphi各方面的知识,其内容包括安装Delphi 6,Object Pascal语言的基本语法和Object Pascal技术,窗体的使用,各种常用组件的属性、事件和方法,对话框设计,图形图像编程,文件管理,调试程序和错误处理,高级组件的使用,多媒体应用,API函数的使用,数据库以及网络编程等。这些涉及到使用程序设计的各方面的知识,本书都有详细的实例说明,有的实例比较简单,有些比较复杂,这样既可以使读者学到Delphi的相关知识,也可以学到一些编程技巧,为日后实际应用打下基础。本书适合Delphi初学者系统地学习,也可供软件开发人员参考。

    标签: Delphi

    上传时间: 2021-01-12


  • 新手学Delphi 30例

    本书从Delphi的基础操作入手,介绍了如何使用Delphi进行程序设计,并介绍了Delphi 的常用控件和Object Pascal语言的相关知识。全书由循序渐进的30个例子构成,每个例子都涉及Delphi的一个或几个方面,将知识点的讲解融进每个例子,每个例子都能实现完整的功能。通过实例的学习,读者既能掌握Delphi编程的基本方法,又能够体会到编程的乐趣。本书附一张互动多媒体光盘,光盘中演示了所有实例的操作过程,同时提供了交互式的环境,读者在光盘界面中操作步骤的提示下,可以亲自动手做完每个实例。本书适合作为初学者的自学材料。书中关于编程的经验与技巧的讲解,特别是关于控件设置方法和开发技巧方面经验的总结,对有经验的程序员也有很好的参考价值。

    标签: Delphi

    上传时间: 2021-01-13
