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  • list is a data dtructure. this is a data structure type implemantation and it is implemented in C pr

    list is a data dtructure. this is a data structure type implemantation and it is implemented in C prgramming language. General header contains pointer to object so list.c in c is implemented in generic way.

    标签: data implemantation implemented dtructure

    上传时间: 2017-03-27


  • MIPS 仿真器

    MIPS 仿真器,能够实现汇编,反汇编和模拟运行。自己开发的,java课的大程,可能问题比较多,仅做参考,而且程序架构也设计地不是很好。但作为新手大程学习和简单的MIPS模拟还是没有问题的。 本 MIPS 模拟器支持的指令如下: add,addi,sub,subi,and,andi,or,ori,nor,beq,bne,j,jr,jal,lw,lh,lb,sw,sh,sb, 其中所有的跳 转指令第三个操作数只能为一个行标签[不支持相对地址以及绝对地址],标签可 以写在一行开头,以冒号结尾。

    标签: MIPS 仿真器

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • This book is an introduction to Ada 95. It uses an example-driven approach which gradually develops

    This book is an introduction to Ada 95. It uses an example-driven approach which gradually develops small trivial programs into large case-study type programs. The main emphasis of this book is on maintenance problems, and using object-oriented technology to write maintainable, extensible programs. Program design is introduced throughout the book, with hypothetical maintenance scenarios used to shoe design shortcomings. and revise them to accomodate maintenance needs. Practical issues such as debugging programs are tackled, and important Ada features not found in other languages are dealt with practically and early on in the text. These include exception handling, user-defined types, procedures, functions, packages and child packages.

    标签: example-driven introduction gradually approach

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • CnCodeFormater Readme Author: passos Email: passos@cnpack.orgpassos@21cn.com Last Update:20

    CnCodeFormater Readme Author: passos Email: passos@cnpack.orgpassos@21cn.com Last Update:2003-12-16 Directories \CnParser Object Pascal 璇硶瑙f瀽鍣? \DCU 娴嬭瘯宸ョ▼DCU杈撳嚭鐩綍 \Test 娴嬭瘯宸ョ▼ Surpport Simple Stamtment can work The others language future need to be test ... Not Surpport Class type declare still cause error. And so on ... TODO Modify TCnCodeFormater s Class declare section. Add Scaner.ForwardToken future. any thing that I forget ...

    标签: passos CnCodeFormater orgpassos Author

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • Microsoft Visual Basic developers have long clamored for complete objectoriented language support

    Microsoft Visual Basic developers have long clamored for complete objectoriented language support. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET supports all the features of an objectoriented language. In addition, the entire Microsoft .NET Framework, which includes the development support for Microsoft Windows applications, Web applications, Web services, graphics, and data access, is designed according to object-oriented principles. Developers who have a firm grasp of object-oriented principles will be the strongest .NET developers.

    标签: objectoriented developers Microsoft clamored

    上传时间: 2014-12-21


  • Delphi Win32核心API参考光盘源码 本书包含了常用的Windows API函数

    Delphi Win32核心API参考光盘源码 本书包含了常用的Windows API函数,从窗口创建和消息处理函数到内存管理和文本输出函数。每一个函数均包含语法,函数作用的描述,可接受的常数值,返回值,相关函数的交叉引用,以及这些函数在Delphi的Object Pascal中的使用范例。 本书是畅销的Delphi开发人员系列丛书的一本,并针对Windows 2000做了更新和修订。这个新版本是32位Delphi下最易用的和最权威的图书,为微软Windows应用程序接口开发提供了正确且全面的指导。本书包含了常用的Windows API函数,从窗口创建和消息处理函数到内存管理和文本输出函数。每一个函数均包含语法,函数作用的描述,可接受的常数值,返回值,相关函数的交叉引用,以及这些函数在Delphi的Object Pascal中的使用范例。无论你是一个对Windows编程开发有经验的Delphi程序员,还是中级水平的Delphi程序员,本书都能帮助你扩展Delphi组件和对象的功能,并演示Win32 API可以为你做什么。

    标签: API Windows Delphi Win

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • 本手册针对的是已有一定网页设计制作经验的读者。其目的是提供最新最全的样式表内容的快速索引及注释。所以对于样式表的基础知识

    本手册针对的是已有一定网页设计制作经验的读者。其目的是提供最新最全的样式表内容的快速索引及注释。所以对于样式表的基础知识,在此仅简单介绍,恕不赘述。 本手册的升级信息与版权声明请参阅关于本书页面。本手册中专用词汇请参阅中英文词汇对照表。 限于篇幅,对于一些过于繁杂的相关内容,如动态样式属性(Dynamic Properties),滤镜(Filters),行为(Behaviors)请参阅我的其它相关著作。 本书中涉及到的所有HTML对象(Object,Element),HTML特性(Attributes)和属性(Properties)请参阅我的相关著作。

    标签: 样式表 基础知识 网页设计

    上传时间: 2017-04-26


  • 深入浅出MFC是一本介绍 MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)程式设计技术的书籍。对于 Windows 应用软体的开发感到兴趣

    深入浅出MFC是一本介绍 MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)程式设计技术的书籍。对于 Windows 应用软体的开发感到兴趣,并欲使用 Visual C++ 整合环境的视觉开发工具,以 MFC 为程式基础的人,都可以从此书获得最根本最重要的知识与实例。      如果你是一位对 Application Framework 和物件导向(Object Oriented)观念感兴趣的技术狂热份子,想知道神秘的 Runtime Type Information、Dynamic Creation、Persistence、Message Mapping 以及 Command Routing 如何实作,本书能够充分满足你。事实上,依我之见,这些核心技术与彻底学会操控 MFC 乃同一件事情。  

    标签: Foundation MFC Microsoft Classes

    上传时间: 2013-12-31


  • The purpose of the design pattern dictionary is to serve as reference point for commonly accepted s

    The purpose of the design pattern dictionary is to serve as reference point for commonly accepted software design patterns and idioms. It contains structured summaries of some 30 design patterns and idioms, commonly used in object oriented programming

    标签: dictionary reference accepted commonly

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • FastReport is reporting tool component. It consists of report engine, design

    FastReport is reporting tool component. It consists of report engine, designer and preview. It written on 100 Object Pascal and can be installed in Delphi 2-7 and C++Builder 1-6. Also available cross-platform version FR CLX for Delphi 6,7 C++ Builder 6 and Kylix 1,2,3 - check out webpage to get latest information.

    标签: FastReport component reporting consists

    上传时间: 2014-01-20
