We propose a technique that allows a person to design a new photograph with substantially less effort. This paper presents a method that generates a composite image when a user types in nouns, such as “boat” and “sand.” The artist can optionally design an intended image by specifying other constraints. Our algorithm formulates the constraints as queries to search an automatically annotated image database. The desired photograph, not a collage, is then synthesized using graph-cut optimization, optionally allowing for further user interaction to edit or choose among alternative generated photos. An implementation of our approach, shown in the associated video, demonstrates our contributions of (1) a method for creating specific images with minimal human effort, and (2) a combined algorithm for automatically building an image library with semantic annotations from any photo collection.
标签: substantially photograph technique propose
上传时间: 2016-11-24
PRINCIPLE: The UVE algorithm detects and eliminates from a PLS model (including from 1 to A components) those variables that do not carry any relevant information to model Y. The criterion used to trace the un-informative variables is the reliability of the regression coefficients: c_j=mean(b_j)/std(b_j), obtained by jackknifing. The cutoff level, below which c_j is considered to be too small, indicating that the variable j should be removed, is estimated using a matrix of random variables.The predictive power of PLS models built on the retained variables only is evaluated over all 1-a dimensions =(yielding RMSECVnew).
标签: from eliminates PRINCIPLE algorithm
上传时间: 2016-11-27
Lotus notes开发用的在线DHTML编辑器,基于Active X control 1. This rich text editor is based on the editor used in an older sandbox posting I found. The majority of this code was not written by me. Credit goes to someone at Lotus (I think) for the original code. I only extended the base code to add more features, such as cut/copy/paste and adding tables. 2. This editor is based on an Active X control, so it will only work in Internet Explorer. I tested this in IE 5.5, but I think it should would in IE 5.x The Active X control is marked "safe for scripting" and should not trigger a warning from your browser about unsafe content.
标签: editor control Active Lotus
上传时间: 2016-11-27
Problem A:放苹果 Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65536K Total Submit:1094 Accepted:441 Language: not limited Description 把M个同样的苹果放在N个同样的盘子里,允许有的盘子空着不放,问共有多少种不同的分法?(用K表示)5,1,1和1,5,1 是同一种分法。 Input 第一行是测试数据的数目t(0 <= t <= 20)。以下每行均包含二个整数M和N,以空格分开。1<=M,N<=10。 Output 对输入的每组数据M和N,用一行输出相应的K。 Sample Input 1 7 3 Sample Output 8
标签: Limit Accepted Language Problem
上传时间: 2016-11-30
This document contains official rules of the 3D soccer simulation competition at RoboCup 2006. While we will try to cover all cases, if unexpected events do occur, the rule committee will seek input from the participants and then make a decision. However, once the committee has made a decision, that decision is final and will not be open to further discussion
标签: competition simulation document contains
上传时间: 2016-11-30
AMOP 0.3 is an Automatic Mock Object for C++. By using ABI and template techniques, it can simulate a pseudo-"Reflection" which is normally not support in C++ . The main differences between AMOP and other mock object library is that, users DO not need to implement the interface of the object which to mock...
标签: techniques Automatic template simulate
上传时间: 2013-12-31
The ISD51_Demo project for the MSC1200 shows how to use the ISD51 In-System-Debugger with flash breakpoints or hardware breakpoints. By default, it is configured for flash breakpoints which allow you to set real-time breakpoints in your software. Using Flash breakpoints has also the benefit that no special handing for the shared interrupt vector is required, since the hardware break registers of the MSC1200 are not used at all.
标签: In-System-Debugger ISD the project
上传时间: 2014-11-18
MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : 学生管理系统 ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this 学生管理系统 application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your 学生管理系统 application. 学生管理系统.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally.
上传时间: 2013-12-16
Liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader. It is a news aggregator for online news feeds. It supports a number of different feed formats including RSS/RDF, CDF and Atom. There are many other news readers available, but these others are not available for Linux or require many extra libraries to be installed. Liferea tries to fill this gap by creating a fast, easy to use, easy to install news aggregator for GTK/GNOME. It was last updated for Liferea version 1.4.
标签: news abbreviation aggregator for
上传时间: 2016-12-05
evc与mapx mobile 在PDA上开发的GPS接收器。你的电脑上最好有evc++4.0和ppc2003模拟器,还有mapx mobile,没有都可以去官方网站上下载-AES with MapX mobile PDA development of the GIS system, the main function of MapInfo are included in the inside. Your computer is the best and ppc2003 AES Simulator 4.0, MapX mobile, can not go on the official website of the download
上传时间: 2016-12-06