Jitter is extremely important in systems using PLL-based clock drivers. The effects of jitter range from not having any effect on system operation to rendering the system completely non-functional. This application note provides the reader with a clear understanding of jitter in high-speed systems. It introduces the reader to various kinds of jitter in high-speed systems, their causes and their effects, and methods of reducing jitter. This application note will concentrate on jitter in PLL-based frequency synthesizers.
标签: extremely PLL-based important drivers
上传时间: 2014-11-25
What Does the code DO? Sometimes we may desire to hide our file contents from others.One of the possible way is encrypting these files.Here a simple encryption technique is used(In VB - The same technique can be implemented in "c" also.) Program flow Explained * Open the File to be encrypted for Binary Access Read(Say Source File) * Open a temparory file where encrypted data is stored for Binary Access Write(Say Destination File) * Loop through the Source File Byte by Byte * For each byte read from the file, Complement the data. (Using not operator (in C we have to use "~" operator) * Write Complemented Data to Destination File * Delete the Source File * Rename Destination file as Source File(Now Encryption is over)
标签: Sometimes the contents desire
上传时间: 2013-12-25
This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary points for d, and then the system reliability can be calculated in terms of such points. One computer example is shown to illustrate the solution procedure.
标签: capacities stochastic addresses network
上传时间: 2015-12-03
This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary points for d, and then the system reliability can be calculated in terms of such points. One computer example is shown to illustrate the solution procedure.
标签: capacities stochastic addresses network
上传时间: 2013-12-25
This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary points for d, and then the system reliability can be calculated in terms of such points. One computer example is shown to illustrate the solution procedure.
标签: capacities stochastic addresses network
上传时间: 2014-01-09
This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm is proposed "rstly to generate all lower boundary points for d, and then the system reliability can be calculated in terms of such points. One computer example is shown to illustrate the solution procedure.
标签: capacities stochastic addresses network
上传时间: 2013-12-28
This document contains a general overview in the first few sections as well as a more detailed reference in later sections for SVMpython. If you re already familiar with SVMpython, it s possible to get a pretty good idea of how to use the package merely by browsing through svmstruct.py and multiclass.py. This document provides a more in depth view of how to use the package. note that this is not a conversion of SVMstruct to Python. It is merely an embedding of Python in existing C code. All code other than the user implemented API functions is still in C, including optimization.
标签: document contains detailed overview
上传时间: 2013-12-14
SmallSQL is a 100% pure Java DBMS, a relational database for Java desktop applications. It has a JDBC 3.0 interface and offering many ANSI SQL 92 and ANSI SQL 99 features. It is very small and fast Java library. It does not have a network interface.
标签: Java applications relational SmallSQL
上传时间: 2015-12-07
The Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG are finalising a new standard for the coding (compression) of natural video images. The new standard [1] will be known as H.264 and also MPEG-4 Part 10, “Advanced Video Coding”. This document describes the methods of filtering reconstructed blocks in an H.264 CODEC. note that the H.264 draft standard is not yet finalised and so readers are encouraged to refer to the latest version of the standard.
标签: finalising standard Joint ITU-T
上传时间: 2015-12-08
In a preemptive priority based RTOS, priority inversion problem is among the major sources of deadline violations. Priority inheritance protocol is one of the approaches to reduce priority inversion. Unfortunately, RTOS like uC/OS can’t support priority inheritance protocol since it does not allow kernel to have multiple tasks at the same priority. Although it has different ways to avoid priority inversion such as priority ceiling protocol, developers still have some difficulties in programming real time applications with it. In this paper, we redesign the uC/OS kernel to provide the ability to support round robin scheduling and implement priority inheritance semaphore on the modified kernel. As result, we port new kernel with priority inheritance semaphore to evaluation board, and evaluate the execution time of each of the kernel service as well as verify the operations of our implementation.
标签: priority preemptive inversion problem
上传时间: 2015-12-14