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  • C++实现神经网路的bp算法

    C++实现神经网路的bp算法,初学者可以参考下 BP algorithm of neural network s achievement based on c++, maybe it is useful to a new learner

    标签: 网路 算法

    上传时间: 2016-11-06


  • DTNSim2 is a simulator for Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) written in Java. It is based on Sushant Ja

    DTNSim2 is a simulator for Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) written in Java. It is based on Sushant Jain s DTNSim, which was used for the Routing in a delay tolerant network paper. It has been exensively modified.

    标签: Delay-Tolerant simulator Networks DTNSim2

    上传时间: 2016-11-06


  • DYMOUM is an implementation of the DYMO (Dynamic Manet On-demand) routing protocol both for Linux ke

    DYMOUM is an implementation of the DYMO (Dynamic Manet On-demand) routing protocol both for Linux kernel and ns2 network simulator, written in C and C++.

    标签: implementation On-demand protocol Dynamic

    上传时间: 2016-11-07


  • 微电子技术、计算技术和无线通信等技术的进步

    微电子技术、计算技术和无线通信等技术的进步,推动了低功耗多功能传感器的快速发展,使其在微小体积内能够集成信息采集、数据处理和无线通信等功能。无线传感网络(wireless sensor network, WSN)就是由大量部署在监测区域内的这类传感器节点组成,通过无线通信的方式形成的一个多跳的自组织的网络系统,从而协作的感知、采集和处理网络覆盖区域的监测信息,并发送给观察者。无线传感网络技术将是21世纪最有发展前景的技术之一。本文在介绍了无线传感网络的基础上,着重分析和研究了现有的无线传感网络的路由协议和算法。

    标签: 电子技术 无线通信 计算技术

    上传时间: 2016-11-07


  • 传统的以太网是一个广播型网络

    传统的以太网是一个广播型网络,网络中的所有主机通过HUB 或交换机相连,处在 同一个广播域中。HUB 是物理层设备,没有交换功能,接收的报文会向所有端口转 发;交换机是链路层设备,具备根据报文的目的MAC 地址进行转发的能力,但在 收到广播报文或未知单播报文(报文的目的MAC 地址不在交换机MAC 地址表中) 时,也会向除交换机报文入端口之外的所有端口转发。 上述情况使网络中的主机会收到大量并非以自身为目的地的报文,在浪费大量带宽 资源的同时,也造成了严重的安全隐患。 隔离广播域的传统方法是使用路由器,但是路由器成本较高,而且端口较少,无法 划分细致的网络。 为解决以太网交换机在LAN 中无法限制广播的问题,出现了VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network,虚拟局域网)技术。

    标签: 以太网 广播 网络

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • NeC4.5 is a variant of C4.5 decision tree, which could generate decision trees more accurate than st

    NeC4.5 is a variant of C4.5 decision tree, which could generate decision trees more accurate than standard C4.5 decision trees, through regarding a neural network ensemble as a pre-process of C4.5 decision tree.

    标签: decision 4.5 accurate generate

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • The MIPS32® 4KEm™ core from MIPS® Technologies is a member of the MIPS32 4KE™ proc

    The MIPS32® 4KEm™ core from MIPS® Technologies is a member of the MIPS32 4KE™ processor core family. It is a high-performance, low-power, 32-bit MIPS RISC core designed for custom system-on-silicon applications. The core is designed for semiconductor manufacturing companies, ASIC developers, and system OEMs who want to rapidly integrate their own custom logic and peripherals with a high-performance RISC processor. It is highly portable across processes, and can be easily integrated into full system-on-silicon designs, allowing developers to focus their attention on end-user products. The 4KEm core is ideally positioned to support new products for emerging segments of the digital consumer, network, systems, and information management markets, enabling new tailored solutions for embedded applications.

    标签: MIPS 8482 Technologies 174

    上传时间: 2014-12-22


  • 无线传感器网络

    无线传感器网络,粒子滤波,particle filter for sensor network

    标签: 无线传感器网络

    上传时间: 2016-11-14


  • Semantic analysis of multimedia content is an on going research area that has gained a lot of atten

    Semantic analysis of multimedia content is an on going research area that has gained a lot of attention over the last few years. Additionally, machine learning techniques are widely used for multimedia analysis with great success. This work presents a combined approach to semantic adaptation of neural network classifiers in multimedia framework. It is based on a fuzzy reasoning engine which is able to evaluate the outputs and the confidence levels of the neural network classifier, using a knowledge base. Improved image segmentation results are obtained, which are used for adaptation of the network classifier, further increasing its ability to provide accurate classification of the specific content.

    标签: multimedia Semantic analysis research

    上传时间: 2016-11-24


  • 我写这个专题的目的

    我写这个专题的目的,一方面是为了通过对网络编程再一次系统的总结,提高自己的网络编程水平,特别是Windows下的网络编程水平。同时,我也希望,能为众多初学网络编程的人提供一点帮助,因为我开始学习网络编程的时候,能找到的资料就很少。当然,花钱可以买到翻译版本的书:) 首先向大家推荐一本很好的参考书,Network Programming for Microsoft Windows 2nd, 初学网络编程的时候我还不知道有这样一本好书,只是上各大论坛把能找到的网络编程方面的文章和代码下载下来,然后自己研究。后来看到别人推荐这一本书,下载了一个,看了感觉非常好,里面的内容写得很规范,条理也很清楚,英文好的朋友可以直接阅读,不然就只好去弄一本翻译好的来研究了。、


    上传时间: 2014-01-10
