UWB 功率控制 容量 Main Matlab script is in runsim.m. It generates random topologies, optimizes, and display results. IMPORTANT: you may need to add manually the lib path in Matlab in order to get all the necessary functions. Reference: Radunovic, Le Boudec, "Joint Power Control, Scheduling and Routing in UWB networks"
标签: topologies generates optimizes Matlab
上传时间: 2015-08-14
In order to thoroughly understand what makes Linux tick and why it works so well on a wide variety of systems, you need to delve deep into the heart of the kernel. The kernel handles all interactions between the CPU and the external world, and determines which programs will share processor time, in what order. It manages limited memory so well that hundreds of processes can share the system efficiently, and expertly organizes data transfers so that the CPU isn t kept waiting any longer than necessary for the relatively slow disks.
标签: thoroughly understand variety order
上传时间: 2014-12-07
LISTVIEW + DATABASE PROGRAMMING FUNCTIONS IN A NUTSHELL This solution contains a classLibrary project and a WindowsApplication project. The classlibrary project has only one class which has almost all the necessary functions and subs one may need during programming with a listview.
上传时间: 2014-01-12
Many applications in computer graphics require complex, highly detailed models. However, the level of detail actually necessary may vary considerably. To control processing time, it is often desirable to use approximations in place of excessively detailed models.
标签: applications computer graphics detailed
上传时间: 2014-11-22
%CHECKBOUNDS Move the initial point within the (valid) bounds. % [X,LB,UB,X,FLAG] = CHECKBOUNDS(X0,LB,UB,nvars) % checks that the upper and lower % bounds are valid (LB <= UB) and the same length as X (pad with -inf/inf % if necessary) warn if too long. Also make LB and UB vectors if not % already. % Finally, inf in LB or -inf in UB throws an error.
标签: CHECKBOUNDS the initial bounds
上传时间: 2015-10-26
This directory builds the Tape class driver for Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003. The class driver implements device-independent support, and exports support routines for device-specific tape miniclass drivers. It handles device-independent tape requests and calls the tape minidriver routines to process device-specific functions. Class driver splits transfer requests, when necessary, to fit the maximum transfer size for the underlying host bus adapter. It also provides device-independent, tape-specific error handling, and calls the tape miniclass driver s device-specific error handling routines.
标签: class Microsoft directory reg
上传时间: 2013-12-09
This a small hack I wrote to bypass the "No previous installation!" error of Microchip s C18 Upgrade. Simply run C18Fake and select your C18 installation directory (create if necessary) and click Save button. A "fake" file will now be created into that directory, and this will fool the Upgrade into thinking you already have a former legit installation. After that you run the C18 Upgrade setup and select the same directory you created/selected before. Your installation will now begin installing the full C18 package.
标签: installation Microchip previous Upgrade
上传时间: 2014-01-21
TI warrants performance of its products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements.
标签: specifications performance applicable the
上传时间: 2016-01-16
ST7529液晶驱动 The ST7529 is a driver & controller LSI for 32 gray scale graphic dot-matrix liquid crystal display systems. It generates 255 Segment and 160 Common driver circuits. This chip is connected directly to a microprocessor, accepts Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), 8-bit/16-bit parallel or IIC display data and stores in an on-chip display data RAM. It performs display data RAM read/write operation with no external operating clock to minimize power consumption. In addition, because it contains power supply circuits necessary to drive liquid crystal, it is possible to make a display system with the fewest components.
标签: 7529 controller dot-matrix graphic
上传时间: 2013-12-02
PCA and PLS aims:to get some insight into the bilinear factor models Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, focusing on the mathematics and numerical aspects rather than how s and why s of data analysis practice. For the latter part it is assumed (but not absolutely necessary) that the reader is already familiar with these methods. It also assumes you have had some preliminary experience with linear/matrix algebra.
标签: Component Principal Analysis bilinear
上传时间: 2016-02-07