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  • 用NS- 2 仿真各种路由协议性能时用到的传统运动场景发生器存在两个缺陷: 运动状态不能迅速过渡到稳态, 节点速度的 均匀分布区间起始值只能为0。为了弥补上述缺陷, Tracy Camp 研制了稳态

    用NS- 2 仿真各种路由协议性能时用到的传统运动场景发生器存在两个缺陷: 运动状态不能迅速过渡到稳态, 节点速度的 均匀分布区间起始值只能为0。为了弥补上述缺陷, Tracy Camp 研制了稳态运动场景发生器。通过仿真验证了采用该发生器可大 大缩短仿真时间, 在此基础上仿真AODV 和DSDV 两种路由协议, 首次从吞吐量、协议包开销、平均延迟三个方面对稳态运动场景 下的两种路由协议性能进行分析, 得出结论表明采用稳态运动场景进行路由协议仿真是非常必要的。 关键词: 稳态运动场景 setdest 更新过程 Random Waypoint

    标签: Tracy Camp 缺陷 稳态

    上传时间: 2014-12-05


  • A MATLAB program has been written to investigate Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

    A MATLAB program has been written to investigate Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) communication systems. This program is valuable for future researchers simulating systems that are too theoretically complex to analyze. Single-carrier QAM and multicarrier OFDM are compared to demonstrate the strength of OFDM in multipath channels. Two graphical user interface demonstrations show some of the basic concepts of OFDM.

    标签: Multiplexing investigate Orthogonal Frequency

    上传时间: 2013-12-09


  • 多普勒频移

    3gpp信道模型代码,加入mimo,多径等-3GPP channel model code, adding mimo, multipath, etc.

    标签: 移动通信 多普勒频移

    上传时间: 2015-06-16


  • Digital Audio Broadcasting Principles

    The new digital radio system DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting, nowadays often called Digital Radio) is a very innovative and universal multimedia broadcast system which will replace the existing AM and FM audio broadcast services in many parts of the world in the future. It was developed in the 1990s by the Eureka 147/DAB project. DAB is very well suited for mobile reception and provides very high robustness against multipath reception. It allows use of single frequency networks (SFNs) for high frequency efficiency.

    标签: Broadcasting Principles Digital Audio

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Multiple-Input+Multiple-Output+Channel+Models

    Many wireless communications channels consist of multiple signal paths from the transmitter to receiver. This multiplicity of paths leads to a phenomenon known as multipath fading. The multiple paths are caused by the presence of objects in the physical environment that, through the mechanisms of propagation, alter the path of radiated energy. These objects are referred to as scatterers. In the past, researchers often looked at ways to mitigate multipath scattering, such as in diversity systems. Multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems, on the other hand, use multipath diversity to their advantage; a MIMO system has the ability to translate increased spatial diversity into increased channel capacity. 

    标签: Multiple-Output Multiple-Input Channel Models

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Orthogonal+Frequency+Division+Multiplexing

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing  (OFDM) has been shown to be an effective technique to combat multipath fading in wireless channels. It has been and is going to be used in various wireless communication systems. This book gives a comprehensive introduction on the theory and practice of OFDM for wireless communications. 

    标签: Multiplexing Orthogonal Frequency Division

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Radio Propagation Measurement

    Radio propagation measurements and channel modelling continue to be of fundamental importance to radio system design. As new technology enables dynamic spectrum access and higher data rates, radio propagation effects such as shadowing, the presence of multipath and frequency dispersion are the limiting factors in the design of wireless communication systems. While there are several books covering the topic of radio propagation in various frequency bands, there appears to be no books on radio propagation measurements, which this book addresses at length. 

    标签: Propagation Measurement Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Time-Varying Channels

    Wireless communications has become a field of enormous scientific and economic interest. Recent success stories include 2G and 3G cellular voice and data services (e.g., GSM and UMTS), wireless local area networks (WiFi/IEEE 802.11x), wireless broadband access (WiMAX/IEEE 802.16x), and digital broadcast systems (DVB, DAB, DRM). On the physical layer side, traditional designs typically assume that the radio channel remains constant for the duration of a data block. However, researchers and system designers are increasingly shifting their attention to channels that may vary within a block. In addition to time dispersion caused by multipath propagation, these rapidly time-varying channels feature frequency dispersion resulting from the Doppler effect. They are, thus, often referred to as being “doubly dispersive.”

    标签: Time-Varying Channels

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(135)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(135)资源包含以下内容:1. AT89C52红外接收c源码 已经过调试 下载即可使用.2. 步进电机驱动控制技术及其应用设计研究 一编论文.3. Nucleus PLUS source code anasisy. An open source OS which is widely used in embedded development dom.4. 数字系统CAD 开发平台实验部分共有6 个实验.5. 12位ads7816的两种读取方式:SPI方式和手动方式.6. 可用于嵌入式编程学习.7. ADE7755应用于单相CPU卡表的硬件设计原理图.8. 电能表的结构原理介绍和工作原理介绍.9. 这是一个关于C++编程规范的资料.10. C/C++bianchengguifan.11. 赛车程序:先对赛道和赛车建立模型.12. This document teach how you interface the microcontroller to the devices using i2c , spi and serial.13. 我收集的一些I2C的技术文档和在linux环境的应用分析等.14. 模糊PID在电阻炉温度控制系统中的应用。提出了FUZZY-PID控制器.15. 在网站上找到的一个比较不错的字符叠加程序.16. 包的运用.17. 嵌入式高速数据采集器的研制.18. 嵌入式C_C++语言精华文章集锦.19. Visual C++网络通信协议分析与应用实现代码.20. 嵌入式C编程语言入门与深入.21. 周立功的PCI51XX CAN卡在VC6.0下的开发示例.22. 飞思卡尔S12系Serial_Peripheral_Interphase_(SPI)应用范例.23. 飞思卡尔S12系列Inter-IC_Bus__(IIC)应用范例.24. 开机时.25. 简单的程序.26. U2270B组成的读卡头原理图!典型应用电路.27. lpc214x的开发平台下载软件 使用lpc214x的开发.28. ZIGBEE1015无线传感器统会自动删除debug和release目录.29. Introduction: 1. Macro1: AddFailureModeCol is used to the test report generated from GNPO Rpt Tools.30. 适合用于嵌入式的zc301摄像头驱动。解压缩之后放在/driver/media/video/zc0301目录下.31. 开源嵌入式图形软件FLTK使用 视频教程.32. jz4740 nand boot source code. jz4740 nand 引导代码.33. 用C++写的一个模拟ATM自动取款机的程序.我这个程序不同于网上现有的那个不能记录用户填写信息的..34. 该电子日历可显示年、月、日、星期、时、分的时间信息。 整个系统采用AT89C52作为中央处理芯片.35. 让你了解AODV在OPNET下怎么运用.36. 基于GPS定位的嵌入式汽车监控器设计.37. 使用手册.38. Zigbee培训资料.39. EASYARM2210的原理图 设计ARM硬件的重要参考.40. 嵌入式平台的开发全过程 非常易懂 嵌?胧狡教ǖ目⑷?非常易懂.

    标签: 夜视

    上传时间: 2013-05-25
