WUSB的运行采用MBOA–MAC架构,同时保留了主从架构,和USB 2.0一样,它也能处理控制、突发、中断和同步(Control、Bulk、Interrupt and Isochronous)所有这四种传输形式。主机和WUSB设备合称WUSB丛集,采用星型拓扑;与USB 2.0. A的树型拓扑不同,WUSB主机能直接连接多达127个设备,因此在WUSB丛集中不需要包含WUSB集线器。而由于WUSB没有缆线,因此,所有的WUSB设备都必须自行供电(self-powered)。
上传时间: 2015-09-08
The aim of this application note is to show to scan the 4x4 matrix keypad multiplexed with a four 7-segment display. The software attached to this application note scans the pressed key and displays it on the multiplexed 7- segment LEDs. This application note makes obvious Interrupt capability of the STR710 device to offer a better key scan .
标签: application multiplexed matrix keypad
上传时间: 2015-09-13
一个简单的SPI IP核,SPI Core Specifications 可以从说明文档中找到! The simple Serial Peripheral Interface core is an enhanced version of the Serial Peripheral Interface found on Motorola s M68HC11 family of CPUs. The Serial Peripheral Interface is a serial, synchronous communication protocol that requires a minimum of 3 wires. FEATURES: · Compatible with Motorola’s SPI specifications · Enhanced M68HC11 Serial Peripheral Interface · 4 entries deep read FIFO · 4 entries deep write FIFO · Interrupt generation after 1, 2, 3, or 4 transferred bytes · 8 bit WISHBONE RevB.3 Classic interface · Operates from a wide range of input clock frequencies · Static synchronous design · Fully synthesizable
上传时间: 2015-09-17
The function conload takes a dataset and a model (PCA, PLS, PARAFAC etc.) and calculates congruence loadings which is the extension of correlation loadings to uncentered and multi-way models
标签: calculates congruence and function
上传时间: 2014-01-08
这是PC机间相互通信的例子,程序“require”为用查询方式实现,程序“interrupt”为 用中断方式实现
上传时间: 2014-03-03
Embest S3C44B0X Evaluation Board RTC Test Example RTC Check(Y/N)? y Set Default Time at 2004-12-31 FRI 23:59:59 Set Alarm Time at 2005-01-01 00:00:01 ... RTC Alarm Interrupt O.K. ... Current Time is 2005-01-01 SAT 00:00:01 RTC Working now. To set date(Y/N)? y Current date is (2005,01,01, SAT). input new date (yy-mm-dd w): 5-2-23 3 Current date is: 2005-02-23 WED RTC Working now. To set time(Y/N)? y Current time is (00:00:21). To set time(hh:mm:ss): 19:32:5 Current Time is 2005-02-23 WED 19:32:
标签: Evaluation RTC S3C44B0X Default
上传时间: 2014-01-03
MSC 1210 A/D Conversion for 1 input signals (-2.5V ... +2.5V) Inputs pairs AIN0-AIN1 read in an interrupt service routine
标签: Conversion 2.5 AIN signals
上传时间: 2014-01-25
主要特点 * Flexible finite element space construction based template element library 基于模板单元库灵活的构造有限元空间 * Convenient facilities to implement mesh adaption 很方便的进行网格加密和稀疏化 * Multi-mesh operation supported 支持多套网格操作 需要有一定的有限元基础和C++语言基础,最好在linux平台下用。
标签: element construction Flexible template
上传时间: 2014-11-21
A one-dimensional calibration object consists of three or more collinear points with known relative positions. It is generally believed that a camera can be calibrated only when a 1D calibration object is in planar motion or rotates around a ¯ xed point. In this paper, it is proved that when a multi-camera is observing a 1D object undergoing general rigid motions synchronously, the camera set can be linearly calibrated. A linear algorithm for the camera set calibration is proposed,and then the linear estimation is further re¯ ned using the maximum likelihood criteria. The simulated and real image experiments show that the proposed algorithm is valid and robust.
标签: one-dimensional calibration collinear consists
上传时间: 2014-01-12
UCOS/II for ICCAVR - The version of UCOS/II is 2.04 - the original port was done by Ole Saether for the IAR compiler. Jens E. Holtegaard ported one version using ICCAVR. Joerg Meyer did another port (using Jens port as a start?). This is basically Joerg s port plus a little bit of changes and documentation by me. - YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE MAIN PART OF THE UCOS/II FROM THE UCOS/II WEBSITE http://www.ucos-ii.com . The supplied project file assumes the portable source is in the ..\source directory. - Joerg has written couple document showing the stack frames etc. but it is in German :-) They are included in this directory. - The Timer2 overflow interrupt is used for Timer Tick. If you want to change that, modify os_cpu_c.c and os_cpu_a.s - I have tested this using ATMega103 with and without external RAM using AVR Studio simulator. See test1.c test program. Both Code Compressed (PRO) and STD versions have been tested.
标签: UCOS original Saether version
上传时间: 2015-11-14