observable distribution grid are investigated. A distribution grid is observable if the state of the grid can be fully determined. For the simulations, the modified 34-bus IEEE test feeder is used. The measurements needed for the state estimation are generated by the ladder iterative technique. Two methods for the state estimation are analyzed: Weighted Least Squares and Extended Kalman Filter. Both estimators try to find the most probable state based on the available measurements. The result is that the Kalman filter mostly needs less iterations and calculation time. The disadvantage of the Kalman filter is that it needs some foreknowlegde about the state.
标签: distribution observable grid investigated
上传时间: 2014-12-08
新加原版MemDev功能模块 UCGUI3.90版源码有如下几点新的变化. 1.这个版本的UCGUI提供了模拟器的源码[本站上似乎有3.24版的带模拟器源码的UCGUI下载, 大家比较一下..] 2.还有JPEG图版支持 3.ListView控件支持. 4.Menu菜单支持. 5.ScrollBar滚动条支持. 6.multi-controller多控制器支持.
上传时间: 2017-03-18
The future satellite communication systems are re- quired to support the higher transmission data rate for providing the multimedia services by employing the e铿僣ient modulation method such as multi-level QAM.
标签: communication transmission satellite systems
上传时间: 2017-04-18
上传时间: 2013-12-14
Implements Maximum likelihood estimation of beta and other parameters for model of stock portfolio vs. index using kalman filter
标签: Implements likelihood estimation parameters
上传时间: 2013-12-28
GPS TOOLBOX包含以下内容: 1、GPS相关常量和转换因子; 2、角度变换; 3、坐标系转换: 点变换; 矩阵变换; 向量变换; 4、专用测绘程序; 5、专用统计函数; 6、GPS时间工具; 7、专用GPS数据处理函数; 8、航迹和相关工具; 9、卫星位置计算; 10、高度和方位角判定,以及卫星可见性; 11、DOP(dilution of precision)计算,卫星选取和相关函数; 12、专用信号处理和Kalman滤波函数; 13、伪距和误差判定及相关函数; 14、用户位置判定及相关函数; 15、RAIM/FDE可用性和完好性评估相关函数。
上传时间: 2017-05-07
this book mainly includes these contents :linked list, stacks and queuse, recursions, binary tree, multi tree, graphs, sorting, hashing, data compression.
标签: recursions includes contents binary
上传时间: 2017-05-28
This manual describes SAMSUNG s S3C2410A 16/32-bit RISC microprocessor. This product is designed to provide hand-held devices and general applications with cost-effective, low-power, and high-performance micro-controller solution in small die size. To reduce total system cost, the S3C2410A includes the following components separate 16KB Instruction and 16KB Data Cache, MMU to handle virtual memory management, LCD Controller (STN & TFT), NAND Flash Boot Loader, System Manager (chip select logic and SDRAM Controller), 3-ch UART, 4-ch DMA, 4-ch Timers with PWM, I/O Ports, RTC, 8-ch 10-bit ADC and Touch Screen Interface, IIC-BUS Interface, IIS-BUS Interface, USB Host, USB Device, SD Host & Multi-Media Card Interface, 2-ch SPI and PLL for clock generation.
标签: This microprocessor describes S3C2410A
上传时间: 2013-11-30
多点温度采集上位机程序(原程序),这是配合这是配套本人上传的“多点温度采集系统”的上位机程序,一整套的东西,通这RS232接收下位机传来的数据,显示和画走势图,还可以控制下位机,通信协议在“Multi-point_temperature _system.rar”
上传时间: 2013-12-09
hese are the zip files that are associated with application note ADSP-BF533 Blackfin Booting Process (EE-240) example.zip: Used throughout the EE-note to explain in detail the various booting modes. BF533 Ez Kit Multiple DXE Boot.zip: Multi-DXE Boot Example used with the ADSP-BF533 Ez-Kit Lite. Host Boot.zip: Example Host code to demonstrate SPI Slave Mode Booting Program_Atmel.zip: Example code that programs the Atmel DataFlashes via an ADSP-BF532 Processor All programs have been written for VisualDSP++ 3.5
标签: application associated are Blackfin
上传时间: 2017-07-30