西门子建筑电器-电气安装技术部发行的各类产品样本:小型断路器、剩余电流保护断路器和模数化产品(中/ 英文)Miniature Circuit-Breakers, Residual Current Operated Circuit-Breakers and Modular Devices (Chinese/English)低压熔断器系统(中/ 英文)Fuse System (Chinese/English)雷击,过电压-不再是问题(中文)Thunderstorms - no problem (Chinese)西门子建筑电器目录(中文)Electrical Installation Technology Catalog (Chinese)终端配电保护产品(中文)5 IN 1 (Chinese)SIKUS 和 STAB UNIVERSAL 目录(中文)SIKUS and STAB UNIVERSAL Catalogue (Chinese)SIKUS HC 目录(中文)SIKUS HC Catalogue (Chinese)SentronTM 母线槽 (中文)SentronTM Busway System (Chinese)SentronTM 母线槽系统快速选型 (准备中) (中文)SentronTM Busway System quick selection (in preparing) (Chinese)建筑低压配电一体化解决方案-住宅小区应用(中文)Building LV PD Solution (Chinese)西门子 DELTA vista“远景”系列开关和插座价目表(中文)Delta vista Switch and Socket Pricelist (Chinese)instabus EIB 面向未来的楼宇智能控制系统(中文)instabus EIB (Chinese)instabus EIB 面向未来的楼宇智能控制系统技术手册 (准备中) (中文)instabus EIB technical handbook (in preparing) (Chinese)西门子电气安装技术业绩卓越(中/ 英文)ET Reference Manual (Chinese/English)
上传时间: 2013-11-23
在Multisim 10软件环境下,设计一种由运算放大器构成的精确可控矩形波信号发生器,结合系统电路原理图重点阐述了各参数指标的实现与测试方法。通过改变RC电路的电容充、放电路径和时间常数实现了占空比和频率的调节,通过多路开关投入不同数值的电容实现了频段的调节,通过电压取样和同相放大电路实现了输出电压幅值的调节并提高了电路的带负载能力,可作为频率和幅值可调的方波信号发生器。Multisim 10仿真分析及应用电路测试结果表明,电路性能指标达到了设计要求。 Abstract: Based on Multisim 10, this paper designed a kind of rectangular-wave signal generator which could be controlled exactly composed of operational amplifier, the key point was how to implement and test the parameter indicators based on the circuit diagram. The duty and the frequency were adjusted by changing the time constant and the way of charging and discharging of the capacitor, the width of frequency was adjusted by using different capacitors provided with multiple switch, the amplitude of output voltage was adjusted by sampling voltage and using in-phase amplifier circuit,the ability of driving loads was raised, the circuit can be used as squarewave signal generator whose frequency and amplitude can be adjusted. The final simulation results of Multisim 10 and the tests of applicable circuit show that the performance indicators of the circuit meets the design requirements.
上传时间: 2014-01-21
ATmega8 taillight circuitAn assembly language program that generates 5 different static patterns with switching from pattern-to-pattern controlled by the depression of one push-button switch (S2).
标签: taillight circuitAn generates different
上传时间: 2014-01-12
/*[原创]一个树形多级菜单参考程序 这是一个用于车载电话的菜单程序,可以看成是手机功能菜单的简化板. 我所认为的树形多级菜单是指:在一个父菜单项目下面有多个子菜单, 子菜单下面又有多个孙菜单...,进入下层菜单主要依*当前选中的索引.有点象文件的目录结构. 本木从前实现这类的菜单主要*分层的switch语句,每层都是一个switch.但当我看到晓奇大侠的 程序和耳朵灌满lq等人的争论后,那时那地,我的心境变化了,我意识到指针代表了先进的生产力, 代表了社会的发展方向,是建设和谐社会的必要条件.不管你用了多长时间C语言,只要你不善于用 一个小针指来指去,你就是那种"用嘴吃饭的高贵骑士,决不用屁股装弹步枪"的守旧分子和社会发 展的绊脚石.(跑题太远,删去1万字...打住) .言归正传,下面的程序适用CPU为Mega16,编译器为CVAVR 1.24.4a 由于按键数目较多,所以按键程 序把按键事件分为数字键,快捷键,确认键,取消键,上下翻键几类,以减小菜单结构的容量.一下菜单 数据在菜单结构数组中的偏移量,有多少个菜单象就有多少个宏定义*/
上传时间: 2013-11-28
Displays CPU time usage, the list of processes (can be terminated) and the task which are running (can be close or switch to). Plus a little net traffic monitor and a disk status report.
标签: terminated the processes Displays
上传时间: 2013-12-25
Micro In-System Programmer Brief Installation Notes Enter the src directory. If uisp does not compile successfully, add switch -DNO_DIRECT_IO in the Makefile to remove support for direct I/O port access (that may be necessary on non-PC architectures). Parallel port access should still work if you have the Linux ppdev driver (patch for 2.2.17 is in the kernel directory, ppdev is standard in 2.4 kernels). Please lobby Alan Cox to include this tiny little driver in 2.2.x too :). To make it type: make and to install it: make install If you have any further doubts, please consult UISP s homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/uisp/
标签: Installation Programmer In-System directory
上传时间: 2013-12-23
上传时间: 2013-12-22
这是我学习《MATLAB程序设计与应用》刘卫国、陈昭平 一书时第一章和第二章的课后习题 目录 exponential_e.m exsub.m fheritage.m initialise.m matrix.m matrix2.m matrixm.m matrix_c.m matrix_mul.m mult.m mywork1201.dll mywork1201.m normcdf_.m p41_4.m p41_5.asv p41_5.m p41_6.m p41_7.m p41_8.m p64_1.m p64_2.m p64_3.m p64_4.m p64_5.m p65_10_1.m p65_10_2.m p65_10_3.m p65_6.m p65_8.m
标签: exponential_e fheritage initiali MATLAB
上传时间: 2015-08-11
该程序模拟UNIX中save与resume函数,并介绍在VC中如何使用汇编进行机器级的操作. 主函数很简单首先引入两个外部函数,extern "C"表示按传统C命名习惯.函数save将程序指针保存在(*s)中并返回0,为什么有 if(save(&sp)){...} if后的语句看起来永远都不会被执行,但是运行结果表明它被执行了.这个问题同UNIX中处理机调度函数(switch)的那个if语句(第一句)一样. 程序执行完save(&sp)后得到因为条件为假而执行else语句,却在判断之前将程序指针保存在sp中了. else语句中的resume(&sp),该函数很狡猾将堆栈中的返回地址改变了,改到了sp所指出,即将程序指针改到了执行条件判断前.resume返回1,条件满足,执行if语句. save函数堆栈: eip ebp+8 s ebp+4 ebp ebp+0 resume函数堆栈与save的相同. 新建一个win32的工程,将unixc.cpp和unix.obj加入过程即可. unix.obj是用masm6.11生成的:ml /c /coff unix.asm,生成coff格式的obj而不是omf格式.
上传时间: 2015-09-10
硬件平台为Xilinx Spartan3e,编译软件为ISE8.1,实现了九针com口通信,键盘输入回显,switch控制LED功能。
上传时间: 2014-01-15