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  • Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication

    The continuing vitality of spread-spectrum communication systems and the devel- opment of new mathematICAl methods for their analysis provided the motivation to undertake this new edition of the book. This edition is intended to enable readers to understand the current state-of-the-art in this field. Almost twenty percent of the materialinthiseditionisnew, includingseveralnewsections, anewchapteronadap- tive arrays and filters, and a new chapter on code-division multiple-access networks.

    标签: Spread-Spectrum Communication Principles of

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Simulation of Communication Systems

    Since the first edition of the book was published, the field of modeling and simulation of communication systems has grown and matured in many ways, and the use of simulation as a day-to-day tool is now even more common practice. Many new modeling and simulation approaches have been developed in the recent years, many more commercial simulation packages are available, and the evolution of powerful general mathematICAl applications packages has provided still more options for computer-aided design and analysis. With the current interest in digital mobile communications, a primary area of application of modeling and simulation is now to wireless systems of a different flavor than the traditional ones.

    标签: Communication Simulation Systems of

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems 3rd

    The continuing vitality of spread-spectrum communication systems and the devel- opment of new mathematICAl methods for their analysis provided the motivation to undertake this new edition of the book. This edition is intended to enable readers to understand the current state-of-the-art in this field. Almost twenty percent of the materialinthiseditionisnew, includingseveralnewsections, anewchapteronadap- tive arrays and filters, and a new chapter on code-division multiple-access networks. The remainder of the material has been thoroughly revised, and I have removed a considerable amount of material that has been superseded by more definitive results.

    标签: Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems 3rd

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Feedback Control Theory

    Striking developments have taken place since 1980 in feedback control theory. The subject has be- come both more rigorous and more applicable. The rigor is not for its own sake, but rather that even in an engineering discipline rigor can lead to clarity and to methodical solutions to problems. The applicability is a consequence both of new problem formulations and new mathematICAl solutions to these problems. Moreover, computers and software have changed the way engineering design is done. These developments suggest a fresh presentation of the subject, one that exploits these new developments while emphasizing their connection with classical control.

    标签: Feedback Control Theory

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Introduction to the mathematICAl Theory

    Mathematics isplayinganevermoreimportantroleinthephysicalandbiological sciences,provokinga blurringof boundariesbetweenscientific disciplinesand a resurgenceof interestinthemodemas well as theclassicaltechniquesof applied mathematics. Thisrenewalofinterest,bothinresearchandteaching,hasledtothe establishment of theseries: Texts in AppliedMathematics (TAM). Thedevelopmentofnewcoursesisanaturalconsequenceofahighleve

    标签: Introduction mathematICAl Theory the to

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Introduction to the mathematICAl Theory 1

    The purpose of this preface is twofold. Firstly, to give an informal historical introduction to the subject area of this book, Systems and Control, and secondly, to explain the philosophy of the approach to this subject taken in this book and to outline the topics that will be covered.

    标签: Introduction mathematICAl Theory the to

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • MultivariableControlSystems

    This introductory chapter is devoted to reviewing the fundamental ideas of control from a multivariable point of view. In some cases, the mathematics and operations on systems (modelling, pole placement, etc.), as previously treated in introductory courses and textbooks, convey to the readers an un- realistic image of systems engineering. The simplifying assumptions, simple examples and “perfect” model set-up usually used in these scenarios present the control problem as a pure mathematICAl problem, sometimes losing the physical meaning of the involved concepts and operations. We try to empha- sise the engineering implication of some of these concepts and, before entering into a detailed treatment of the different topics, a general qualitative overview is provided in this chapter.

    标签: MultivariableControlSystems

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Foundations of Data Science

    Computer science as an academic discipline began in the 1960’s. Emphasis was on programming languages, compilers, operating systems, and the mathematICAl theory that supported these areas. Courses in theoretical computer science covered finite automata, regular expressions, context-free languages, and computability. In the 1970’s, the study of algorithms was added as an important component of theory. The emphasis was on making computers useful. Today, a fundamental change is taking place and the focus is more on a wealth of applications. There are many reasons for this change. The merging of computing and communications has played an important role. The enhanced ability to observe, collect, and store data in the natural sciences, in commerce, and in other fields calls for a change in our understanding of data and how to handle it in the modern setting. The emergence of the web and social networks as central aspects of daily life presents both opportunities and challenges for theory.

    标签: Foundations Science Data of

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Digital.Image.Processing.

    This edition of Digital Image Processing is a major revision of the book. As in the 1977 and 1987 editions by Gonzalez and Wintz, and the 1992, 2002, and 2008 editions by Gonzalez and Woods, this sixth-generation edition was prepared with students and instructors in mind. The principal objectives of the book continue to be to provide an introduction to basic concepts and methodologies applicable to digital image processing, and to develop a foundation that can be used as the basis for further study and research in this field. To achieve these objectives, we focused again on material that we believe is fundamental and whose scope of application is not limited to the solution of specialized problems. The mathematICAl complexity of the book remains at a level well within the grasp of college seniors and first-year graduate students who have introductory preparation in mathematICAl analysis, vectors, matrices, probability, statistics, linear systems, and computer programming. The book website provides tutorials to support readers needing a review of this background material

    标签: Processing Digital Image

    上传时间: 2021-02-20


  • gre数学

    ets gre 数学考试讲义, mathematICAl Conventions for the Quantutative Reasoning Measure of the GRE revised General Test   for the Quantitative Reasoning Measure of the GRE® revised General Test 

    标签: gre

    上传时间: 2021-09-07
