#define PI (3.14159265)// 度数表示的角速度*1000#define MDPS (70)// 弧度表示的角速度#define RADPS ((float)MDPS*PI/180000)// 每个查询周期改变的角度#define RADPT (RADPS/(-100))// 平衡的角度范围;+-60度(由于角度计算采用一阶展开,实际值约为46度)#define ANGLE_RANGE_MAX (60*PI/180)#define ANGLE_RANGE_MIN (-60*PI/180)// 全局变量pid_s sPID; // PID控制参数结构体float radian_filted=0; // 滤波后的弧度accelerometer_s acc; // 加速度结构体,包含3维变量gyroscope_s gyr; // 角速度结构体,包含3维变量int speed=0, distance=0; // 小车移动的速度,距离int tick_flag = 0; // 定时中断标志int pwm_speed = 0; // 电机pwm控制的偏置值,两个电机的大小、正负相同,使小车以一定的速度前进int pwm_turn = 0; // 电机pwm控制的差异值,两个电机的大小相同,正负相反,使小车左、右转向float angle_balance = 0; // 小车的平衡角度。由于小车重心的偏移,小车的平衡角度不一定是radian_filted为零的时候
上传时间: 2022-06-01
ICN6201/02 is a bridge chip which receives MIPI® DSI inputs and sends LVDS outputs. MIPI® DSI supports up to 4 lanes and each lane operates at 1Gbps maximum; the totally maximum input bandwidth is 4Gbps; and the MIPI defined ULPS(ultra-low-power state) is also supported. ICN6201 decodes MIPI® DSI 18bepp RGB666 and 24bpp RGB888 packets.The LVDS output 18 or 24 bits pixel with 25MHz to 154MHz, by VESA or JEIDA format.ICN6201/02 support video resolution up to FHD (1920x1080) and WUXGA (1920x1200).ICN6201 adopts QFN48 package and ICN6202 adopts QFN40 package
标签: icn6202
上传时间: 2022-06-10
Abstract: A sliding mode observer and fractional-order phase-locked loop (FO-PLL) method is proposed for the sensorless speed control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM).The saturation function is adopted in order to reduce the chattering phenomenon caused by the sliding mode observer. In this proposed FO-PLL, method, a regulable fractional order r is involved, which means that the FO-PLL provides an extra degree of freedom. In fact, the conventional phase-locked loop (PLL) applied in sensorless PMSM control can be seen as a special case of the proposed FO-PLL. By selecting a proper fractional order r a better performance may be achieved. The computer simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Key words: fractional calculus; fractional order phase-locked loop; sensorless control; sliding mode observer; permanent magnet synchronous motor; speed controll
上传时间: 2022-06-18
DescriptionThe IMX385LQR-C is a diagonal 8.35 mm (Type 1/2) CMOS active pixel type solid-state image sensor with a squarepixel array and 2.13 M effective pixels. This chip operates with analog 3.3 V, digital 1.2 V, and interface 1.8 V triplepower supply, and has low power consumption. High sensitivity, low dark current and no smear are achieved throughthe adoption of R, G and B primary color mosaic filters. This chip features an electronic shutter with variablecharge-integration time.(Applications: Surveillance cameras)
标签: CMOS传感器 IMX385LQR-C
上传时间: 2022-06-18
sony CMOS传感器datasheet,IMX178LQJ-C_Data_SheetDescriptionThe IMX178LQJ-C is a diagonal 8.92 mm (Type 1/1.8) CMOS active pixel type image sensor with a square pixelarray and 6.44 M effective pixels. This chip operates with analog 2.9 V, digital 1.2 V and interface 1.8 V triple powersupply, and has low power consumption.High sensitivity, low dark current and no smear are achieved through the adoption of R, G and B primary colormosaic filters.This chip features an electronic shutter with variable charge-integration time.(Applications: Surveillance cameras, FA cameras, Industrial cameras)
标签: CMOS传感器 IMX178LQJ-C
上传时间: 2022-06-18
Spartane-6 LXand LXT FPGAs are available in various speed grades, with -3 having the highest performance. The DC and AC electrical parameters of the Automotive XA Spartan-6 FPGAs and Defense-grade Spartan-6Q FPGAs devices are equivalent to the commercial specifications except where noted. The timing characteristics of the commercial(XC)-2 speed grade industrial device are the same as for a-2 speed grade commercial device. The -2Q and -3Q speed grades are exclusively for the expanded(Q) temperature range. The timing characteristics are equivalent to those shown for the-2 and-3speed grades for the Automotive and Defense-grade devices.Spartan-6 FPGA DC and AC characteristics are specified for commercial (C), industrial (), and expanded (Q) temperature ranges. Only selected speed grades and/or devices might be available in the industrial or expanded temperature ranges for Automotive and Defense-grade devices.
上传时间: 2022-06-19
低压差线性稳压器(Low Dropout Voltage Regulator,LDO)属于线性稳压器的一种,但由于其压差较低,相对于一般线性稳压器而言具有较高的转换效率。但在电路稳定性上有所下降,而且LDO有着较高的输出电阻,使得输出极点的位置会随着负载情况有很大关系。因此需要对LDO进行频率补偿来满足其环路稳定性要求。内容安排上第一节首先简单介绍各种线性稳压源的区别:第二节介绍LDO中的主要参数及设计中需要考虑折中的一些问题;第三节对LDO开环电路的三个模块,运放模块,PMOS模块和反馈模块进行简化的小信号分析,得出其传输函数并判断其零极点:第四节针对前面分析的三个LDO环路模块分别进行补偿考虑,并结合RT9193电路对三种补偿方法进行了仿真验证和解释说明。该电路主要包含基准电路以及相关启动电路,保护电路(OTP,OCP等),误差放大器,调整管(Pass Element)和电阻反馈网络。在电路上,通过连接到误差放大器反相输入端的分压电阻对输出电压进行采样,误差放大器的同相输入端连接到一个基准电压(Bandgap Reference),误差放大器会使得两个输入端电压基本相等,因此,可以通过控制调整管输出足够的负载电流以保证输出电压稳定。电路所采用的调整管不同,其Dropout电压不同。以前大多使用三极管来作为稳压源的调整管,常见的有NPN稳压源,PNP稳压源(LDO),准LDO稳压源,其调整管如图2所示,其Dorpout电压分别是:VoRop=2VBE+ Vsr-NPN稳压源VoRоP =VsurPNP稳压源(LDO)VDRoP=VE + Vsur-准LDO稳压源
上传时间: 2022-06-19
近年来,随着个人数据通信的发展,功能强大的便携式数据终端和多媒体终端得到了广泛的应用。为了实现用户在任何时间、任何地点均能实现数据通信的目标,要求传统的计算机网络由有线向无线、由固定向移动、由单一业务向多媒体发展,这一要求促进了无线局域网技术的发展。在互联网高速发展的今天,可以认为无线局域网将成为未来的发展趋势.本课题采用TSMC 0.18um CMOS工艺实现用于IEEE 802.1la协议的5GHz无线局域网接收机射频前端集成电路一包括低噪声放大器(Low-Noise Amplifier,LNA)和下变频器电路(Downconverter),低噪声放大器是射频接收机前端的主要部分,其作用是在尽可能少引入噪声的条件下对天线接收到的微弱信号进行放大。下变须器是接收机的重要组成部分,它将低噪声放大器的输出射频信号与本振信号进行混频,产生中频信号。论文对射频前端集成电路的原理进行了分析,比较了不同电路结构的性能,给出了射频前端集成电路的电路设计、版图设计、仿真结果和测试方案,仿真结果表明,此次设计的射频前端集成电路具有低噪声、低功耗的特点,其它性能也完全满足设计指标要求
上传时间: 2022-06-20
白光LED(White Light-Fmitting Diode)以其高效、节能、环保、寿命长、无污染等优点逐渐取代传统的白炽灯成为新一代照明光源。与此同时,与LED配套的驱动集成电路的研发也由LED的应用逐渐普及而得到长足的发展。本文对基于LDO(Low dropout voltage 1inear regulator)恒流型的白光LED驱动集成电路进行了设计分析。该驱动电路采用PWM亮度调节模式,支持3位数字信号输入,8段亮度调节功能。在电路设计中,根据要求设计了电路的总体框图,再对电路的所有子模块电路进行了详细设计与分析。电路主要有以下模块组成:电压基准源、振荡器、锯齿波发生器、DAC模块、PWM比较器、LDO。电压基准源为各个子模块提供基准电压。锯齿波发生器将振荡器输出的100KHz时钟信号转换为锯齿波信号,该信号与DAC的输出电压通过PWM比较器比较后得到亮度调整信号。亮度调整信号经过LDO的整形后控制驱动模块的开和关,使电路输出恒定的驱动电流。在中芯国际0.35um工艺库下,使用Hspice仿真软件对电路进行了模拟仿真。模拟结果表明该电路完成了设计功能、达到了预先制定的设计指标。整个电路以恒定的电流输出,输出电流达到了350mA,可以驱动lW的大功率白光LED。满足了电源电压在10%波动时,输出电流的变化量不超过5%。整个控制电路的效率超过了85%。关键词:PWM调制、LDO、恒流驱动
上传时间: 2022-06-23
German universities and scientists have repeatedly set the intermational standard in drive technology. Identification and active compensation of natural frequencies in oscillatory mechanics, status controls with monitoring structures incorporating acceleration sensors, adaptive compensation of measurement system deficiencies, self-adjusting detent torque compensation… everything invented with only a single aim in mind: to continue improv-ing the motion control, dynamics, precision and processing speed of your machines. For the industrial applicabability of this technology scientific publications in proceedings and laboratory test rigs are not enough. These features consequenty need to be converted into cost-efficient and easily manageable products. That 's exactly what we have done.So in future, if you should need more than today ' smarket can offer you, now everything isgoing to be alright. With our new high-performance ServoOne drive series you will experi-ence
标签: servoone
上传时间: 2022-06-24