一些数据库的实例。共12章。如第八章: 第8章数据库环境的建立 1. 用MISDBA用户登录MISDB数据库。 2. 在ISQL中,输入第8章提供的SQL语句;或者根据表8-1至表8-4在SQL Explorer中自行创建数据表。 3. 根据表8-5至表8-7设置初始数据,另外需要在PERSON数据表中设置一个具有培训管理系统管理权限的用户(ID=’PXC’,PASSWD=’PASSWORD’,AUTHORITY=’6’,STATE=’F’)和用于外派培训的用户(ID=’PXCOUT’,NAME=’外派培训’)。 4. 修改Admin源程序中的数据库连接属性,并且重新编译training.exe。 5. 修改Client源程序中数据库连接属性,并且重新生成html文件和cab文件,然后将这两个文件拷贝到web服务器指定目录中。
上传时间: 2014-01-09
1. 用SYSDBA登录服务器,并且创建一个MISDBA用户,密码为PASSWORD。 2. 用SYSDBA用户创建MISDB数据库(可直接注册使用光盘提供的MISDB.GDB)。 3. 用MISDBA用户登录MISDB数据库。 4. 在ISQL中,依次输入第5章的数据表创建SQL语句;或者根据表5-1至表5-7自行创建数据表。 5. 在SQL Explorer中创建MISDB数据库连接。 6. 用MISDBA用户登录,并且输入原始数据。除了表5-8至表5-11的内容,还需要根据需要设置部门(DEPARTMENT)、职务(JOB)和人事科登录用户(ID=’RSK’,PASSWD=’RSK’,AUTHORITY=’3’,STATE=’F’)。 7. 修改源程序中的数据库连接组件参数。
上传时间: 2013-12-16
1. 在IBConsole中添加两个用户LOGIN和MATER,密码均为PASSWORD。 2. 用MISDBA用户登录MISDB数据库。 3. 在ISQL中,输入第9章提供的SQL语句;或者根据表9-1至表9-8在SQL Explorer中自行创建数据表。数据库创建后需要分配LOGIN和MATER用户的访问权限。 4. 根据表9-9和表9-10设置初始数据,另外需要在PERSON数据表中设置一个用于登录系统的用户(ID=’MAT’,PASSWD=’PASSWORD’,AUTHORITY=’7’,STATE=’F’),同时在PART表中添加ID为’0000000000’的零件,名称为“。 5. 除了修改数据库连接的属性,还需要修改数据模块中LOGIN方法的相关用户密码。
上传时间: 2014-08-06
一个基于网格和最近邻居的聚类算法 Similarity(x, y) = size ( SKNN(x) SKNN(y) ),while Link(x, y)=1
标签: SKNN Similarity size 网格
上传时间: 2014-01-14
这是一个非常简单的遗传算法源代码,是由Denis Cormier (North Carolina State University)开发的,Sita S.Raghavan (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)修正。
上传时间: 2014-12-05
DWT变换源代码,As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
上传时间: 2014-12-05
TI DSP tms320c6416 EDMA测试代码,包括QEDMA、EDMA Link功能、Chain功能。这是学习EDMA的最生动教材。
上传时间: 2014-01-20
ReBEL is a Matlabtoolkit of functions and scripts, designed to facilitate sequential Bayesian inference (estimation) in general state space models. This software consolidates research on new methods for recursive Bayesian estimation and Kalman filtering by Rudolph van der Merwe and Eric A. Wan. The code is developed and maintained by Rudolph van der Merwe at the OGI School of Science & Engineering at OHSU (Oregon Health & Science University).
标签: Matlabtoolkit facilitate sequential functions
上传时间: 2015-08-31
Knowledge of the process noise covariance matrix is essential for the application of Kalman filtering. However, it is usually a difficult task to obtain an explicit expression of for large time varying systems. This paper looks at an adaptive Kalman filter method for dynamic harmonic state estimation and harmonic injection tracking.
标签: application covariance Knowledge essential
上传时间: 2014-01-19
This paper deals with the problem of speech enhancement when a corrupted speech signal with an additive colored noise is the only information available for processing. Kalman filtering is known as an effective speech enhancement technique, in which speech signal is usually modeled as autoregressive (AR) process and represented in the state-space domain.
标签: speech with enhancement corrupted
上传时间: 2015-09-07