一个基于网格和最近邻居的聚类算法 Similarity(x, y) = size ( SKNN(x) SKNN(y) ),while Link(x, y)=1
标签: SKNN Similarity size 网格
上传时间: 2014-01-14
SimMetrics is a Similarity Metric Library, e.g. from edit distance s (Levenshtein, Gotoh, Jaro etc) to other metrics, (e.g Soundex, Chapman). Work provided by UK Sheffield University funded by (AKT) an IRC sponsored by EPSRC, grant number GR/N15764/01.
标签: e.g. Levenshtein SimMetrics Similarity
上传时间: 2014-01-22
基于互信息的图像相似性测量。Image Similarity using mutual information of regions .pdf
标签: information Similarity regions mutual
上传时间: 2014-12-22
珍藏论文:面向双语句对检索的汉语句子相似度计算Chinese Sentences Similarity
标签: Similarity Sentences Chinese 论文
上传时间: 2014-01-18
The task of clustering Web sessions is to group Web sessions based on Similarity and consists of maximizing the intra- group Similarity while minimizing the inter-group Similarity. The first and foremost question needed to be considered in clustering W b sessions is how to measure the Similarity between Web sessions.However.there are many shortcomings in traditiona1 measurements.This paper introduces a new method for measuring similarities between Web pages that takes into account not only the URL but also the viewing time of the visited web page.Yhen we give a new method to measure the Similarity of Web sessions using sequence alignment and the Similarity of W eb page access in detail Experiments have proved that our method is valid and e币cient.
标签: sessions clustering Similarity Web
上传时间: 2014-01-11
an approach for capturing Similarity between words that was concerned with the syntactic Similarity of two strings. Today we are back to discuss another approach that is more concerned with the meaning of words. Semantic Similarity is a confidence score that reflects the semantic relation between the meanings of two sentences. It is difficult to gain a high accuracy score because the exact semantic meanings are completely understood only in a particular context.
标签: Similarity capturing concerned syntactic
上传时间: 2014-01-05
In the previous article, we presented an approach for capturing Similarity between words that was concerned with the syntactic Similarity of two strings. Today we are back to discuss another approach that is more concerned with the meaning of words. Semantic Similarity is a confidence score that reflects the semantic relation between the meanings of two sentences. It is difficult to gain a high accuracy score because the exact semantic meanings are completely understood only in a particular context.
标签: Similarity presented capturing previous
上传时间: 2013-12-13
MATHEMATICA 软件运用 The biggest Similarity for tsp
标签: MATHEMATICA Similarity biggest The
上传时间: 2014-01-08
a molecular graph kernel based on iterative graph Similarity and optimal assignments
标签: graph assignments Similarity molecular
上传时间: 2017-02-20
this m file is describe Similarity matrix for an image
标签: Similarity describe matrix image
上传时间: 2014-01-21