December 2007, San Jose, California: It seems a long time ago. I walked into a big networking company to head their small Power over Ethernet (PoE) applications team. Surprisingly, I hardly knew anything about PoE prior to that day, having been a switching-power conversion engineer almost all my life. But it seemed a great opportunity to widen my horizons. As you can see, one notable outcome of that seemingly illogical career choice five years ago is the book you hold in your hands today. I hope this small body of work goes on to prove worthy of your expectations and also of all the effort that went into it. Because, behind the scenes, there is a rather interesting story to relate—about its backdrop, intertwined with a small slice of modern PoE history, punctuated by a rather res- tive search for our roots and our true heroes, one that takes us back almost two centuries
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Identification is pervasive nowadays in daily life due to many complicated activities such as bank and library card reading, asset tracking, toll collecting, restricted access to sensitive data and procedures and target identification. This kind of task can be realized by passwords, bio- metric data such as fingerprints, barcode, optical character recognition, smart cards and radar. Radiofrequencyidentification(RFID)isatechniquetoidentifyobjectsbyusingradiosystems. It is a contactless, usually short distance, wireless data transmission and reception technique for identification of objects. An RFID system consists of two components: the tag (also called transponder) and the reader (also called interrogator).
标签: Processing Digital Signal RFID for
上传时间: 2020-06-08
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is gaining in popularity, especially as we find ourselves in this communications age and headed towards a ubiquitous computing world. Automatic identification systems become an important aspect not just in today’s technology but also as part of our daily life. We need RFID in our cars, transportation systems, access points, and even simple transactions; we also acknowledge the need for RFID in our logistics systems, healthcare, and tracking and locating applications.
标签: RFID-Enabled Appications Design Sensor and
上传时间: 2020-06-08
The purpose of this book is to present detailed fundamental information on a global positioning system (GPS) receiver. Although GPS receivers are popu- larly used in every-day life, their operation principles cannot be easily found in one book. Most other types of receivers process the input signals to obtain the necessary information easily, such as in amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) radios. In a GPS receiver the signal is processed to obtain the required information, which in turn is used to calculate the user position. Therefore, at least two areas of discipline, receiver technology and navigation scheme, are employed in a GPS receiver. This book covers both areas.
标签: Fundamentals_of_Global_Positionin g_System_Receivers
上传时间: 2020-06-09
Machine learning is a broad and fascinating field. Even today, machine learning technology runs a substantial part of your life, often without you knowing it. Any plausible approach to artifi- cial intelligence must involve learning, at some level, if for no other reason than it’s hard to call a system intelligent if it cannot learn. Machine learning is also fascinating in its own right for the philo- sophical questions it raises about what it means to learn and succeed at tasks.
标签: Learning Machine Course in
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Modern information technologies and the advent of machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have already strongly influenced the world of work in the 21st century. Computers, algorithms and software simplify everyday tasks, and it is impossible to imagine how most of our life could be managed without them. However, is it also impossible to imagine how most process steps could be managed without human force? The information economy characterised by exponential growth replaces the mass production industry based on economy of scales
标签: AI-and-Robotics-IBA-GEI-April 2017
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Inventors have long dreamed of creating machines that think. This desire dates back to at least the time of ancient Greece. The mythical figures Pygmalion, Daedalus, and Hephaestus may all be interpreted as legendary inventors, and Galatea, Talos, and Pandora may all be regarded as artificial life ( , Ovid and Martin 2004 Sparkes 1996 Tandy 1997 ; , ; , ).
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly been one of the most important buz- zwords over the past years. The goal in AI is to design algorithms that transform com- puters into “intelligent” agents. By intelligence here we do not necessarily mean an extraordinary level of smartness shown by superhuman; it rather often involves very basic problems that humans solve very frequently in their day-to-day life. This can be as simple as recognizing faces in an image, driving a car, playing a board game, or reading (and understanding) an article in a newspaper. The intelligent behaviour ex- hibited by humans when “reading” is one of the main goals for a subfield of AI called Natural Language Processing (NLP). Natural language 1 is one of the most complex tools used by humans for a wide range of reasons, for instance to communicate with others, to express thoughts, feelings and ideas, to ask questions, or to give instruc- tions. Therefore, it is crucial for computers to possess the ability to use the same tool in order to effectively interact with humans.
标签: Embeddings Processing Language Natural in
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Computer science as an academic discipline began in the 1960’s. Emphasis was on programming languages, compilers, operating systems, and the mathematical theory that supported these areas. Courses in theoretical computer science covered finite automata, regular expressions, context-free languages, and computability. In the 1970’s, the study of algorithms was added as an important component of theory. The emphasis was on making computers useful. Today, a fundamental change is taking place and the focus is more on a wealth of applications. There are many reasons for this change. The merging of computing and communications has played an important role. The enhanced ability to observe, collect, and store data in the natural sciences, in commerce, and in other fields calls for a change in our understanding of data and how to handle it in the modern setting. The emergence of the web and social networks as central aspects of daily life presents both opportunities and challenges for theory.
标签: Foundations Science Data of
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Research on microwave power amplififiers has gained a growing importance demanded by the many continuously developing applications which require such subsystem performance. A broad set of commercial and strategic systems in fact have their overall performance boosted by the power amplififier, the latter becoming an enabling component wherever its effificiency and output power actually allows functionalities and operating modes previously not possible. This is the case for the many wireless systems and battery-operated systems that form the substrate of everyday life, but also of high-performance satellite and dual-use systems.
上传时间: 2021-10-30