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  • Jvm 规范说明。The Java Virtual Machine was designed to support the Java programming language. Some concep

    Jvm 规范说明。The Java Virtual Machine was designed to support the Java programming language. Some concepts and vocabulary from the Java language are thus necessary to understand the virtual machine. This chapter gives enough of an overview of Java to support the discussion of the Java Virtual Machine to follow. Its material has been condensed from The Java Language Specification, by James Gosling, Bill Joy, and Guy Steele. For a complete discussion of the Java language, or for details and examples of the material in this chapter, refer to that book. Readers familiar with that book may wish to skip this chapter. Readers familiar with Java, but not with The Java Language Specification, should at least skim this chapter for the terminology it introduces.

    标签: Java programming designed language

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • The inverse of the gradient function. I ve provided versions that work on 1-d vectors, or 2-d or 3-d

    The inverse of the gradient function. I ve provided versions that work on 1-d vectors, or 2-d or 3-d arrays. In the 1-d case I offer 5 different methods, from cumtrapz, and an integrated cubic spline, plus several finite difference methods. In higher dimensions, only a finite difference/linear algebra solution is provided, but it is fully vectorized and fully sparse in its approach. In 2-d and 3-d, if the gradients are inconsistent, then a least squares solution is generated

    标签: gradient function provided versions

    上传时间: 2016-11-07


  • Its functions are: n order within (excluding n) At the same time, 3 and 7 can be integral to all nat

    Its functions are: n order within (excluding n) At the same time, 3 and 7 can be integral to all natural and a few of the square root of s, and function as a value to return, the final result s output to file out.dat China.

    标签: functions excluding integral within

    上传时间: 2016-11-12


  • After the successful global introduction during the past decade of the second generation (2G) digita

    After the successful global introduction during the past decade of the second generation (2G) digital mobile communications systems, it seems that the third generation (3G) Universal Mobile Communication System (UMTS) has finally taken off, at least in some regions. The plethora of new services that are expected to be offered by this system requires the development of new paradigms in the way scarce radio resources should be managed. The Quality of Service (QoS) concept, which introduces in a natural way the service differentiation and the possibility of adapting the resource consumption to the specific service requirements, will open the door for the provision of advanced wireless services to the mass market.

    标签: the introduction successful generation

    上传时间: 2013-12-30


  • ST uPSD32XX I2C This example demo code is provided as is and has no warranty, implied or otherwise.

    ST uPSD32XX I2C This example demo code is provided as is and has no warranty, implied or otherwise. You are free to use/modify any of the provided code at your own risk in your applications with the expressed limitation of liability (see below) so long as your product using the code contains at least one uPSD products (device)

    标签: otherwise provided warranty example

    上传时间: 2013-12-07


  • Please carefully read the many features of your package and then write the specific function (at lea

    Please carefully read the many features of your package and then write the specific function (at least 20 words). As far as possible not to let the station master of the time spent in the

    标签: carefully the features function

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • Mapack可用来做矩阵运算 Mapack is a .NET class library for basic linear algebra computations. It supports th

    Mapack可用来做矩阵运算 Mapack is a .NET class library for basic linear algebra computations. It supports the following matrix operations and properties: Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Determinant, Norm1, Norm2, Frobenius Norm, Infinity Norm, Rank, Condition, Trace, Cholesky, LU, QR, Single Value decomposition, Least Squares solver, Eigenproblem solver, Equation System solver. The algorithms were adapted from Mapack for COM, Lapack and the Java Matrix Package.

    标签: Mapack computations supports algebra

    上传时间: 2017-01-26


  • 针对静止图像经整数小波变换(integer wavelet transform)后,各子带系数的幅值动态变化范围小,不利 于零树编码(embedded zerotree wavelet coding

    针对静止图像经整数小波变换(integer wavelet transform)后,各子带系数的幅值动态变化范围小,不利 于零树编码(embedded zerotree wavelet coding)的缺点,采用“从 1 开始的整数平方”代替“2 的整数次幂”作为零树 编码的量化阈值,缩短了量化阈值间隔.通过减少重要系数在较低量化阈值中出现的机会,增加了编码过程中的 零树数量 同时通过减少参与编码的字符数及对最高频带零树不编码,简化了编码过程.实验结果表明,整数平方 量化阈值下的零树编码(integer square zerotree wavelet coding)解决了整数小波变换中零树编码的低效问题,提 高了静止图像的编码效率.

    标签: wavelet transform embedded zerotree

    上传时间: 2017-01-29


  • SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems

    SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations on high performance machines. The library is written in C and is callable from either C or Fortran. The library routines will perform an LU decomposition with partial pivoting and triangular system solves through forward and back substitution. The LU factorization routines can handle non-square matrices but the triangular solves are performed only for square matrices. The matrix columns may be preordered (before factorization) either through library or user supplied routines. This preordering for sparsity is completely separate from the factorization. Working precision iterative refinement subroutines are provided for improved backward stability. Routines are also provided to equilibrate the system, estimate the condition number, calculate the relative backward error, and estimate error bounds for the refined solutions.

    标签: nonsymmetric solution SuperLU general

    上传时间: 2017-02-20


  • cordic methods describe essentially the same algorithm that with suitably chosen inputs can be used

    cordic methods describe essentially the same algorithm that with suitably chosen inputs can be used to calculate a whole range of scientific functions including sin, cos, tan, arctan, arcsin, arccos, sinh, cosh, tanh, arctanh, log, exp, square root and even multiply and divide. the method dates back to volder [1959], and due to its versatility and compactness, it made possible the microcoding of the hp35 pocket scientific calculator in 1972. here is some code to illustrate the techniques. ive split the methods into three parts linear, circular and hyperbolic. in the hp35 microcode these would be unified into one function (for space reasons). because the linear mode can perform multiply and divide, you only need add/subtract and shift to complete the implementation. you can select in the code whether to do the multiples and divides also by cordic means. other multiplies and divides are all powers of 2 (these dont count). to eliminate these too, would involve ieee hackery.

    标签: essentially algorithm describe suitably

    上传时间: 2017-03-02
