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  • shape checker

    shp 文件修复工具(Shape Checker),解决由于dbf文件和shp文件不一致导致打不开的问题.shape文件修复工具免费下载 由ESRI开发,一个ESRI(Environmental Systems Research institute)的shape文件包括一个主文件,一个索引文件,和一个dBASE表,其中主文件的后缀就是.shp。

    标签: shape文件修复工具

    上传时间: 2020-03-19


  • Distributed+Quality-of-Service+Support

    This thesis is about wireless communication in shared radio spectrum. Its origin and motivation is ideally represented by the two quotations from above. In this thesis, the support of Quality-of-Service (QoS) in cognitive radio networks is analyzed. New approaches to distributed coordination of cognitive radios are developed in different spectrum sharing scenarios. The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) 802.11 proto- col of the institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (IEEE, 2003) with its enhancement for QoS support (IEEE, 2005d) is taken as basis. The Medium Access Control (MAC) of 801.11(e) is modified to realize flexible and dynamic spectrum assignment within a liberalized regulation framework.

    标签: Quality-of-Service Distributed Support

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Communication+Networks

    n its Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, the US National institute of Standards and Technology declares that a twenty-first-century clean energy economy demands a twenty-first-century electric grid. 1 The start of the twenty-first century marked the acceleration of the Smart Grid evolution. The goals of this evolution are broad, including the promotion of widespread and distributed deployment of renewable energy sources, increased energy efficiency, peak power reduction, automated demand response, improved reliability, lower energy delivery costs, and consumer participation in energy management.

    标签: Communication Networks

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • NIST Framework and Roadmap

    Under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), the National institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was assigned “primary responsibility to coordinate development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of Smart Grid devices and systems…” [EISA Section 1305]. 35 This responsibility comes at a time when the electric power grid and electric power industry are undergoing the most dramatic transformation in many decades. Very significant investments are being made by industry and the federal government to modernize the power grid. To realize the full benefits of these investments—and the continued investments forecast for the coming decades—there is a continued need to establish effective smart grid 36 standards and protocols for interoperability.

    标签: Framework Roadmap NIST and

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Digital+Control+Applications

    My association with the theory of controls in continuous time started during my studies at the Indian institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, in 1974 as an undergraduate student in the Controls and Power program. The initial introduction by Professors Kesavamurthy, Y. P. Singh, and Rajagopalan laid the foundation for a good basic understanding of the subject matter. This pursuit and further advanced study in the field of digital controls continued during my days as a graduate student in the Electrical and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, from 1983 to 1988.

    标签: Applications Digital Control

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Large-Scale Scientific Computing

    The 9th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations (LSSC 2013) was held in Sozopol, Bulgaria, during June 3–7, 2013. The conference was organized and sponsored by the institute of Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

    标签: Large-Scale Scientific Computing

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • 基于FPGA设计的相关论文资料大全 84篇

    基于FPGA设计的相关论文资料大全 84篇用FPGA实现FFT的研究 刘朝晖  韩月秋 摘 要 目的 针对高速数字信号处理的要求,给出了用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现的 快速傅里叶变换(FFT)方案.方法 算法为按时间抽取的基4算法,采用递归结构的块浮点运 算方案,蝶算过程只扩展两个符号位以适应雷达信号处理的特点,乘法器由阵列乘法器实 现.结果 采用流水方式保证系统的速度,使取数据、计算旋转因子、复乘、DFT等操作协 调一致,在计算、通信和存储间取得平衡,避免了瓶颈的出现.结论 实验表明,用FPGA 实现高速数字信号处理的算法是一个可行的方案. 关键词 离散傅里叶变换; 快速傅里叶变换; 块浮点运算; 可编程门阵列 分类号 TP39; TN957.511 Implementation of FFT with FPGA Technology Liu Zhaohui  Han Yueqiu (Department of Electronics Engineering, Beijing institute of Technology, Beijing 100081) Abstract Aim To propose a scheme for implementing FFT with FPGA in accor-dance with the requirement for high speed digital signal processing. Methods The structure of FPGA and requirement of system were considered in the experiment, radix-4 algorithm of DIT and recursive structure were adopted. The group float point arithmetic operation was used in the butterfly and the array multiplier was used to realize multiplication. Results The pipeline pattern was used to ensure the system speed, it made fetching data, calculating twiddle factor, complex multiplication and D

    标签: fpga

    上传时间: 2022-03-23


  • 基于AVR单片机的双足机器人控制系统设计

    机器人是整合控制论、机械电子、计算机、材料和仿生学的产物,能实现环境感知、动态决策与规划、行为控制与执行等多种功能。机器人代表了科学技术的最高水平,在工业、农业、医学建筑业甚至军事等领域中均有重要用途]。宋健院士在国际自动控制联合会第14届大会报告中指出:“机器人学的进步和应用是20世纪自动控制最有说服力的成就,是当代最高意义上的自动化”2吗。现在,国际上对机器人的概念已经逐渐趋近一致。一般来说,人们都可以接受这种说法,即机器人是靠自身动力和控制能力来实现各种功能的一种机器。联合国标准化组织采纳了美国机器人协会(Robot institute of America,RlA)于1979年给机器人的定义:一种可编程和多功能的,用来搬运材料、零件、工具的操作机;或是为了执行不同的任务而具有可改变和可编程动作的专门系统]。作为机器人研究领域的一个重要分支,双足机器人(Humanoid Robot)由于其广阔的应用空间一直是研究热点之一。所谓双足机器人,又称仿人机器人,是具有人形的机器人,是关节转动灵活,控制系统复杂,能完成高难度的动作的机器人。它是机械、自动控制技术、计算机技术、人工智能、微电子学、模式识别、通讯技术、传感器技术、仿生学等多学科和技术综合的结果,代表着一个国家高科技发展水平。研制与人类特征类似,具有人类智能、灵活性,并能与人类交流,不断适应环境的双足机器人一直是人类的努力的目标]。与传统机器人相比,双足机器人具有显著的优势,比一般机器人有更大的机动性、灵活性,同时也具有更广泛的应用领域。双足机器人的出现是控制科学、传感器技术、人工智能、材料科学等学科的技术进步,以及机器人使用范围的扩大和人类日常生活需要的产物。双足机器人在工农业生产、科学探测、军事侦察、生活服务与娱乐等很多方面都有广泛的应用前景。首先双足机器人在拓展人类的认知范围上发挥着重要作用,在外层空间、深海等人类尚不能到达的环境都有双足机器人的身影;其次双足机器人已经广泛应用在恶劣、危险条件下或其它不适合人类活动的环境中。双足机器人的迅速发展和广泛应用,对人类社会的生活和生产产生了深远的影响。也正是因为双足机器人的广泛的应用背景和商业价值,所以近年来,双足机器人成为机器人研究领域内的一个热点]。

    标签: avr单片机 双足机器人

    上传时间: 2022-06-18


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(32)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(32)资源包含以下内容:1. 无线音频电话(gprs).2. 经典的psos编程实例源码.3. 嵌入式系统文件管理部分.4. lwIP是瑞士计算机科学院(Swedish institute of Computer Science)的Adam Dunkels等开发的一套用于嵌入式系统的开放源代码TCP/IP协议栈。Lwip既可.5. 非常经典的网络协议栈.6. "CAN0 CAN4 C"是CAN0和CAN4通讯的程序。用户可参照此例程设置MSCAN模块。本文件夹是为用户提供的codeworrior编程范例.7. 本文件夹是为用户提供的codeworrior编程范例.8. ucos-ii 编译器ICCAVR CPU atmega8 8M 晶振 对原作者的ucos进行了简化.9. "Port ucosii V252"是嵌入式操作系统uC/OS-II在DP256/DG128上移植的范例。提供的codeworrior编程范例.10. "SendA"通过调用监控程序.11. "printpp"是帮助用户调试的一个工具.12. This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Ge.13. device driver for various TV and TV+FM radio tuners.14. D:MyData其它我的文章C51cp1_1 est.uv2 Project File Date: 04/02/2003.15. 一个简单的TCP IP协议栈程序.16. 校园导游系统.17. 本文档是关于boa web服务器的源程序.18. boa web服务器的主程序.19. 关于boa web服务器的配置文件.20. 嵌入式操作系统TCP/IP协议栈的socket小程序.21. 讲解嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈的编写.22. 本原代码集是对计算机图形学的编程实践.23. 关于TCP/IP的一份硕士论文.24. 这是一个在VxWorks系统实现CS网卡END驱动的原代码.25. 实现一个运行在16位数字信号处理器TMS320VC5402上的小型嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈。对TCP/IP协议中的IP协议、ARP协议、UDP协议进行分析.26. 此为讲解内存技术的文档资料.27. 我设计的数字电源的源代码 还有原理图.28. ARM MP3解码源代码1.0 有完整的项目文件.29. 基于WEB的嵌入式视频采集压缩瘦身服务器的设计与实现.30. 此文当为日本嵌入式tron的技术文档,目前在日立等公司的主流嵌入式系统还是tron.31. C++的温度控制系统,是本人在其它网站上找到的,还没有试过.32. 基于牛顿迭代法的二次规划程序.33. PCI总线与USB总线之间的数据通信的用户端应用程序(包括界面和通信).34. GIF动画解码算法.35. 一个嵌入式web server的源码。小巧好用.36. 一个桥接器87ch47仿真器的c的源程序.37. 给ARM7用的MP3程序源码.38. 给ucgui用的字库HZK12,12x12点阵的汉字库和hzk16点阵的汉字库.39. 很多人想要的LCDSLIN.c文件是给UCGUI用的驱动文件.40. 下载管理器是基于HTTP1.1而建立的,支持断点续传.采用Java Swing创建了一个简单高效的GUI界面,具有一次下载多个文件的能力..

    标签: 机械加工 工艺 软件

    上传时间: 2013-07-22
