使用DELPHI制作地虚拟光驱,原代码中包含详细的说明。 注意Install以后要重新启动电脑.只支持Win2000/XP以后的系统.9X系列不支持.
上传时间: 2015-07-24
his project was built and tested with WinAVR-20060125. Make sure the MCU target define in the Makefiles corresponds to the AVR you are using!! To build the code, just install WinAVR and run "make" from the console in echomaster and echoslave subdirs. "make program" will program the device if you have a AVRISP attached. Remember to set the AVR device to at least 8MHz. The AVR may use the programmable clock from MC1319x, just remember to check if the MC1319x and SPI communication is working FIRST! Otherwise you wont get any clock signal to the AVR and then you can t program it or reset the fuses! The MC1319x has default clock output of 32kHz so you will have to set your programmer to a very low frequency (<=32kHz/4) to be able to program it while it is running on that!
标签: the 20060125 project WinAVR
上传时间: 2014-10-10
上传时间: 2015-08-08
The third edition of Learning GNU Emacs describes Emacs 21.3 from the ground up, including new user interface features such as an icon-based toolbar and an interactive interface to Emacs customization. A new chapter details how to install and run Emacs on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, including tips for using Emacs effectively on those platforms.
标签: Emacs describes including Learning
上传时间: 2015-08-29
一个开源heml语意分析器 ekhtml: The El-Kabong HTML parser SUMMARY: El-Kabong: A speedy, yet forgiving, SAX-stylee HTML parser. PROJECT INFORMATION: Web Site: ekhtml.sourceforge.net The web site contains links to locations where one can: - file bugs - join mailing lists - download the latest release - browse documentation - get CVS information BUILDING: See the file INSTALL for information、目标代码生成、符号表的构造和运行时存储空间的组织等8部分组成。
标签: El-Kabong forgiving SUMMARY ekhtml
上传时间: 2014-12-08
.4新版介绍: 新功能: 无限分类功能能采集多层分类的信息 自定义添加连接 快速的添加链接 无须采集过程 可以采集UTF-8编码的网页 正则替换可以替换更多项 链接列表 入库列表 添加管理项 可以删除不需要的信息 导出数据时 MYSQL4.0可以转换编码 修复错误: 完善添加导出规则 服务器环境 : PHP 4 MYSQL 安装: /config.php 属性为777 运行 目录下 /install.php 安装即可 升级说明: 因为修改到的文件多 没有升级补丁 全部文件都要更新 上传好 1.4 版文件 覆盖全部 除config.php外 运行 目录下 /install.php 点左下升级即刻
上传时间: 2015-09-07
安装说明 QLDBGrid 说明 QLDBLookupComboBox 说明 QLDBReportBuilder 说明 QLDBFilterDialog 说明 安装说明 ======== 使用“File\Open... 菜单项打开 Lib 目录下的组件包 QLL60.dpk (Delphi 6) 或 QLL70.dpk (Delphi 7)。在包管理器窗口点击“Compile”按钮来编译包,然后点击“Install”按钮来注册组件包。
标签: QLDBLookupComboBox QLDBReportBuilder QLDBFilterDialog QLDBGrid
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Linux driver for FujiFilm FinePix digital cameras in PC-CAM (i.e. webcam) mode driver/ Contains the driver sources. Compile with "make". Then as root, install with "make install". Type "modprobe finepix" to load the module. userspace/ Type "make" to compile. fpix: test program, independant of the driver. Uses libusb to directly access the camera and capture a frame, saved under frame.jpg. Will not work if the driver is loaded. fpixtest: test program. Uses V4L2 to capture an image. fpix-stress-v4l2: never ending (in theory) stress test derived from fpixtest.
标签: driver i.e. FujiFilm FinePix
上传时间: 2014-11-28
上传时间: 2014-12-04
程序以及测试文件。 说明: 1.两个程序均可以播放X264生成的264文件,这里先只支持QCIF,文件名固定为test.264,不是这个名称将无法解码 2.PC版将两个文件放在同一个文件夹下即可运行,按播放可以观察播放效果 3.Pocket PC版将264文件放在根目录下,运行即可观察解码效果。 JM是基于JM10.1,纯C的,解码速度比T264慢很多。
上传时间: 2015-10-22