89S51 与数码管显示器以及键盘SW 对应引脚的联机为: P0.0-------------------------数码管显示器的a脚 P0.1-------------------------数码管显示器的b脚 P0.2-------------------------数码管显示器的c脚 P0.3-------------------------数码管显示器的d脚 P0.4-------------------------数码管显示器的e脚 P0.5-------------------------数码管显示器的f脚 P0.6-------------------------数码管显示器的g脚 P0.7-------------------------数码管显示器的dp脚 ; P2.2-------------------------数码管显示器1的驱动脚 P2.3-------------------------数码管显示器2的驱动脚 P2.4-------------------------数码管显示器3的驱动脚 P2.5-------------------------数码管显示器4的驱动脚 P2.6-------------------------数码管显示器5的驱动脚 P2.7-------------------------数码管显示器6的驱动脚 ; P2.2-------------------------键盘SW1 P2.3-------------------------键盘SW2 P2.4-------------------------键盘SW3 P2.5-------------------------键盘SW4 P2.6-------------------------键盘SW5 P2.7-------------------------键盘SW6
上传时间: 2013-12-29
车牌定位---VC++源代码程序 1.24位真彩色->256色灰度图。 2.预处理:中值滤波。 3.二值化:用一个初始阈值T对图像A进行二值化得到二值化图像B。 初始阈值T的确定方法是:选择阈值T=Gmax-(Gmax-Gmin)/3,Gmax和Gmin分别是最高、最低灰度值。 该阈值对不同牌照有一定的适应性,能够保证背景基本被置为0,以突出牌照区域。 4.削弱背景干扰。对图像B做简单的相邻像素灰度值相减,得到新的图像G,即Gi,j=|Pi,j-Pi,j-1|i=0,1,…,439 j=0,1,…,639Gi,0=Pi,0,左边缘直接赋值,不会影响整体效果。 5.用自定义模板进行中值滤波 区域灰度基本被赋值为0。考虑到文字是由许多短竖线组成,而背景噪声有一大部分是孤立噪声,用模板(1,1,1,1,1)T对G进行中值滤波,能够得到除掉了大部分干扰的图像C。 6.牌照搜索:利用水平投影法检测车牌水平位置,利用垂直投影法检测车牌垂直位置。 7.区域裁剪,截取车牌图像。
上传时间: 2013-11-26
DSPack is a set of Components and class to write Multimedia Applications using MS Direct Show and DirectX technologies. DSPack is designed to work with DirectX 9 on Win9X, ME, 2000, and Windows XP operating systems. Now VMR (Video Mixing Renderer) is available on all Windows Operating Systems. DSPack 2 is designed to work with Delphi 5,6,7 and CPP
标签: Applications Components Multimedia and
上传时间: 2015-07-20
30个典型的C语言应用实例:单片机实现7段数码管显示,基于MAX7219的8位数码管显示,MAX7219的工作时序和寄存器描述,单片机实现液晶显示,单片机实现电子密码锁, 单片机实现简单音乐发生器,单片机实现语音录放,基于MAX197的并行A/D转换,基于TLC549的串行A/D转换,基于MAX517的串行D/A转换,基于DS18B20的数字温度计设计等等,例子超多 包括了书中所有的程序代码和电路图,稍加修改便可用于自己的设计中去
上传时间: 2014-01-21
1.24位真彩色->256色灰度图。 2.预处理:中值滤波。 3.二值化:用一个初始阈值T对图像A进行二值化得到二值化图像B。 初始阈值T的确定方法是:选择阈值T=Gmax-(Gmax-Gmin)/3,Gmax和Gmin分别是最高、最低灰度值。 该阈值对不同牌照有一定的适应性,能够保证背景基本被置为0,以突出牌照区域。 4.削弱背景干扰。对图像B做简单的相邻像素灰度值相减,得到新的图像G,即Gi,j=|Pi,j-Pi,j-1|i=0,1,…,439 j=0,1,…,639Gi,0=Pi,0,左边缘直接赋值,不会影响整体效果。 5.用自定义模板进行中值滤波 区域灰度基本被赋值为0。考虑到文字是由许多短竖线组成,而背景噪声有一大部分是孤立噪声,用模板(1,1,1,1,1)T对G进行中值滤波,能够得到除掉了大部分干扰的图像C。 6.牌照搜索:利用水平投影法检测车牌水平位置,利用垂直投影法检测车牌垂直位置。 7.区域裁剪,截取车牌图像。
上传时间: 2014-01-08
The aim of this application note is to show to scan the 4x4 matrix keypad multiplexed with a four 7-segment display. The software attached to this application note scans the pressed key and displays it on the multiplexed 7- segment LEDs. This application note makes obvious Interrupt capability of the STR710 device to offer a better key scan .
标签: application multiplexed matrix keypad
上传时间: 2015-09-13
his design is the initial design when the board is powered-up. It increments a counter and displays the value on the 7-segment displays and LEDs. An image is also displayed on the VGA port.
标签: design increments powered-up the
上传时间: 2014-01-17
《DCOM入门》随书源码 Chapter 1 (Distributed Computing) N/A Chapter 2 (DCOM Overview) N/A Chapter 3 (Objects) Basics Chapter 4 (Components) Basics Chapter 5 (Infrastructure) Infrastructure Chapter 6 (Building Components with ATL) OCRServer Chapter 7 (Using COM Objects) OCRClient Chapter 8 (COM in Cyberspace) Cyber Chapter 9 (Applying Security) Security Chapter 10 (Connecting Objects) Chat
标签: Chapter DCOM Distributed Computing
上传时间: 2014-01-03
Suck Wrappers are a set of UNIX script files that sets up inn, an NNTP server, on a local machine so that suck can communicate with a News server supplied by an ISP . It also installs a set of wrapper scripts (based on the sample scripts provided with the suck tar ball) that call suck with the correct settings to communicate with an ISP on a linux machine. (Tested on Redhat 7.2 and 9).
标签: Wrappers machine script server
上传时间: 2015-11-07
This document provides guidelines for integrating a discrete high speed USB host controller onto a fourlayer desktop motherboard. The material covered can be broken into three main categories: Board design guidelines, EMI/ESD guidelines and front panel USB guidelines. Section 1.1 Background provides an explanation of the routing experiments and testing performed to validate the feasibility of 480 Megabits per second on an actual motherboard. Section 7 contains a design checklist that lists each design recommendation described in this document. High speed USB operation is described in the USB 2.0 Specification (http://www.usb.org/developers/docs.html).
标签: integrating controller guidelines document
上传时间: 2013-11-27