基于TMS320F28335的超声波流量计硬件原理图+软件源码本文以TMS320F28335 处理器为核心,设计一种用于管道流量测量的超声波流量计。系统硬件由核心板,超声波发射和接收电路,切换电路,超声换能器,基于ADS805 的高速信号采集电路,人机交互以及电源等模块构成。采用时差法进行管道流量测量,时差测量采用SCOT 加权的广义互相关时延估计算法。本论文设计的超声波流量计具有测量速度快、准确性好、成本低等优点。关键字:C2000,超声波,流量,广义互相关算法AbstractA kind of ultrasonic flowmeter using for the pipe flow measurement is designed based onTMS320F28335 in this paper. The system hardware consists of the following parts: the core board,ultrasonic signal transmitter and receiver circuits, switch circuit, ultrasonic transducer, signalacquisition circuit based on ADS805, human-computer interaction module and power supplymodule, etc. The system use the method of time difference for pipeline flow measurement and thetime difference is calculated by the time-delay algorithm of SCOT weighted generalizedcross-correlation. The ultrasonic flowmeter has the features of high testing speed, high precisionand low cost, etc.Keywords: C2000,Ultrasonic, Flow, Generalized Cross-Correlation Algorithm
标签: tms320f28335 超声波流量计
上传时间: 2022-05-06
以STM32F103C8T6为核心,设计了无刷直流电机控制器硬件电路。电路主要包括IR2310构成的PWM驱动电路、IRF3808构成的逆变电路、增量式旋转编码构成的速度反馈电路。控制器具有CAN和RS232通信接口,可与计算机或PLC构成速度或位置伺服系统。利用由xPC目标搭建的半实物仿真平台对PI参数进行整定。测试了控制器的速度伺服响应性能,给定速度为2400rpm时,控制器响应时间为0.32s。实验结果表明,系统工作可靠,稳定性好,响应速度快,可以满足上肢康复机器人的机械臂速度控制性能要求。The hardware circuit of Brushless DC motor controller is designed by taking STM32F103C8T6 as the core,which mainly includes PWM driving circuits made up of IR2310,inverter circuit formed by IRF3808,speed feedback circuit composed of incremental rotary encoder and so on.Speed servo control system or position servo control system can be composed of BLDM controller with computer or PLC through CAN communication interface or RS232 serial communication interface.By using the hardware in the loop simulation platform built by xPC target,the PI parameters are set up.The Speed servo response performance of the controller is tested.When the speed is 2 400 rpm,the response time of the controller is 0...
上传时间: 2022-05-07
MIPI Alliance Specification for Camera Serial Interface 2 方便开发mipi-cs的接口的工程师属性mipi协议
标签: mipi协议
上传时间: 2022-05-18
HDMI (High Definition Media Interface, 高 清 多 媒 体接口 ) ,由于可以同时传输视频和音频数据,且连 接简单,兼容性好等特点,被广泛的应用在消费电 子产品上,例如电视,机顶盒,投影仪等。HDMI 系 统 可 以 划 分 4 个 种 类,Source,Sink,Cable , 和 Repeater,为了保证这些设备良好的兼容性,规范对 电气信号做出了信号完整性的要求。
标签: hdmi
上传时间: 2022-05-30
高通蓝牙芯片qcc5127详细规格书datasheet.pdf英文版,共97页 详细说明:1 Package information(pin allocations, pios terminal functions)2 Bluetooth subsystem 3 Cystal oscillator4 System powerstates (Idel,Active,Sleep, Off)5 Host Interface subsystem6 Applications subsystem ( QSPI Flash controller)7 Audio subsystem(Dual core Kalimba, ROM, RAM and caches, Data, engine)8 Audio interfaces ( Analog, Digital, Simultaneous audio routing)9 Peripheral interfaces (PIOs, LED, USB, SPI, UART)10 Boot manager11 System manager12 example application schematic13 Electrical characteristics14 Audio performance15 Bluetooth performance16 Power consumption
上传时间: 2022-06-12
RX-8801 SA Features built-in 32.768 kHz DTCXO, High Stability Supports l'C-Bus's high speed mode (400 kHz)Alarm interrupt function for day, date, hour, and minute settings Fixed-cycle timer interrupt function Time update interrupt function32.768 kHz output with OE function Auto correction of leap years Wide interface voltage range: 2.2 V to 5.5 V Wide time-keeping voltage range:1.8 V to 5.5 V Low current consumption: 0.84A/3V (Typ.)is an IC bus interface-compliant real-time clock which includes a 32.768 kHz DTCXO In addition to providing a calendar (year, month, date, day, hour, minute, second) function and a clock counter function, this module provides an abundance of other functions including an alarm function, fixed-cycle timer unction, time update interrupt function, and 32.768 kHz output function.The devices in this module are fabricated via a C-MOS process for low current consumption, which enables ong-term battery back-up.
上传时间: 2022-06-17
FLASH实验-SPI学习目标:1、学会STM32硬件SPI2、学会对EN25Q64进行读写操作10.1 EN25Q64简介EN25Q64是华邦公司推出的大容量SPI FLASH产品,EN25Q64的容量为64M比特,也就是说有8M字节.EN25Q64将8M的容量分为128个块(Block),每个块大小为64K字节,每个块又分为16个扇区(Sector),每个扇区4K个字节.EN25Q64的最少擦除单位为一个扇区,也就是每次必除4K个字节。EN25Q64支持标准的SPI,还支持双输出/四输出的SPI,最大SPI时钟可以到80Mhz(双输出时相当于160Mhz,四输出时相当于320M),更多的EN25Q64的介绍,请参考EN25Q64的DAIASHEET.10.2 SPI简介从上面的简介我们知道,EN25Q64是使用SPI来通信的。那什么是SPI呢?SPI是英语Serial Peripheral interface的缩写,顾名思义就是串行外围设备接口,SPI接口主要用四根线进行通信:1,MISO:主设备数据输入,从设备数据输出。2,MOSI:主设备数据输出,从设备数据输入。3,SCLK:时钟信号,由主设备产生。4.CS:从设备片选信号,由主设备控制。而通常意义上,SPI的通信只用三根线就可以了,一根时钟线、一根输出、根输入。为了更好理解SPI的传输原理,我们来看一下SPI的内部结构:从图上可以有知道,SPI数据的传输过程其实是通过一个移位寄存器来完成的,主机将自己的移位寄存器的数据移出,同时从机的移位寄存器数据移入,同时将自己的数据移出。简单的来理解,就像将两个寄存器贴在一起,然后进行循环左移或者循环右移(SPI的传输可以选择先发送高位还是先发送低位。),直到两个寄存器的数据交换为止。而时钟信号SCLK就是控制传输速率的。STM32内部是给我们提供了一个SPI的外设的,那么我们就可以使用单片机的内部的SPI来控制EN25Q64了
上传时间: 2022-06-18
DVI(Digital Visual Interface),是1999年由Silicon Im-age、lntel(英特尔)、Compaq(康柏)、IBM、HP(惠普)、NEC、Fujitsu(富士通)等公司共同组成的数字显示工作组DDWG(Digital Display Working Group)推出的接口标准,其外观是一个24针的接插件(中-1。DVI接口采用高速串行的方式传输数据,在正常的使用情况下,DVI传输从计算机引出后直接连接到显示终蜡,中间只经过两对匹配的连接器和长度比较短的DVI线缆,DVI信号在这种情况下的传输一般都不会存在什么问题。当前在工业控制等恶劣环境领域DVI接口的使用频率也越来越频繁,在工业控制环境下,DVI传输需要经过除标准传输线缆外的其它环境,如底板、转接线等,传输线的长度也可能比较长,而且当前在工业控制领域基于DVI接口的电路基本上仍然采用原有的VGA接口电路的方式进行设计,在信号引出时仍采用传统连接器,而不是专用的差分连接器。以上这些情况都导致在工业控制环境下DVI信号传输经常出现信号完整性问题]。本文针对常见的DVI信号完整性问题,提出了基于电路仿真的解决方法,并结合具体的硬件平台详细说明了该方法的实现过程。使用基于电路仿真的方法可以得到DVI传输的极限情况,合理为设计留有裕度。最后通过高速示波器对电路的测试验证了仿真方法
上传时间: 2022-06-18
DescriptionThe IMX385LQR-C is a diagonal 8.35 mm (Type 1/2) CMOS active pixel type solid-state image sensor with a squarepixel array and 2.13 M effective pixels. This chip operates with analog 3.3 V, digital 1.2 V, and interface 1.8 V triplepower supply, and has low power consumption. High sensitivity, low dark current and no smear are achieved throughthe adoption of R, G and B primary color mosaic filters. This chip features an electronic shutter with variablecharge-integration time.(Applications: Surveillance cameras)
标签: CMOS传感器 IMX385LQR-C
上传时间: 2022-06-18
sony CMOS传感器datasheet,IMX178LQJ-C_Data_SheetDescriptionThe IMX178LQJ-C is a diagonal 8.92 mm (Type 1/1.8) CMOS active pixel type image sensor with a square pixelarray and 6.44 M effective pixels. This chip operates with analog 2.9 V, digital 1.2 V and interface 1.8 V triple powersupply, and has low power consumption.High sensitivity, low dark current and no smear are achieved through the adoption of R, G and B primary colormosaic filters.This chip features an electronic shutter with variable charge-integration time.(Applications: Surveillance cameras, FA cameras, Industrial cameras)
标签: CMOS传感器 IMX178LQJ-C
上传时间: 2022-06-18