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  • The guiding book for learning flash, quite helpful and comphensive

    The guiding book for learning flash, quite helpful and comphensive

    标签: comphensive learning guiding helpful

    上传时间: 2017-05-28


  • The guiding book of using the Firework software.

    The guiding book of using the Firework software.

    标签: Firework software guiding using

    上传时间: 2017-05-28


  • this is simple code for guiding students for working in concurrency activities

    this is simple code for guiding students for working in concurrency activities

    标签: concurrency activities for students

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • This paper presents the results of the Finnish national "Technology Vision of the Future Distributio

    This paper presents the results of the Finnish national "Technology Vision of the Future Distribution Network" project. The aim of the project was to create a technology vision of future distribution networks. Because the life span of networks is very long, a long term vision is very important for guiding network investments and technology development.

    标签: the Distributio Technology national

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • Parallel robotic manipulators can be considered a well-established option for many different applic

    Parallel robotic manipulators can be considered a well-established option for many different applications of manipulation, machining, guiding, testing, control, tracking, haptic force feed-back, etc. A typical parallel robotic manipulator (PM) consists of a mobile platform connected to the base (fixed platform) by at least two kinematic chains called limbs. The mobile platform can achieve between one and three independent translations (T) and one to three independent rotations (R).

    标签: well-established manipulators considered different

    上传时间: 2017-09-03


  • ESD Circuits and Devices 2015

    Electrostatic discharge (ESD) phenomena have been known to mankind since the Greek Empire when Thales of Miletus, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, noticed the attraction of strands of hay to amber, leading to the coining of the word “electron.” Electrical discharge and the guiding of electrical discharge (e.g., lightning) was of interest to Benjamin Franklin in the 1700s, with the invention of the lightning rod. The lightning rod was mankind’s first effort to guide the electrical discharge current of a lightning strike in a direction that would not harm structures. 

    标签: Circuits Devices 2015 ESD and

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • 多功能电子药箱的设计与实现

    基于药物治疗在临床治疗中的重要性,分析目前服药提醒装置存在的不足,以STM32F103VET6单片机为控制核心,设计了一种多功能电子药箱。该系统包括显示模块、语音模块和数据存储模块。显示模块通过触摸屏电路和LED指示灯电路,与语音模块相配合,实现了服药提醒及指导的功能;数据存储模块通过EEPROM存储电路,能够实现掉电时服药信息不丢失的功能。并且为了实现电子药箱的智能化控制,开发了手机APP,两者之间可通过WIFI进行数据通信。经测试,该药箱能够有效地帮助慢性病患者按时、定量、正确服用药物,适合在家庭中推广使用,具有较高的应用价值和实践意义。Based on the importance of drug therapy in clinical treatment, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of current drug reminder devices, and designs a multi-function electronic medicine box with STM32 F103 VET6 microcontroller as the control core. The system includes a display module, a voice module, and a data storage module. The display module cooperates with the voice module through the touch screen circuit and the LED indicator circuit to realize the function of reminding and guiding the medicine;the data storage module can realize the function of not losing the medication information when the power is off through the EEPROM storage circuit.After testing, the medicine box can effectively help chronic diseases patients to take drugs on time, in a quantitative and correct manner,and is suitable for popularization in the family, and has high application value and practical significance.

    标签: 电子药箱

    上传时间: 2022-03-27
