上传时间: 2013-12-17
上传时间: 2013-11-13
TinyM0配套教程】 * 【TinyM0配套教程】接口技术与可靠性设计(I2C器件应用方案) * 【TinyM0配套教程】LPC1100系列Cortex-M0最小系统设计 * 【TinyM0配套教程】功能部件(SSP) * 【TinyM0配套教程】接口技术与可靠性设计(UART器件应用方案) * 【TinyM0配套教程】接口技术与可靠性设计(串行NOR Flash存储方案) * 【TinyM0配套教程】硬件体系结构(存储器寻址) * 【TinyM0配套教程】硬件体系结构(功率控制) * 【TinyM0配套教程】硬件体系结构(时钟系统) * 【TinyM0配套教程】功能部件(LPC1100系列器件简介、引脚连接模块、gpIO) * 【TinyM0配套教程】功能部件(定时器计数器) * 【TinyM0配套教程】接口技术与可靠性设计(DC/DC应用指南) * 【TinyM0配套教程】硬件体系结构(系统节拍定时器) * 【TinyM0配套教程】硬件体系结构(系统控制模块) * 【TinyM0配套教程】接口技术与可靠性设计(ESD器件应用指南) * 【TinyM0配套教程】功能部件(I2C) * 【TinyM0配套教程】功能部件(WDT) * 【TinyM0配套教程】功能部件(ADC) * 【TinyM0配套教程】功能部件(UART) * 【TinyM0配套教程】接口技术与可靠性设计(LDO应用指南) * 【TinyM0配套教程】接口技术与可靠性设计(复位设计)
上传时间: 2013-11-01
LM3S系列单片机JTAG口解锁应用笔记 介绍LM3S系列单片机的JTAG口被设置为gpIO后,恢复JTAG功能的方法。
上传时间: 2013-10-19
The PCA9536 is an 8-pin CMOS device that provides 4 bits of General Purpose parallel Input/Output (gpIO) expansion for I2C-bus/SMBus applications and was developed to enhance the NXP Semiconductors family of I2C-bus I/O expanders. I/O expanders provide a simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors, push buttons, LEDs, fans, etc.
上传时间: 2013-10-27
The PCA9534 is a 16-pin CMOS device that provide 8 bits of General Purpose parallel Input/Output (gpIO) expansion for I2C-bus/SMBus applications and was developed to enhance the NXP Semiconductors family of I2C-bus I/O expanders. The improvements include higher drive capability, 5 V I/O tolerance, lower supply current, individual I/O configuration, 400 kHz clock frequency, and smaller packaging. I/O expanders provide a simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors, push buttons, LEDs, fans, etc.
上传时间: 2013-11-17
PCA9535/ PCA9535C是24脚的CMOS器件,它们提供了I2C/SMBus应用中的16位通用并行输入/输出口(gpIO)的扩展,该器件使PHILIPS的I2C I/O扩展器件系列得到增强。改进的特性包括更高的驱动能力、5V I/O口、更低的电源电流、单独的I/O口配置、更小的封装形式。当应用中需要额外的I/O口来连接ACPI电源开关、传感器、按钮、LED、风扇等时,可使用I/O扩展器件实现简单的解决方案。
上传时间: 2013-10-16
PCA9698 是56 脚的CMOS 器件,能够实现I2C/SMBus 应用中40 位通用gpIO 的扩展。改进的特性包括4000pF 的驱动能力、5V I/O 口、工作电流低于1mA、单独的I/O 口配置、400kHz I2C 总线时钟频率和更小的封装形式。当应用中需要额外的I/O 口来连接ACPI(“高级配置与电源接口“这是英特尔、微软和东芝共同开发的一种电源管理标准)电源开关、传感器、按钮、LED、风扇等时,可使用 I/O 扩展器件实现简单的解决方案。
上传时间: 2013-11-11
The PCA9534 is a 16-pin CMOS device that provide 8 bits of General Purpose parallel Input/Output (gpIO) expansion for I2C-bus/SMBus applications and was developed to enhance the NXP Semiconductors family of I2C-bus I/O expanders. The improvements include higher drive capability, 5 V I/O tolerance, lower supply current, individual I/O configuration, 400 kHz clock frequency, and smaller packaging. I/O expanders provide a simple solution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors, push buttons, LEDs, fans, etc.
上传时间: 2013-10-10
The PCA9535 and PCA9535C are 24-pin CMOS devices that provide 16 bits of GeneralPurpose parallel Input/Output (gpIO) expansion for I2C-bus/SMBus applications and wasdeveloped to enhance the NXP Semiconductors family of I2C-bus I/O expanders. Theimprovements include higher drive capability, 5 V I/O tolerance, lower supply current,individual I/O configuration, and smaller packaging. I/O expanders provide a simplesolution when additional I/O is needed for ACPI power switches, sensors, push buttons,LEDs, fans, etc.
上传时间: 2013-10-21