The LogiCORE™ GTP Wizard automates the task of creating HDL wrappers to configure the high-speed serial GTP transceivers in Virtex™-5 LXT and SXT devices. The menu-driven interface allows one or more GTP transceivers to be configured using pre-definedtemplates for popular industry standards, or from scratch, to support a wide variety of custom protocols.The Wizard produces a wrapper, an example design, and a testbench for rapid integration and verification of the serial interface with your custom function Features• Creates customized HDL wrappers to configureVirtex-5 RocketIO™ GTP transceivers• Users can configure Virtex-5 GTP transceivers toconform to industry standard protocols usingpredefined templates, or tailor the templates forcustom protocols• Included protocol templates provide support for thefollowing specifications: Aurora, CPRI, FibreChannel 1x, gigabit Ethernet, HD-SDI, OBSAI,OC3, OC12, OC48, PCI Express® (PCIe®), SATA,SATA II, and XAUI• Automatically configures analog settings• Each custom wrapper includes example design, testbench; and both implementation and simulation scripts
标签: Transceiver Virtex Wizar GTP
上传时间: 2013-10-20
A decade ago, I first wrote that people moved, and networks needed to adapt to the reality that people worked on the go. Of course, in those days, wireless LANs came with a trade-off. Yes, you could use them while moving, but you had to trade a great deal of throughput to get the mobility. Although it was possible to get bits anywhere, even while in motion, those bits came slower. As one of the network engineers I worked with put it, “We’ve installed switched gigabit Ethernet everywhere on campus, so I don’t understand why you’d want to go back to what is a 25-megabit hub.” He un- derestimated the allure of working on the go.
上传时间: 2020-05-26
This book presents millimeter wave communication system design and analysis at the level to produce an understanding of the interaction between a wireless system and its front end so that the overall performance can be predicted. gigabit wireless commu- nications require a considerable amount of bandwidth, which can be supported by millimeter waves. Millimeter wave technology has come of age, and at the time of writing the standards of IEEE 802.15.3c, WiGig, Wireless HD TM , and the European Computer Manufacturers Association have recently been finalized.
标签: Communication Millimeter Systems Wave
上传时间: 2020-05-28
Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology enables high data-rate short-range communica- tion, in excess of hundredmegabit-per-secondsand up to multi-gigabit-per-seconds, over a wide spectrum of frequencies, while keeping power consumption at low lev- els. This low power operation results in a less-interfering co-existence with other existed communication technologies (e.g., UNII bands). In addition to carrying a huge amount of data over a distance of up to 230 feet at very low power (less than 0.5mW), the UWB signal has the ability to penetrate through the doors and other obstacles that tend to reflect signals at more limited bandwidths and higher power densities.
标签: Silicon-Based Front-Ends RF
上传时间: 2020-06-01
本实验将实现 FPGA 芯片和 PC 之间进行千兆以太网数据通信, 通信协议采用 Ethernet UDP 通信协议。 FPGA 通过 GMII 总线和开发板上的 gigabit PHY 芯片通信, gigabit PHY芯片把数据通过网线发给 PC
上传时间: 2022-06-03
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上传时间: 2013-04-15