并行总线PATA从设计至今已快20年历史,如今它的缺陷已经严重阻碍了系统性能的进一步提高,已被串行ATA(Serial ATA)即SATA总线所取代。SATA作为新一代磁盘接口总线,采用点对点方式进行数据传输,内置数据/命令校验单元,支持热插拔,具有150MB/s(SATA1.0)或300MB/s(SATA2.0)的传输速度。目前SATA已在存储领域广泛应用,但国内尚无独立研发的面向FPGA的SATAIP CORE,在这样的条件下设计面向FPGA应用的SATA IP CORE具有重要的意义。 本论文对协议进行了详细的分析,建立了SATA IP CORE的层次结构,将设备端SATA IP CORE划分成应用层、传输层、链路层和物理层;介绍了实现该IPCORE所选择的开发工具、开发语言和所选用的芯片;在此基础上着重阐述协议IP CORE的设计,并对各个部分的设计予以分别阐述,并编码实现;最后进行综合和测试。 采用FPGA集成硬核RocketIo MGT(RocketIo Multi-gigabit Transceiver)实现了1.5Gbps的串行传输链路;设计满足协议需求、适合FPGA设计的并行结构,实现了多状态机的协同工作:在高速设计中,使用了流水线方法进行并行设计,以提高速度,考虑到系统不同部分复杂度的不同,设计采用部分流水线结构;采用在线逻辑分析仪Chipscope pro与SATA总线分析仪进行片上调试与测试,使得调试工作方便快捷、测试数据准确;严格按照SATA1.0a协议实现了SATA设备端IP CORE的设计。 最终测试数据表明,本论文设计的基于FPGA的SATA IP CORE满足协议需求。设计中的SATA IP CORE具有使用方便、集成度高、成本低等优点,在固态电子硬盘SSD(Solid-State Disk)开发中应用本设计,将使开发变得方便快捷,更能够适应市场需求。
上传时间: 2013-06-21
This document presents design techniques and reference circuits that power Virtex™-4 FXRocketIO™ multi-gigabit transceivers (MGTs) operating at data rates below 3.125 Gb/s.When using multiple transceivers, it is sometimes preferred to power them from a switchingpower supply. However, switching power supplies generate noise that affects transceiver
上传时间: 2013-11-18
中文版详情浏览:http://www.elecfans.com/emb/fpga/20130715324029.html Xilinx UltraScale:The Next-Generation Architecture for Your Next-Generation Architecture The Xilinx® UltraScale™ architecture delivers unprecedented levels of integration and capability with ASIC-class system- level performance for the most demanding applications. The UltraScale architecture is the industr y's f irst application of leading-edge ASIC architectural enhancements in an All Programmable architecture that scales from 20 nm planar through 16 nm FinFET technologies and beyond, in addition to scaling from monolithic through 3D ICs. Through analytical co-optimization with the X ilinx V ivado® Design Suite, the UltraScale architecture provides massive routing capacity while intelligently resolving typical bottlenecks in ways never before possible. This design synergy achieves greater than 90% utilization with no performance degradation. Some of the UltraScale architecture breakthroughs include: • Strategic placement (virtually anywhere on the die) of ASIC-like system clocks, reducing clock skew by up to 50% • Latency-producing pipelining is virtually unnecessary in systems with massively parallel bus architecture, increasing system speed and capability • Potential timing-closure problems and interconnect bottlenecks are eliminated, even in systems requiring 90% or more resource utilization • 3D IC integration makes it possible to build larger devices one process generation ahead of the current industr y standard • Greatly increased system performance, including multi-gigabit serial transceivers, I/O, and memor y bandwidth is available within even smaller system power budgets • Greatly enhanced DSP and packet handling The Xilinx UltraScale architecture opens up whole new dimensions for designers of ultra-high-capacity solutions.
标签: UltraScale Xilinx 架构
上传时间: 2013-11-13
支持40 GbE、100 GbE和Interlaken的高密度硬核MLD/PCS模块,从而提高系统集成度。 宽带数据缓冲,提供1,600-Mbps外部存储器接口。 数据包处理和流量管理功能的高效实现。 更高的系统性能,同时保持功耗和成本预算不变。
上传时间: 2013-11-23
The LogiCORE™ GTP Wizard automates the task of creating HDL wrappers to configure the high-speed serial GTP transceivers in Virtex™-5 LXT and SXT devices. The menu-driven interface allows one or more GTP transceivers to be configured using pre-definedtemplates for popular industry standards, or from scratch, to support a wide variety of custom protocols.The Wizard produces a wrapper, an example design, and a testbench for rapid integration and verification of the serial interface with your custom function Features• Creates customized HDL wrappers to configureVirtex-5 RocketIO™ GTP transceivers• Users can configure Virtex-5 GTP transceivers toconform to industry standard protocols usingpredefined templates, or tailor the templates forcustom protocols• Included protocol templates provide support for thefollowing specifications: Aurora, CPRI, FibreChannel 1x, gigabit Ethernet, HD-SDI, OBSAI,OC3, OC12, OC48, PCI Express® (PCIe®), SATA,SATA II, and XAUI• Automatically configures analog settings• Each custom wrapper includes example design, testbench; and both implementation and simulation scripts
标签: Transceiver Virtex Wizar GTP
上传时间: 2013-10-23
This application note describes a reference system which illustrates how to build an embeddedPowerPC® system using the Xilinx 1-gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller processor core.This system has the PLB_Gemac configured to use Scatter/Gather Direct Memory Access andthe Serializer/Deserializer (SerDes) interface. This application note describes how to set up thespecific clocking structure required for the SerDes interface and the constraints to be added tothe UCF file. This reference system is complete with a standalone software application to testsome of the main features of this core, including access to registers, DMA capabilities, transmitand receive in loopback mode. This reference system is targeted for the ML300 evaluationboard.
上传时间: 2013-11-01
The Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC (TEMAC) UltraController-II module is a minimal footprint,embedded network processing engine based on the PowerPC™ 405 (PPC405) processor coreand the TEMAC core embedded within a Virtex™-4 FX Platform FPGA. The TEMACUltraController-II module connects to an external PHY through gigabit Media IndependentInterface (GMII) and Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) interfaces and supports tri-mode(10/100/1000 Mb/s) Ethernet. Software running from the processor cache reads and writesthrough an On-Chip Memory (OCM) interface to two FIFOs that act as buffers between thedifferent clock domains of the PPC405 OCM and the TEMAC.
上传时间: 2013-10-26
Today in many applications such as network switches, routers, multi-computers,and processor-memory interfaces, the ability to integrate hundreds of multi-gigabit I/Os is desired to make better use of the rapidly advancing IC technology.
上传时间: 2013-10-30
中文版详情浏览:http://www.elecfans.com/emb/fpga/20130715324029.html Xilinx UltraScale:The Next-Generation Architecture for Your Next-Generation Architecture The Xilinx® UltraScale™ architecture delivers unprecedented levels of integration and capability with ASIC-class system- level performance for the most demanding applications. The UltraScale architecture is the industr y's f irst application of leading-edge ASIC architectural enhancements in an All Programmable architecture that scales from 20 nm planar through 16 nm FinFET technologies and beyond, in addition to scaling from monolithic through 3D ICs. Through analytical co-optimization with the X ilinx V ivado® Design Suite, the UltraScale architecture provides massive routing capacity while intelligently resolving typical bottlenecks in ways never before possible. This design synergy achieves greater than 90% utilization with no performance degradation. Some of the UltraScale architecture breakthroughs include: • Strategic placement (virtually anywhere on the die) of ASIC-like system clocks, reducing clock skew by up to 50% • Latency-producing pipelining is virtually unnecessary in systems with massively parallel bus architecture, increasing system speed and capability • Potential timing-closure problems and interconnect bottlenecks are eliminated, even in systems requiring 90% or more resource utilization • 3D IC integration makes it possible to build larger devices one process generation ahead of the current industr y standard • Greatly increased system performance, including multi-gigabit serial transceivers, I/O, and memor y bandwidth is available within even smaller system power budgets • Greatly enhanced DSP and packet handling The Xilinx UltraScale architecture opens up whole new dimensions for designers of ultra-high-capacity solutions.
标签: UltraScale Xilinx 架构
上传时间: 2013-11-21
支持40 GbE、100 GbE和Interlaken的高密度硬核MLD/PCS模块,从而提高系统集成度。 宽带数据缓冲,提供1,600-Mbps外部存储器接口。 数据包处理和流量管理功能的高效实现。 更高的系统性能,同时保持功耗和成本预算不变。
上传时间: 2013-10-16