1.配置java环境,JDK1.5以上和安装MYSQL5.0(配置好java的环境变量) 2.在SQL文件里,把role.sql,sql.sql,insert.sql按照这个顺利插进MYSQL数据库里 3.修改FlashNetgame\classes文件夹下面的hibernate.cfg.xml文件,修改里面的数据库连接地址和用户密码什么的 4.把NetgameFalsh文件夹里面的Netgame.swf的打包成.exe文件(如果你的电脑是可信任flash的就不需要) 5.下载spring和hibernate的包,然后把相关的jar文件放到FlashNetgame目录的lib文件夹下 6.准备好上面的那些工作之后,在FlashNetgame目录那里的build.xml文件,用ant编译 (如果没有装ant,可以执行org.game.server.StartServer这个主类,就可以启动服务器了) 7.把NetgameFalsh文件里面的Netgame.swf打包成exe文件(主要是flash的安全策略,如果你配置了你电脑,就不需要) 8.连接服务器,用内带的用户登陆就可以了(帐户:soda,密码:soda),或者可以在数据库手动添加
上传时间: 2016-11-08
开源的项目哦,自制LED游戏机 (Another LED game)
上传时间: 2014-01-19
Please read this document before attempting to compile and run the libraries and applications! The projects must be compiled in a particular order. Standard support questions are about compiler and/or linker errors that are generated when users try to compile the projects in the wrong order. Other information of interest is available here, so read the entire document fi rst. Wild Magic Version 2.1 is what ships with the fi rst printing of the game Physics book. Some of the applications that are referenced in the book did not make it onto the CD–ROM for the book. Version 2.2 contains those applications, plus more
标签: applications attempting and libraries
上传时间: 2014-01-16
“星际争霸”地球人都知道吧,什么没玩过,呵呵打看浏览器直接就能玩!一开始我真的不感去相信这是JavaScript做的网站,我宁愿相信这是个用Flash做的小游戏,当一行一行的代码出现在我面前时,我不得不承认这个事实,我想说得是:这个世界太疯狂JS都能出游戏,那我估计距离game 2.0应该不远了~在惊叹代码的同时,我不得不为代码设计者感到惊叹。实在很佩服他的勇气和坚韧的品质。
上传时间: 2016-12-16
这是一本游戏编程的经典国外教材,我就是从这本书进入游戏行业的 MUD game PROGRAMMING By Ron Penton 这本书的好处还在于它附有源代码,正是这个有趣的代码引导我步入迷人的游戏世界 请看我附上的代码文件:MUDBook MUDs Complete.zip、MUDs 1.0.1.zip
上传时间: 2013-12-21
雄霸天下游戏网 实例文件夹:mingrisoft\game文件夹 数据库:采用SQL Server 2000数据库,名称为db_game 数据库文件位置: \mingrisoft\game\DataBase\db_game_Data.MDF和 \mingrisoft\game\DataBase\db_game_Log.LDF 后台管理员入口: 用户名:admin;密码:admin;单击“进入”按钮,将进入后台管理页面 说明该用户为管理员。
标签: 61548 mingrisoftgame Server 2000
上传时间: 2013-11-25
Have you ever seen players eyes light up as they explore the worlds that you ve created in your games? If you have, then game development probably has you hooked firmly in its grasp! If you ve never taken your games beyond the PC, now s the time! "J2ME game Programming" is a hands-on guide that teaches you how to create games for micro-devices. You ll be amazed at just how cool the games you create can look and play. Focusing primarily on mobile phone game creation, you ll jump right in and create your own games as you work your way through the book. The thought has surely crossed your mind that it would be nice to make some money off of this cool hobby of yours. J2ME offers real opportunity to profit from your games. Learn how you can earn revenue from your games by taking them to market. If you have a basic understanding of Java, then you re ready to explore all that "J2ME game Programming" has to offer!
标签: you created players explore
上传时间: 2017-02-25
A website for keeping track of wishes for your character in WoW Users are able to make a user account, register their in-game characters, make wishes that represent their in-game goals, and match them against other players.
标签: for character website keeping
上传时间: 2014-01-05
a malbrt gamea malbrt gamea malbrt gamea malbrt gamea malbrt gamea malbrt gamea malbrt gamea malbrt gamea malbrt game
上传时间: 2013-12-23
This book was intended specifically for people who know how to program already but have taken only rudimentary stabs at graphics/game programming or never taken any stab at all, such as programmers in another field or college students looking to embark on some side projects.
标签: specifically intended already program
上传时间: 2017-06-07