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  • 简单、高效USB电源管理IC解决方案

      Linear Technology offers a variety of devices that simplifyconverting power from a USB cable, but the LTC®3455represents the highest level of functional integration yet. The LTC3455 seamlessly manages power flowbetween an AC adapter, USB cable and Li-ion battery,while complying with USB power standards, all from a4mm × 4mm QFN package. In addtion, two high efficiencysynchronous buck converters generate low voltage railswhich most USB-powered peripherals require. TheLTC3455 also provides power-on reset signals for themicroprocessor, a Hot SwapTM output for poweringmemory cards as well as an uncommitted gain blocksuitable for use as a low-battery comparator or an LDOcontroller. The PCB real estate required for the entire USBpower control circuit and two DC/DC converters is only225mm2.

    标签: USB 电源管理IC 方案

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • Circuitry for Single Cell Operation

      Portable, battery-powered operation of electronic apparatushas become increasingly desirable. Medical, remotedata acquisition, power monitoring and other applicationsare good candidates for batteryoperation. In some circumstances,due to space, power or reliability considerations,it is preferable to operate the circuitry from a single 1.5Vcell. Unfortunately, a 1.5V supply eliminates almost alllinear ICs as design candidates. In fact, the LM10 opamp-reference and the LT®1017/LT1018 comparators arethe only IC gain blocks fully specifi ed for 1.5V operation.Further complications are presented by the 600mV dropof silicon transistors and diodes. This limitation consumesa substantial portion of available supply range, makingcircuit design diffi cult. Additionally, any circuit designedfor 1.5V operation mustfunction at end-of-life batteryvoltage, typically 1.3V. (See Box Section, “Componentsfor 1.5V Operation.”)

    标签: Circuitry Operation Single Cell

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 基于MT8880的一键拨号电话系统设计

      针对煤矿井下调度及紧急救援系统的需求,以DTMF编解码模块为核心,设计了具有自动拨号功能的新型电话系统。该系统利用MT8880对DTMF信号的编解码功能实现一键拨号和远程设置,通过检测振铃和忙音信号,完成自动摘机和挂机过程,配合AGC等外围电路达到话音清晰流畅的效果。   Abstract:   To meet the demand for mine scheduling and emergency rescue system, with using DTMF signal codec as the core, a new telephone system was designed with automatic dialing function. In the system, the DTMF signal encoding and decoding function of MT8880 was used to achieve one-touch dialing and remote setting. The circuit detects the ringing and busy signal, and then completes automatic off-hook and hangup. With AGC(Automatic gain Control) and other peripheral circuits, the voice was regulated to a clear and smooth effect.

    标签: 8880 MT 拨号电话 系统设计

    上传时间: 2014-11-18


  • 基于ATmega16的简易示波器设计

    介绍了以AVR单片机ATmega16为核心,采用前端信号调理电路、程控增益放大器以及波形显示LCD(GDM12864A)实现的一个简易示波器。并给出该系统设计的硬件和软件设计方案。 Abstract:  Abstract:This paper introduces an easy digital storage oscilloscope based on the AVR microcontroller ATmega16,especially emphasizes on the software design and the hardware design which contains signal processing circuit,gain-programmed amplifier circuit and LCD’s interface circuit and so on.

    标签: ATmega 16 简易示波器

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • MT8870D DTMF解码芯片

    Features• Complete DTMF Receiver• Low power consumption• Internal gain setting amplifier• Adjustable guard time• Central office quality• Power-down mode• Inhibit mode• Backward compatible withMT8870C/MT8870C-1Applications• Receiver system for British Telecom (BT) orCEPT Spec (MT8870D-1)• Paging systems• Repeater systems/mobile radio• Credit card systems• Remote control• Personal computers• Telephone answering machine

    标签: 8870D 8870 DTMF MT

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • NEC 16位MCU参考手册

    NEC 16位MCU参考手册 The 78K0R/IC3 is a 16-bit single-chip microcontroller that uses a 78K0R CPU core and incorporates peripheral functions, such as ROM/RAM, a multi-function timer, a multi-function serial interface, an A/D converter, a programmable gain amplifier (PGA), a comparator, a real-time counter, and a watchdog timer.

    标签: NEC MCU 参考手册

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • PCA9541 2 to 1 I2C-bus master

    The PCA9541 is a 2-to-1 I2C-bus master selector designed for high reliability dual masterI2C-bus applications where system operation is required, even when one master fails orthe controller card is removed for maintenance. The two masters (for example, primaryand back-up) are located on separate I2C-buses that connect to the same downstreamI2C-bus slave devices. I2C-bus commands are sent by either I2C-bus master and are usedto select one master at a time. Either master at any time can gain control of the slavedevices if the other master is disabled or removed from the system. The failed master isisolated from the system and will not affect communication between the on-line masterand the slave devices on the downstream I2C-bus.

    标签: master C-bus 9541 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • 单片机外围线路设计

    当拿到一张CASE单时,首先得确定的是能用什么母体才能实现此功能,然后才能展开对外围硬件电路的设计,因此首先得了解每个母体的基本功能及特点,下面大至的介绍一下本公司常用的IC:单芯片解决方案• SN8P1900 系列–  高精度 16-Bit  模数转换器–  可编程运算放大器 (PGIA)•  信号放大低漂移: 2V•  放大倍数可编程: 1/16/64/128  倍–  升压- 稳压调节器 (Charge-Pump Regulator)•  电源输入: 2.4V ~ 5V•  稳压输出: e.g. 3.8V at SN8P1909–  内置液晶驱动电路 (LCD Driver)–  单芯片解决方案 •  耳温枪  SN8P1909 LQFP 80 Pins• 5000 解析度量测器 SN8P1908 LQFP 64 Pins•  体重计  SN8P1907 SSOP 48 Pins单芯片解决方案• SN8P1820 系列–  精确的12-Bit  模数转换器–  可编程运算放大器 (PGIA)• gain Stage One: Low Offset 5V, gain: 16/32/64/128• gain Stage One: Low Offset 2mV, gain: 1.3 ~ 2.5–  升压- 稳压调节器•  电源输入: 2.4V ~ 5V•  稳压输出: e.g. 3.8V at SN8P1829–  内置可编程运算放大电路–  内置液晶驱动电路 –  单芯片解决方案 •  电子医疗器 SN8P1829 LQFP 80 Pins 高速/低功耗/高可靠性微控制器• 最新SN8P2000 系列– SN8P2500/2600/2700 系列– 高度抗交流杂讯能力• 标准瞬间电压脉冲群测试 (EFT): IEC 1000-4-4• 杂讯直接灌入芯片电源输入端• 只需添加1颗 2.2F/50V 旁路电容• 测试指标稳超 4000V (欧规)– 高可靠性复位电路保证系统正常运行• 支持外部复位和内部上电复位• 内置1.8V 低电压侦测可靠复位电路• 内置看门狗计时器保证程序跳飞可靠复位– 高抗静电/栓锁效应能力– 芯片工作温度有所提高: -200C ~ 700C     工规芯片温度: -400C ~ 850C 高速/低功耗/高可靠性微控制器• 最新 SN8P2000 系列– SN8P2500/2600/2700 系列– 1T  精简指令级结构• 1T:  一个外部振荡周期执行一条指令•  工作速度可达16 MIPS / 16 MHz Crystal–  工作消耗电流 < 2mA at 1-MIPS/5V–  睡眠模式下消耗电流 < 1A / 5V额外功能• 高速脉宽调制输出 (PWM)– 8-Bit PWM up to 23 KHz at 12 MHz System Clock– 6-Bit PWM up to 93 KHz  at 12 MHz System Clock– 4-Bit PWM up to 375 KHz  at 12 MHz System Clock• 内置高速16 MHz RC振荡器 (SN8P2501A)• 电压变化唤醒功能• 可编程控制沿触发/中断功能– 上升沿 / 下降沿 / 双沿触发• 串行编程接口

    标签: 单片机 线路设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • PCB设计经典资料

    本文将接续介绍电源与功率电路基板,以及数字电路基板导线设计。宽带与高频电路基板导线设计a.输入阻抗1MHz,平滑性(flatness)50MHz 的OP增幅器电路基板图26 是由FET 输入的高速OP 增幅器OPA656 构成的高输入阻抗OP 增幅电路,它的gain取决于R1、R2,本电路图的电路定数为2 倍。此外为改善平滑性特别追加设置可以加大噪讯gain,抑制gain-频率特性高频领域时峰值的R3。图26 高输入阻抗的宽带OP增幅电路图27 是高输入阻抗OP 增幅器的电路基板图案。降低高速OP 增幅器反相输入端子与接地之间的浮游容量非常重要,所以本电路的浮游容量设计目标低于0.5pF。如果上述部位附着大浮游容量的话,会成为高频领域的频率特性产生峰值的原因,严重时频率甚至会因为feedback 阻抗与浮游容量,造成feedback 信号的位相延迟,最后导致频率特性产生波动现象。此外高输入阻抗OP 增幅器输入部位的浮游容量也逐渐成为问题,图27 的电路基板图案的非反相输入端子部位无full ground设计,如果有外部噪讯干扰之虞时,接地可设计成网格状(mesh)。图28 是根据图26 制成的OP 增幅器gain-频率特性测试结果,由图可知即使接近50MHz频率特性非常平滑,-3dB cutoff频率大约是133MHz。

    标签: PCB

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 频谱仪测噪声系数

    因为测量系统都用50欧姆, 如非特指, 以下所说的gain均指功率增益(Power gain). 但是一般的接收机的输入输出并非50欧姆, 因此有必要考虑电压增益(Voltage gain).

    标签: 频谱仪 噪声系数

    上传时间: 2015-01-03
