标签: Latex-gRAphics 图形化 教程
上传时间: 2015-05-07
ATI gRAphics CARD BIOS FOR RV100,RV200,R200,RV250,R300 SERIES VER:8.4.8
上传时间: 2015-05-10
Delineate is a tool for converting bitmap raster images to SVG (Scalable Vector gRAphics) using AutoTrace or potrace. It displays SVG results using Apache Batik. Input formats are JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF,PCD, PSD, RAS.
标签: converting Delineate gRAphics Scalable
上传时间: 2014-01-19
The HD66773, controller driver LSI, displays 132RGB-by-176 dot gRAphics on TFT displays in 260,000 colors. The HD66773’s bit-operation functions, 18-bit high-speed bus interface, and high-speed RAMwrite functions enable efficient data transfer and high-speed rewriting of data to the graphic RAM.
标签: displays controller gRAphics RGB-by
上传时间: 2014-06-19
foundation of computer gRAphics 电脑的图形基础入门, 工具运用是MATLAB
标签: foundation computer gRAphics MATLAB
上传时间: 2015-06-02
A gRAphics toolkit, Graf_Tool() is developed which can be used to process and edit gRAphics. Labels, lines and arrows can be added and the program is very flexible and easy to use.
标签: gRAphics Graf_Tool developed toolkit
上传时间: 2014-01-22
Symbian -画图程序 gRAphics-vc.rar
标签: gRAphics-vc Symbian 画图
上传时间: 2014-01-15
机器人路径规划算法,题目为Real-Time Robot Motion Planning Using Rasterizing Computer gRAphics Hardware
标签: Rasterizing Real-Time Computer gRAphics
上传时间: 2014-11-09
按照官方的说法:Cairo is a vector gRAphics library with cross-device output support. 翻译过来,就是cairo是一个支持多种输出的向量图形库。 具体解释一下,也就是说,cairo是种画图的工具库,他可以向多种设备上画图,比如: cairo可以输出到png,可以输出到pdf,可以输出到ps,可以输出到xlib,可以输出到XCB,可以输出到win32,以后还要输出到svg 我们可以展望一下,如果cairo能够统一linux下所有的画图接口,那么,所见所得可能就会成为显示。
标签: cross-device gRAphics library support
上传时间: 2015-08-16
Automotive gRAphics System Reference Design
标签: Automotive Reference gRAphics Design
上传时间: 2015-08-20