上传时间: 2015-06-18
This PNG Delphi version 1.56 documentation (this version is a major rewrite intended to replace the previous version, 1.2). Improvements in this new version includes: This new version allows the programmer to not use Delphi heavy units which will greatly reduce the size of the final executable. Read more about this feature here. Most, if not all, Portable Network gRAphics features as CRC checking are now fully performed. Error on broken images are now better handled using new exception classes. The images may be saved using interlaced mode also. Transparency information won t be discarted after the image is loaded any more. Most of the images are decoded much faster now. The images will be better encoded using fresh new algorithms. IMPORTANT! Now transparency information is used to display images.
标签: version documentation intended rewrite
上传时间: 2015-06-28
solve the 8-puzzle problem using A* algorithm. Definitely written by my self, also include BGI gRAphics library output.
标签: Definitely algorithm problem include
上传时间: 2014-01-17
KVM (for Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware. It consists of a loadable kernel module (kvm.ko) and a userspace component. Using KVM, one can run multiple virtual machines running unmodified Linux or Windows images. Each virtual machine has private virtualized hardware: a network card, disk, gRAphics adapter, etc. The kernel component of KVM is included in mainline Linux, and will appear in Linux 2.6.20. KVM is open source software.
标签: virtualization Kernel-based for hardware
上传时间: 2015-08-20
单片机下S1D19015的液晶驱动 爱普生近日推出款用于2.5G和3G手机的彩色TFT LCD驱动器IC——S1D19105。该单芯片解决方案同时支持176×RGB×220点(QCIF+)显示和262,144种色彩,并提供独立的RGB视频接口,能够与爱普生的移动图形引擎(Mobile gRAphics Engine)方便结合,从而在手机上建立兼容视频的显示系统。该芯片有两个接口系统,一个MPU接口和一个RGB接口。 直接连接于MPU的总线可传输命令和静态图像,同时专用视频RGB接口和VSYNC同步电路则能提供稳定无闪烁的视频显示。
标签: S1D19015 S1D19105 QCIF 2.5
上传时间: 2014-01-04
The goal of this project is to explore the idea of point-based radiosity, which is a shooting radiosity technique suggested by Mark Harris at UNC. The primary idea is that features available in gRAphics hardware can be utilized to perform radiosity calculations. Facilities such as flat shading, diffuse lighting, projective textures, and mipmapping can be used to replace traditional numerical solutions for radiosity.
标签: point-based radiosity shooting explore
上传时间: 2015-08-24
《Visual Basic.NET GDI+技术教程》源码 《Visual Basic.NET GDI+技术教程》的图书简介 GDI+是在Windows窗体应用程序中以编程方式显示图形图像的一种方法。 本书讨论GDI+技术、“图形编辑器”、“图像”菜单。由三部分组成,第一部分,概述了GDI+及GDI+的新功能,讨论了gRAphics对象及该对象的方法,状态和创建,讨论了五种画笔的使用,讨论了Font对象,构造函数、属性、方法和颜色,讨论了Color对象的成员及它们的应用, RGB函数,Alpha混合线条的填充,讨论了gRAphicsPath对象,该对象的方法及应用,创建轨迹梯度。第二部分,讨论使用GDI+显示图形图像;GDI+支持的图形文件的格式,加载和显示图形图像文件,在控件中显示图形图像。第三部分,讨论了“图形编辑器”、“图像”菜单;使用“图形编辑器”、“图像”菜单制作和编辑图形图像的颜色处理。 本书适合于对Visual Basic编辑有一定了解,希望进一步学习Visual Basic.NET的GDI+技术的读者。
上传时间: 2015-08-27
java tankwar program,it is not gRAphics.
上传时间: 2014-08-21
penMesh is a generic and efficient data structure for representing and manipulating polygonal meshes. OpenMesh is developed at the Computer gRAphics Group, RWTH Aachen , as part of the OpenSGPlus project, is funded by the German Ministry for Research and Education ( BMBF), and will serve as geometry kernel upon which the so-called high level primitives (e.g. subdivision surfaces or progressive meshes) of OpenSGPlus are built. It was designed with the following goals in mind : Flexibility : provide a basis for many different algorithms without the need for adaptation. Efficiency : maximize time efficiency while keeping memory usage as low as possible. Ease of use : wrap complex internal structure in an easy-to-use interface.
标签: manipulating representing and efficient
上传时间: 2015-10-14
his paper provides a tutorial and survey of methods for parameterizing surfaces with a view to applications in geometric modelling and computer gRAphics. We gather various concepts from di® erential geometry which are relevant to surface mapping and use them to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the many methods for parameterizing piecewise linear surfaces and their relationship to one another.
标签: parameterizing provides tutorial surfaces
上传时间: 2014-11-09