helicopter fuzzy pid control including pitch and yaw
标签: helicopter including control fuzzy
上传时间: 2014-01-17
FUzzy PID COntrol COde!!FUzzy PID COntrol COde
上传时间: 2014-01-08
FUzzy PID COntrol!!!FUzzy PID COntrol
上传时间: 2013-12-26
上传时间: 2016-08-08
上传时间: 2016-08-27
ebook about PID motor control include some methode for controlling motor by PID algorithm such as:fuzzy pid,nomarl pid(nichol-ziegler pid ),digital pid...
标签: motor controlling PID algorithm
上传时间: 2014-12-05
基于PIC单片机的脉冲电源:设计了一种金属凝固过程用脉冲电源。该电源采用PIC16F877作为主控芯片,实现对窄脉冲电流幅值的检测,以及时电流脉冲幅值根据模糊PID算法进行闲环控制。使用结果表明:该电源的输出脉冲波形良好,电流幅值稳定,满足合金材料凝固过程的工艺要求且运行稳定可靠。关键词:脉冲电源;PIC16F877单片机;模糊PID;闲环控制 Abstract:A kind of pulse power supply was designed which uses in the metal solidification process ..I11is power supply used PIC16F877 to take the master control chip reali on to the narrow pulse electric current peak-to-peak value examination,carried on the closed-loop control to the electric current pulse peak-to-peak value basis fuzzy PID algorithm.The use result indicated ,this power supply output se profile is good,and the electric current peak-to-p~k value is stable,It satisfies the alloy material solidification process the technological requirement and movement stable reliable,Key words:p se po wer supply;PIC16F877single-chip microcontroller;f r PID;closed-loop control
上传时间: 2013-10-27
在综合分析谐波励磁无刷同步发电机励磁控制系统的基础上,对其励磁控制策略进行了研究,开发了一套基于DSP( TMS320F2812) 控制的新型柴油发电机励磁控制系统,该系统采用参数自适应模糊PID 控制励磁,选用交流采样方式实时检测各信号的瞬时特性,系统仿真结果以及在1 台25 kW 工频柴油发电机上的试验结果证明了该控制器具有较好的电压调节特性,系统稳态和暂态性能完全满足发电机对励磁系统的要求。关键词:励磁调节;模糊PID 控制;数字信号处理器;交流采样 Abstract :According to the general analysis of the excitation cont rol system of the harmonious wave excitation brushless synchronous generator and it s characteristics ,a new type of diesel generator excitation cont rol system based on DSP( TMS320F2812) was designed. An adaptive fuzzy PID cont rol of excitation is used in this system. To detect the t ransient characteristics of the signals in a timely manner ,AC sampling was applied.The system simulation result s and the testing result s f rom a 25 kW diesel generator (50 Hz) can prove that the voltage regulation characteristics of the excitation cont rol system are very well ,and both the steadyOstate performance and the t ransient performance of the generator are also good.Key words :excitation cont rol ;fuzzy PID cont rol ;digital signal processor (DSP) ;AC sampling
上传时间: 2013-10-29
:针对当前电力机车调速系统存在的一些问题,简要分析了直流电力机车调速原理,提出了 控制系统的硬件结构,并且设计出Fuzzy + PID复合结构的控制器,提高了控制系统的动态响应速 度和稳态误差 同时利用RBF神经网络自整定PID参数解决了PID控制中的参数整定问题
上传时间: 2013-12-19
:介绍了一种利用DSP控制的大容量蓄电池自动充电装置的设计。采用高频开关电源技术,给出了基于数 字信号处理器TMS320LF2407的充电装置控制系统的软、硬件设计。借助Matlab中的Simulink仿真工具,采用 在线模糊自整定技术对充电装置控制系统进行仿真,并将仿真结果应用于DSP控制器中,实现对fuzzy-PID控 制的Kp、Ki、Kd参数的在线自整定,使充电方式能较好的模拟最佳充电曲线,达到理想效果。理论分析和试验都 表明,该充电装置能够有效地提高蓄电池的充电效率,加快充电速度。
上传时间: 2017-09-27