多线程程序作为一种多任务、并发的工作方式,有以下的优点: 1) 提高应用程序响应。这对图形界面的程序尤其有意义,当一个操作耗时很长时,整个系统都会等待这个操作,此时程序不会响应键盘、鼠标、菜单的操作,而使用多线程技术,将耗时长的操作(time consuming)置于一个新的线程,可以避免这种尴尬的情况。 2) 使多CPU系统更加有效。操作系统会保证当线程数不大于CPU数目时,不同的线程运行于不同的CPU上。 3) 改善程序结构。一个既长又复杂的进程可以考虑分为多个线程,成为几个独立或半独立的运行部分,这样的程序会利于理解和修改。
上传时间: 2013-12-02
Features • Compatible with MCS-51® Products • 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory – Endurance: 1000 Write/Erase Cycles • 4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range • Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz • Three-level Program Memory Lock • 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM • 32 Programmable I/O Lines • Three 16-bit Timer/Counters • Eight Interrupt Sources • Full Duplex UART Serial Channel • Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes • Interrupt Recovery from Power-down Mode • Watchdog Timer • Dual Data Pointer • Power-off Flag
标签: 8226 Programmable Compatible In-System
上传时间: 2015-06-27
Person-to-person realtime IP communications, like presence, VoIP and video applications, offer clear benefits for the enterprise as time- and money-savers. Unified functionality is now available, where all of the above are integrated into one streamlined application and interconnect with other networks. This creates a very important business tool and usage is increasing.
标签: Person-to-person communications applications realtime
上传时间: 2015-06-28
This program is using Genetic Algorithm to solve the Travlling Salesman Problem. It gives the best path route within a specified time. usage: java Evolver <seconds> <city file> <config file> Author: Liu Yang
标签: Algorithm Travlling the Salesman
上传时间: 2013-12-06
红外线遥控器读码软件,显示红外线波型,读取并保存码 IR Remote Control Unit Code Read System 产品详细描述: 能够像显示器一样显示红外线码的波型 可以读多达150种格式的红外线码 显示红外线码的时间非常准确,误差只有几个微秒。 具有错误检测功能 保存红外线码功能 自动识别码的格式 比较样机与所写的新软件的遥控器码的异同 具体情况请访问本网站:http://www.crzman.com/IR_Reader.htm Display the Infrared wave on the software like oscillograph. Can read more than 150 kinds of infrared code format Display the Infrared time and the tolerance no more than many us. Have error detect function Save Infrared code function Auto identify code s format Compare the code from sample and new Remote Control Unit code) Detail instance please visit address: http://www.crzman.com/IR_Reader.htm
上传时间: 2015-07-03
The J2000 codec was written in an effort to produce the cleanest and simplest implementation possible of the JPEG-2000 standard. We have put a particular emphasis on good architecture design and code simplicity, while at the same time providing an implementation as complete and efficient as possible. The source code for the codec is freely available for anyone to study or even for use in commercial programs. We hope that our open development process and our focus on clean, straightforward code will help make the J2000 codec become a reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 standard
标签: implementation cleanest simplest produce
上传时间: 2015-07-03
视频插件,暴风影音必备,包含Real Player 10和Quick Time 6.5的核心组件,请不要和其各自对应的原始(官方)版本一同安装,否则会发生冲突
上传时间: 2014-12-19
人工智能中模糊逻辑算法 FuzzyLib 2.0 is a comprehensive C++ Fuzzy Logic library for constructing fuzzy logic systems with multi-controller support. It supports all commonly used shape functions and hedges, with full support for the various types of Aggregation, Correlation, Alphacut, Composition, Defuzzification methods. The latest version of the C++ Fuzzy Logic Class Library contains all the C++ source code and comes complete with a usage example for building a multi-controllers fuzzy logic model.
标签: comprehensive constructing FuzzyLib library
上传时间: 2013-12-17
This application note describes a method for developing block-oriented I/O device drivers for applications that use the DSP/BIOS real-time kernel and includes examples that run with Code Composer Studio v2.1 on the Texas Instruments TMS320C5402 and TMS320C6711 DSP Starter Kits (DSKs). The device driver model presented here has now been superceded with an updated version that supports not only block oriented devices, but also devices such as UARTs, PCI and USB buses and Multimedia cards. Documentation on the updated driver model as well as example drivers and source code can be found in the Device Driver Developer s Kit product now available for download from the TI Developer s Village.
标签: block-oriented application developing describes
上传时间: 2015-07-07
嵌入式系统开发 TOPPERS and JSP Kernel Release 1.3 TOPPERS = Toyohashi Open Platform for Embedded Real-Time Systems JSP = Just Standard Profile Kernel
标签: TOPPERS Toyohashi Embedded Platform
上传时间: 2013-12-26