基于B/S架构的汽车俱乐部管理系统的开发— 旅行服务的源代码,值得一看啊
上传时间: 2014-01-11
tms320f2812 GPIO 试验及FFT,FIR
上传时间: 2015-05-13
dm s preparing process. In this case we use O distance.
标签: preparing distance process case
上传时间: 2014-11-27
This a very simple Yee algorithm 3D FDTD code in C implementing the free space form of Maxwell s equations on a Cartesian grid. There are no internal materials or geometry. The code as delivered simulates an idealized rectangular waveguide by treating the interior of the mesh as free space/air and enforcing PEC (Perfect Electric Conductor) conditions on the faces of the mesh.
标签: implementing algorithm Maxwell simple
上传时间: 2015-05-14
he LPC932 can be used to create a Pulse Width Modulated PWM signal. That s an analog signal, with only 2 discrete levels, for example 0V and 5V and a constant period. The current value of this signal at a certain poiTnt of time is proportional to its Duty Cycle. That s the High Time during one period divided by the period. It can also be calculated as the average value during a particular period. That means after low pass filtering, (e.g. RC circuit) the signal becomes analog, with an actual value controlled by the microcontroller. The PWM functionality enables the LPC932 to control for example the speed of DC motors or the brightness of electric lighting.
标签: signal Modulated analog create
上传时间: 2015-05-14
上传时间: 2015-05-14
ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS The Military Power of the People’s Republic of China 2005
标签: CONGRESS Military Republic ANNUAL
上传时间: 2013-12-27
本系统是基于B/S结构的客户关系管理系统. 测试管理员和密码是super 用户名super 密码super 前台和后台是一次性同时登陆的 系统工能介绍: 客户管理---------- 添加客户 客户列表 分组 联系人列表 行动管理 ----------- 联系活动 日历 销售管理 ----------- 机会 销售 销售明细 产品管理 ----------- 产品 进货 进货明细 库存 库存调整 反馈管理 ----------- 服务反馈 费用管理----------- 费用 系统设置----------- 系统参数设置 客户分组管理说明 客户 大客户 重要客户 特殊客户 潜在用户 有潜力 一般 合作客户 垃圾客户
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Frank s MP3 Player Source Files
上传时间: 2013-12-26
上传时间: 2015-05-16