简单shell的设计和实现 1)、除了系统调用execve,不允许使用其他的exec函数。输入应当允许带多个参数(一行内可以表示),不考虑通配符 (即“*”、“?”等)的处理。 2)、输入错误命令能提示出错并进入下一轮接收命令状态。 3)、可以用Ctrl-C和Ctrl-\结束简单shell的运行。
上传时间: 2014-11-28
This a collection of sample processes that provide examples ranging from how to use a particular BPEL activity such as pick or scope, to more complex examples of processes that invoke external Web services or show techniques such as handling multiple start messages.
标签: collection particular processes examples
上传时间: 2013-12-26
KphoneSI (kpsi) is a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) user agent for Linux, with which you can initiate VoIP (Voice over IP) connections over the Internet, send Instant Messages, subscribe your friends presence information and start other applications of your choice
标签: Initiation KphoneSI Protocol Session
上传时间: 2015-09-13
About WepDecrypt: Wepdecrypt is a Wireless LAN Tool written in c which guesses WEP Keys based on a active dictionary attack, key generator, distributed network attack and some other methods, it s based on wepattack and GPL licensed. WepDecrypt highlights: - Implemented packet filters. - Only one crypted packet is enough to start cracking - Has its own key generator. - Can crack a dumpfile over a network. - Can act as a server and client. - Also works in windows. - Has an fltk gui.
标签: WepDecrypt Wepdecrypt Wireless guesses
上传时间: 2013-12-25
Tiger编译器,TigerBox v.01 =============================================== 本软件作者保留其著作权力,请保留原作者信息完整性 程序需要SWT库支持,该发行版本已经包含了win32版本的SWT运行库 运行方式:win32:点击exec.bat执行 程序已经带有我编写的Tiger编译器,所以所有功能均可使用 你也可以把自己的编译器用于该IDE 具体方法: 假设你曾经是通过 java MyTiger.Main xx.tig 运行程序的,那么在本程序目录etc下,打开conf文件,把"MyTiger.Main" 将原先的文字替换,不可有其他多余字符 MyTiger.Main就是你编译器main函数的所在类 CSK www.csksoft.net csk@live.com
上传时间: 2013-12-08
void Main(void) { sys_init() // Initial 44B0X s Interrupt,Port and UART wdtimer_test() // test start }
标签: void Interrupt sys_init Initial
上传时间: 2013-12-29
WINCE4.2下 三星2410硬件平台上的看门狗演示程序,开发工具为EVC4.0。点击主菜单中的"start"启动看门狗功能,点击"Feed"启动定时喂狗功能。若程序退出或未启动喂狗功能,系统会自动复位,以保证系统的正常工作。
上传时间: 2014-01-15
Welcome to the ASTA 3 Help Tutorials. These are documented tutorials that included new user jump start, to file sends to server techniques with non-database servers showing how to use Providers and ServerMethods. A Current version of these tutorials can always be found on line
标签: documented Tutorials tutorials included
上传时间: 2013-12-18
1. OS版本为2.76 2. 使用Timer0的比较匹配中断为系统定时,频率为100Hz 3. 三种临界代码保护方式均可以使用,在OS_CPU.h里直接设置即可 如果安装了WinAVR20050214,则直接运行start.bat,输入make all即可开始编译。 如果需要在AVRStudio仿真,运行make extcoff后即可生成调试所需的cof文件。
上传时间: 2014-01-11
内核启动进程,是使用文件过滤驱动开发的 Kernel exec proc
上传时间: 2014-01-16