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  • MeChat语音视频聊天会议系统 1.1 双击运行install.bat, 如果运行了run.bat ,一定要先关闭相应的窗口。 或 在命令行方式下键入install.bat. 如果提

    MeChat语音视频聊天会议系统 1.1 双击运行install.bat, 如果运行了run.bat ,一定要先关闭相应的窗口。 或 在命令行方式下键入install.bat. 如果提示成功安装信息说明安装成功。这时打开系统控制面板的“服务”管理器, 找到 MeChat 一项,单击"START"即可启动。

    标签: install bat MeChat 1.1

    上传时间: 2015-07-01


  • This application report introduces and describes an MP3 /AAC audio player for use with the TMS320C54

    This application report introduces and describes an MP3 /AAC audio player for use with the TMS320C54x(TM) digital signal processor (DSP) devices. This audio player is based on Reference Framework Level 3 (RF3). Reference Framework for eXpressDSP(TM) Software is a start-ware for developing applications that use DSP/BIOS(TM) and the TMS320(TM) DSP AlgorithmStandard.

    标签: application introduces describes report

    上传时间: 2014-05-25


  • Java+Tomcat+ZK Welcome to ZK, the simplest way to make Web applications rich. The Developer s Guid

    Java+Tomcat+ZK Welcome to ZK, the simplest way to make Web applications rich. The Developer s Guide describes the concepts and features of ZK. For installation, refer to the Quick Start Guide. For fully description of properties and methods of components, refer to the Developer s Reference.

    标签: applications Developer simplest Welcome

    上传时间: 2015-07-19


  • This model is just testing an idea of MIMO, which IEEE802.11n will have. But I havo not seen the s

    This model is just testing an idea of MIMO, which IEEE802.11n will have. But I havo not seen the standard, I tried to make it with 11a. Actually this model would not work in real world, because the preambles were not designed to solve the MIMO feature. But this model may be useful to get some idea to start to design a PHY with MIMO.

    标签: testing 802.11 model which

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • 1、源码包括图标、代码和建库脚本三部分 2、程序都在Delphi7.0和SQL Server 2000个人版下调试通过的

    1、源码包括图标、代码和建库脚本三部分 2、程序都在Delphi7.0和SQL Server 2000个人版下调试通过的,使用的操作系统是Microsoft Windows 2000(Professional),原则上,操作系统对程序没有影响,不过,作者没有在其他操作系统平台上调试这些程序。 3、数据库使用SQL Server的用户sa,密码为“$%*^@”。如果数据库sa用户密码不同,可以在SQL Server的查询分析器中输入以下SQL语句来修改密码:exec sp_password ‘旧密码’,’新密码’,也可以通过SQL Server企业管理器,展开【数据库】|【安全性】|【登录】节点,双击其中的sa项目,将密码设置为“$%*^@”。 4、默认文件为只读文件,而所有程序在重新编译时都必须重新创建这些文件,所以在重新编译之前必须将所有文件修改为可写。 5、该程序有配套教材《Delphi数据库开发经典案例解析》清华大学出版社

    标签: Delphi Server 2000 7.0

    上传时间: 2015-07-20


  • 请设计程序


    标签: 设计程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • 1、 了解系统调用fork()、execl()、exit()、getpid()和waitpid()的功能和实现过程 2、 编写一段程序实现以下功能: a) 使用系统调用fork()创建两个子进程

    1、 了解系统调用fork()、execl()、exit()、getpid()和waitpid()的功能和实现过程 2、 编写一段程序实现以下功能: a) 使用系统调用fork()创建两个子进程 b) 父进程重复显示字符串”parent:”,并使用函数getpid()显示自己的进程ID。 c) 两个子进程分别重复显示字符串”child:”,并使用函数getpid()显示自己的进程ID 3、 编写一段程序实现以下功能: a) 使用系统调用fork()创建一个子进程 b) 子进程显示自己的进程ID和字符串": The child is calling an exec.\n",然后通过execl()调用系统命令ps显示当前运行的进程情况,从而更换自己的执行代码,最后调用exit()结束。 c) 父进程显示自己的进程ID和字符串” ": The parent is waiting for child to exit.\n ",然后调用waitpid()等待子进程结束,并在子进程结束后显示”The parent exit.\n

    标签: fork waitpid getpid execl

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • 收SP下行消息 A. 启动MMSC侦听端口 在模拟器界面的右下角的"Liten Port"文本框中输入MMSC的侦听端口

    收SP下行消息 A. 启动MMSC侦听端口 在模拟器界面的右下角的"Liten Port"文本框中输入MMSC的侦听端口,这个值是为接收SP发出的下行消息提供服务的端口号,比如:"8080",按下"Start"按钮启动MMSC侦听服务。 B. 接收消息 接收的是从SP(API)发来的消息,处理后回一条响应消息。 2 模拟MMSC向SP发送上行消息 A. 选择模拟器左边界面的MessageType为“DeliverReq”; B. “Send To”文本框中输入SP的上行地址,例如http://; C. 在界面中选择输入其他需要的字段,然后点击“Send”按纽即可向SP上行地址发送上行消息。 3 模拟MMSC向SP发送递送报告消息 A. 选择模拟器左边界面的MessageType为“DeliverReportReq”; B. “Send To”文本框中输入SP的上行地址,例如http://; C. 在界面中选择输入其他需要的字段,然后点击“Send”按纽即可向SP上行地址发送递送报告消息。 4 模拟MMSC向SP发送阅读报告消息 A. 选择模拟器左边界面的MessageType为“ReadReportReq”; B. “Send To”文本框中输入SP的上行地址,例如http://; C. 在界面中选择输入其他需要的字段,然后点击“Send”按纽即可向SP上行地址发送阅读报告消息

    标签: A. MMSC Liten Port

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • Address book helps you look up your addresses from the system tray. It is quite useful in that way

    Address book helps you look up your addresses from the system tray. It is quite useful in that way 慶ause it stays out of the way and is easily accessible when needed. Double clicking on any URL will start the default web browser and take you to that URL. Double clicking on the phone number will dial that number. Every column supports sorting and can be customized to your needs. Preview will display the notes associated with each record. This program can also import Comma Separated Values (*csv) text files of Outlook Express.

    标签: addresses Address system useful

    上传时间: 2014-07-08


  • 英文版,pdf格式。 详细说明: Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Templa

    英文版,pdf格式。 详细说明: Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library (2nd Edition) URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0201379236/ ISBN: 0201379236 Author: David R. Musser / Gillmer J. Derge / Atul Saini / Gilmer J. Derge Publisher: Addison-Wesley Page: 560 Edition: 2nd edition (March 27, 2001) Catalog: C++ Format: PDF Size: 3.8M Supplier: December Summary: The Standard Template Library was created as the first library of genetic algorithms and data structures, with four ideas in mind: generic programming, abstractness without loss of efficiency, the Von Neumann computation model, and value semantics. This guide provides a tutorial, a description of each element of the library, and sample applications. The expanded second edition includes new code examples and demonstrations of the use of STL in real-world C++ software development it reflects changes made to STL for the final ANSI/ISO C++ language standard.

    标签: Programming Reference Standard Tutorial

    上传时间: 2015-09-02
