%WAVETEST Example Matlab script for WAVELET, using NINO3 SST dataset % % See "http://paos.colorado.edu/research/wavelets/" % Written January 1998 by C. Torrence % % Modified Oct 1999, changed Global Wavelet Spectrum (GWS) to be sideways, % changed all "log" to "log2", changed logarithmic axis on GWS to % a normal axis.
标签: WAVETEST colorado Example WAVELET
上传时间: 2014-01-06
design LP,HP,B S digital Butterworth and Chebyshev filter. All array has been specified internally,so user only need to input f1,f2,f3,f4,fs(in hz), alpha1,alpha2(in db) and iband (to specify the type of to design). This program output hk(z)=bk(z)/ak(z),k=1,2,..., ksection and the freq.
标签: Butterworth internally Chebyshev specified
上传时间: 2015-11-08
SAM9261 BasicMMU Example code with ADS1.2 (163 kB) The goal of this project is to show how to use a PC100 SDRAM and the MMU to perform a rating with a 100MHz Bus Clock. The rating is based on Dhrystone 2.1. It shows the rate when I+D Caches are disabled or enabled, with or without MMU and I Cache is disable or enabled, with or without MMU.
标签: BasicMMU Example project 9261
上传时间: 2013-12-28
Easy example RTCM DGPS and RTK Decoder for Linux.
标签: Decoder example Linux Easy
上传时间: 2015-11-15
These two classes show an extremely simple example of java.net socket programming. They implement the Unix daytime protocol, an extremely simple protocol that consists entirely of the server sending its current local time and date to the client as an ASCII string. The server, to keep it very simple, does not use multiple threads. This code requires JDK 1.1 or later, but can easily be adapted to JDK 1.0.
标签: programming extremely implement classes
上传时间: 2015-11-16
上传时间: 2014-01-22
this program tell you how to connect ps2 to a mcu(for example at89s51)
标签: program connect example this
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Ajax example javascript
标签: javascript example Ajax
上传时间: 2013-12-10
// 带有列主元的高斯消元法 // 功能: 求解线性方程组 Ax = b // 参数: A - 指向n*n系数矩阵的指针 // b - 常数向量的指针 // n - 方程组的维数 // 返回值:0 - 如果成功。线性方程组的解保存在 b 中 // 1 - 求解失败
上传时间: 2013-12-18
hhe example may be useflu
上传时间: 2014-01-22