SOStools is a toolbox dedicated for positive polynomial programming, especiAlly for Sums of Squares (S0S). A lot of chinese researchers have carried it out as a main tool in this area.
标签: programming especiAlly polynomial dedicated
上传时间: 2016-06-05
Effective STL in English version, a good material for studing C++, especiAlly STL
标签: especiAlly Effective STL material
上传时间: 2016-06-07
All the PDF file is about the data management in wireless sensor network, especiAlly the side of energy efficiency
标签: the especiAlly management wireless
上传时间: 2013-12-29
an quasi-newton method used in non-linear programming and especiAlly in optimization
标签: quasi-newton optimization programming especiAlly
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Game programmers, check out the only book on data structures written especiAlly for you! Described in layman s terms, this book will explain all of the essential data structures that are used in video game programming. It will also go over some of the more advanced and specialized data structures, too. Data Structures for Game Programmers is written in C++, and any special skills required to understand the book will be explained within it. The CD will include source code of the book, compiled demo s of the source, graphical demo code, plus tools such as Visual C++ 5, SDL, STLPort, Paint Shop Pro, and an SDL Primer by Ernest Pazera.
标签: programmers especiAlly structures Described
上传时间: 2013-12-25
Wi-Fi pollution, or an excessive number of access points in the area, especiAlly on the same or neighboring channel, can prevent access and interfere with the use of other access points by others, caused by overlapping channels in the 802.11g/b spectrum
标签: especiAlly pollution excessive the
上传时间: 2017-07-29
Microcontroler 80c51 very useful guide especiAlly for novice
标签: Microcontroler especiAlly useful novice
上传时间: 2017-08-29
microcontrolle 80c51 very useful guide especiAlly for those who are novice
标签: microcontrolle especiAlly useful novice
上传时间: 2017-08-29
With more and more multi-frequency clocks being used in today's chips, especiAlly in the communications field, it is often necessary to switch the source of a clock line while the chip is running.
上传时间: 2013-10-10
Calculation of the Differential Impedance of Tracks on FR4 substrates There is a discrepancy between calculated and measured values of impedance for differential transmission lineson FR4. This is especiAlly noticeable in the case of surface microstrip configurations. The anomaly is shown tobe due to the nature of the substrate material. This needs to be considered as a layered structure of epoxy resinand glass fibre. Calculations, using Boundary Element field methods, show that the distribution of the electricfield within this layered structure determines the apparent dielectric constant and therefore affects theimpedance. Thus FR4 cannot be considered to be uniform dielectric when calculating differential impedance.
上传时间: 2014-12-24