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  • 接收pop3 Public Function Retrieve(ByVal rhs As Pop3Message) As Pop3Message Dim message, response A

    接收pop3 Public Function Retrieve(ByVal rhs As Pop3Message) As Pop3Message Dim message, response As String Dim msg As New Pop3Message msg.bytes = rhs.bytes msg.number = rhs.number message = "RETR " + rhs.number.ToString + vbCrLf write(message) response = Respond() If response.Substring(0, 3) <> "+OK" Then Throw New Pop3Exception(response) End If MsgBox(msg) msg.retrieved = True While (1 = 1) response = Respond() If response = "." + vbCrLf Then Exit While Else msg.message += response End If End While Return msg End Function

    标签: Pop3Message Function Retrieve response

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • 汇编语言实现的简易登陆系统

    汇编语言实现的简易登陆系统, 1、用户登陆:用户通过输入已注册的用户名和密码登陆,输入正确显示功能界面,否则显示重输提示。 2、注 册 :在登陆输入用户名时,通过输入‘new’来注册新用户。当注册新用户名已经存在时,则 提示重新输入。 3、功能界面:修改当前登陆用户的密码,显示所有已注册用户的信息,退出程序。 4、数据保存:以文件形式保存在D:\users.dat,每个记录30个字节,每个记录包含两个字段,用户 名(20B)和密码(10B)。

    标签: 汇编语言

    上传时间: 2015-05-01


  • DELPHI basicCtrl+NUM 直接将光标跳到NUM处

    DELPHI basicCtrl+NUM 直接将光标跳到NUM处,NUM是用Ctrl+Shift+NUM设置的标号。 NUM不能用小键盘。 Ctrl+Home 将光标移至文件头。 Ctrl+End 将光标移至文件尾。 Ctrl+B Buffer List窗口。 Ctrl+I 同Tab键。 Ctrl+M 同Enter键。 Ctrl+N 同Enter键,但光标位置保持不变。 Ctrl+T 删除光标右边的一个单词。 Ctrl+Y 删除光标所在行。 Ctrl+Shift+↑ 光标在函数体内时,将光标快速移至当前函数声明处。 Ctrl+Shift+↓ 光标在函数声明行时,将光标快速移至函数定义处。 Ctrl+Shift+C 声明一个过程或函数后,直接生成过程或函数的名称、begin、end Ctrl+Shift+E 光标在Edit窗口和Explorer窗口间切换。 Ctrl+Shift+G 插入GUID。 Ctrl+Shift+J 弹出Delphi语句提示窗口,选择所需语句将自动完成一条语句。 Ctrl+Shift+T 在光标行加入To-Do注释。 Ctrl+Shift+Y 删除光标之后至本行末尾之间的文本。 Ctrl+F3 Call Stack窗口。 Ctrl+F4 等于File菜单中的Close项。

    标签: basicCtrl NUM DELPHI 光标

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • 21天学会用JAVA开发网络游戏 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 程序设计 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 287 KB 书籍等级: 整理时间: 2004-1

    21天学会用JAVA开发网络游戏 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 程序设计 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 287 KB 书籍等级: 整理时间: 2004-11-3 20:41:10 With all of the media attention that is focused on the Internet and the World Wide Web, figuring out exactly what they are all about is sometimes difficult. Are they just a neat new way to market products or will they truly offer us a new medium of communication that will someday surpass even televisions and telephones? The answer is, who knows? Unfortunately, the ultimate use for the Internet is still unknown. This is because it is still in such a state of flux that it s pretty much impossible to accurately predict where it will end up. However, you can look at the evidence of what is there now and gain some insight into what the Internet might become, at least in terms of games.

    标签: 书籍 JAVA 2004 287

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • This example program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroll

    This example program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroller: STMicroelectronics ST10F166 After configuring the A/D, the program reads the A/D result and outputs the converted value using the serial port. To run this program... Build the project (Project Menu, Build Target) Start the debugger (Debug Menu, Start/Stop Debug Session) View the Serial Window (View Menu, Serial Window #1) View the A/D converter peripheral (Peripheral Menu, A/D Converter) Run the program (Debug Menu, Go) A debug script (debug.ini) creates buttons that set different analog values in A/D channels. As the program runs, you will see the A/D input and output change. Other buttons create signals that generate sine wave or sawtooth patterns as analog inputs. µ Vision3 users may enable the built-in Logic Analyzer to view, measure and compare these input signals graphically.

    标签: microcontroll Converter configure following

    上传时间: 2014-12-01


  • 3GPP文件格式标准

    3GPP文件格式标准,英文版。 3rd Generation Partnership Project Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects Transparent end-to-end packet switched streaming service (PSS) 3GPP file format (3GP) (Release 6)

    标签: 3GPP 文件格式 标准

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • 通用寄存器的部分代码 LIBRARY IEEE USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL ENTITY traffic IS PORT(clk,sm,sb:IN bit

    通用寄存器的部分代码 LIBRARY IEEE USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL ENTITY traffic IS PORT(clk,sm,sb:IN bit mr,my,mg,br,by,bg:OUT bit ) END traffic

    标签: IEEE STD_LOGIC LIBRARY traffic

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • ARM下 Implement matrix multiplication of 2 square matrices, with data read from an input file and pri

    ARM下 Implement matrix multiplication of 2 square matrices, with data read from an input file and printed both to the console and to an output file. • Assume a file with correct data (no garbage, characters, etc.). • you must check and provide appropriate execution for 2 extra cases, namely when the matrix size given is either “0” , or when the size is greater than the maximum handled of “5” . In these 2 cases you must implement the following behaviour: o If size = 0, then print a message “Size = 0 is unacceptable” and continue by reading the next size for the next 2 matrices (if not end of file). o If size >5, then print two messages: “Size is too big - unacceptable”. Then read and discard the next (size2 ) integers and continue by reading the next size for the next 2 matrices (if not end of file).

    标签: multiplication Implement matrices matrix

    上传时间: 2014-08-30


  • unit Other interface Uses Windows,tlhelp32,PsAPI type PStrData = ^TStrData TStrData

    unit Other interface Uses Windows,tlhelp32,PsAPI type PStrData = ^TStrData TStrData = record Ident: Integer Str: string end TUseInfo=record QQ, Mail, Page:string DL:boolean end TSendMailInfo=record IPAddress, FAddress, FName, FPW, FCName, FCPW:string //发信邮箱检证用户密码 end { FloatToText, FloatToTextFmt, TextToFloat, and FloatToDecimal type codes }

    标签: TStrData interface PStrData Windows

    上传时间: 2014-12-22


  • Welcome to MS4W, the no fuss installer for setting up MapServer on Microsoft Windows platforms. The

    Welcome to MS4W, the no fuss installer for setting up MapServer on Microsoft Windows platforms. The purpose of this package is to allow all levels of MapServer users to quickly install a working environment for MapServer development on Windows. It is also an environment for packaging and distributing MapServer applications.

    标签: MapServer Microsoft installer platforms

    上传时间: 2015-05-31
