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  • Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library (2nd Edi

    Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library (2nd Edition) Author: David R. Musser / Gillmer J. Derge / Atul Saini / Gilmer J. Derge Publisher: Addison-Wesley Page: 560 Edition: 2nd edition (March 27, 2001) Format: PDF Summary: The Standard Template Library was created as the first library of genetic algorithms and data structures, with four ideas in mind: generic programming, abstractness without loss of efficiency, the Von Neumann computation model, and value semantics. This guide provides a tutorial, a description of each elEMent of the library, and sample applications. The expanded second edition includes new code examples and demonstrations of the use of STL in real-world C++ software development it reflects changes made to STL for the final ANSI/ISO C++ language standard.

    标签: Programming Reference Standard Template

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • 本手册是 Rainer s DHTML Library 产品的一部分。   本手册针对的是已有一定网页设计制作经验的读者。其目的是提供完整清晰的样式表内容的快速索引及进阶帮助。所以对于网页制作和

    本手册是 Rainer s DHTML Library 产品的一部分。   本手册针对的是已有一定网页设计制作经验的读者。其目的是提供完整清晰的样式表内容的快速索引及进阶帮助。所以对于网页制作和样式表的基础知识,仅简单介绍,恕不赘述。   手册提供了完整的 CSS2.0 的属性(Properties)、规则(At-Rules)、伪类(Pseudo-Classes)、伪元素(Pseudo-elEMents)、声明(Declarations)、单位(Units)、选择符(Selectors)的介绍。其内容涵括了 W3C 的 CSS2.0 标准,以及 Internet Explorer 和 Netscape 各自的私有内容。出于种种众所周知的原因考虑,本手册以浏览器的事实标准—— Internet Explorer 为主。   手册中为几乎所有的已被支持的属性、伪类、单位等,除了基本的语法示范外,都度身制作了可以对照源代码即时察看运行演示的实例。   本手册的升级信息与版权声明请参阅关于本书页面。   限于篇幅,对于一些过于繁杂的相关内容,如动态样式属性(Dynamic Properties),滤镜(Filters),行为(Behaviors)请参阅我的其它相关著作。   本书中涉及到的所有HTML对象(Object,elEMent),HTML属性(Attributes)和特性(Properties)请参阅我的相关著作。

    标签: Library Rainer DHTML

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • encode.v The encoder syndrome.v Syndrome generator in decoder berlekamp.v Berlekamp algorithm in

    encode.v The encoder syndrome.v Syndrome generator in decoder berlekamp.v Berlekamp algorithm in decoder chien-search.v Chien search and Forney algorithm in decoder decode.v The top module of the decoder inverse.v Computes multiplication inverse of an Galois field elEMent test-bench.v The test fixture, and some brief notes on using the modules. data-rom.v A simple data source for testing run For those intelligence-challenged who can t run verilog LGPL The license

    标签: Berlekamp berlekamp algorithm generator

    上传时间: 2014-02-16


  • 关于FPGA流水线设计的论文 This work investigates the use of very deep pipelines for implementing circuits in

    关于FPGA流水线设计的论文 This work investigates the use of very deep pipelines for implementing circuits in FPGAs, where each pipeline stage is limited to a single FPGA logic elEMent (LE). The architecture and VHDL design of a parameterized integer array multiplier is presented and also an IEEE 754 compliant 32-bit floating-point multiplier. We show how to write VHDL cells that implement such approach, and how the array multiplier architecture was adapted. Synthesis and simulation were performed for Altera Apex20KE devices, although the VHDL code should be portable to other devices. For this family, a 16 bit integer multiplier achieves a frequency of 266MHz, while the floating point unit reaches 235MHz, performing 235 MFLOPS in an FPGA. Additional cells are inserted to synchronize data, what imposes significant area penalties. This and other considerations to apply the technique in real designs are also addressed.

    标签: investigates implementing pipelines circuits

    上传时间: 2015-07-26


  • This section contains a brief introduction to the C language. It is intended as a tutorial on the la

    This section contains a brief introduction to the C language. It is intended as a tutorial on the language, and aims at getting a reader new to C started as quickly as possible. It is certainly not intended as a substitute for any of the numerous textbooks on C. 2. write a recursive function FIB (n) to find out the nth elEMent in theFibanocci sequence number which is 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,…3. write the prefix and postfix form of the following infix expressiona + b – c / d + e * f – g * h / i ^ j4. write a function to count the number of nodes in a binary tr

    标签: introduction the contains intended

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • 英文版,pdf格式。 详细说明: Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Templa

    英文版,pdf格式。 详细说明: Title: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library (2nd Edition) URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0201379236/ ISBN: 0201379236 Author: David R. Musser / Gillmer J. Derge / Atul Saini / Gilmer J. Derge Publisher: Addison-Wesley Page: 560 Edition: 2nd edition (March 27, 2001) Catalog: C++ Format: PDF Size: 3.8M Supplier: December Summary: The Standard Template Library was created as the first library of genetic algorithms and data structures, with four ideas in mind: generic programming, abstractness without loss of efficiency, the Von Neumann computation model, and value semantics. This guide provides a tutorial, a description of each elEMent of the library, and sample applications. The expanded second edition includes new code examples and demonstrations of the use of STL in real-world C++ software development it reflects changes made to STL for the final ANSI/ISO C++ language standard.

    标签: Programming Reference Standard Tutorial

    上传时间: 2015-09-02


  • Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword length (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols.

    Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword length (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents 5 bit. Uses GF(2^5) with primitive polynomial p(x) = X^5 X^2 + 1 Generator polynomial, g(x) = a^15 a^21*X + a^6*X^2 + a^15*X^3 + a^25*X^4 + a^17*X^5 + a^18*X^6 + a^30*X^7 + a^20*X^8 + a^23*X^9 + a^27*X^10 + a^24*X^11 + X^12. Note: a = alpha, primitive elEMent in GF(2^5) and a^i is root of g(x) for i = 19, 20, ..., 30. Uses Verilog description with synthesizable RTL modelling. Consists of 5 main blocks: SC (Syndrome Computation), KES (Key Equation Solver), CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator), Controller and FIFO Register.

    标签: symbols length Hard-decision Codeword

    上传时间: 2014-07-08


  • Distributed Median,Alice has an array A, and Bob has an array B. All elEMents in A and B are distinc

    Distributed Median,Alice has an array A, and Bob has an array B. All elEMents in A and B are distinct. Alice and Bob are interested in finding the median elEMent of their combined arrays.

    标签: array B. Distributed has

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • 本手册针对的是已有一定网页设计制作经验的读者。其目的是提供最新最全的样式表内容的快速索引及注释。所以对于样式表的基础知识

    本手册针对的是已有一定网页设计制作经验的读者。其目的是提供最新最全的样式表内容的快速索引及注释。所以对于样式表的基础知识,在此仅简单介绍,恕不赘述。 本手册的升级信息与版权声明请参阅关于本书页面。本手册中专用词汇请参阅中英文词汇对照表。 限于篇幅,对于一些过于繁杂的相关内容,如动态样式属性(Dynamic Properties),滤镜(Filters),行为(Behaviors)请参阅我的其它相关著作。 本书中涉及到的所有HTML对象(Object,elEMent),HTML特性(Attributes)和属性(Properties)请参阅我的相关著作。

    标签: 样式表 基础知识 网页设计

    上传时间: 2015-11-19


  • We have a group of N items (represented by integers from 1 to N), and we know that there is some tot

    We have a group of N items (represented by integers from 1 to N), and we know that there is some total order defined for these items. You may assume that no two elEMents will be equal (for all a, b: a<b or b<a). However, it is expensive to compare two items. Your task is to make a number of comparisons, and then output the sorted order. The cost of determining if a < b is given by the bth integer of elEMent a of costs (space delimited), which is the same as the ath integer of elEMent b. Naturally, you will be judged on the total cost of the comparisons you make before outputting the sorted order. If your order is incorrect, you will receive a 0. Otherwise, your score will be opt/cost, where opt is the best cost anyone has achieved and cost is the total cost of the comparisons you make (so your score for a test case will be between 0 and 1). Your score for the problem will simply be the sum of your scores for the individual test cases.

    标签: represented integers group items

    上传时间: 2016-01-17
